Does it ever pound  in your head in the mornings? Do you ever feel bad taste in your mouth?

There is reason to suspect that you have been hit by the diesel man.

He lurks in hotels (particularly in those with a nightclub).  He may also hit  onboard of Finland-Sweden car ferries. He creeps into tourists' hotel rooms and cabins at night - obviously  by his own keys, since no signs of burglary are ever found on the door.

The diesel man takes act unexpectedly on his victim while he/she is asleep. He slugs his/her head with some blunt object  which   - strangely enough - does not cause any bruises or other external injuries. Instead a considerable strict pounding headache will  occur as a consequence in the morning while the victim wakes up.

Then the diesel man will take his victim's money and stuff into his/her pockets and purse odd receipts instead.

Finally, the diesel man pours into the victim's mouth diesel fuel,  the taste of which in the mouth will reveal that one has been hit by the diesel man last night.


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