Allopurinol? For what? Hair transplantation today. Menopause-when? Weight loss drugs. Explore health advises and choose right way..

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Allopurinol? For what?

uses of Allopurinol

Allopurinol is an enzyme blocker that lowers high levels of uric acid in your body by decreasing amount produced. It is used to treat gout and certain types of kidney stones. Allopurinol is also used to prevent high uric acid levels in patients who receive cancer chemotherapy. Cancer cells that are destroyed with therapy release large amounts of uric acid into bloodstream.

how to use of Allopurinol

Take Allopurinol by mouth usually once daily after a meal to ...

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Hair transplantation today

Hair transplantation today

Another important cause of falling hair is stress, such as worry, anxiety and sudden shock. Stress leads to a severe tension in the skin of the scalp. This adversely affects the supply of essential nutrition required for the healthy growth of hair.

Silicon bags are inserted beneath an area of hairy scalp and gradually inflated with saline water over a six-week period. This causes the hair-bearing skin to stretch, thus increasing the amount of hair-bearing scalp. After removing the bags, expanded hair bearing skin is lifted and moved to an adjacent bald area where a similar sized patch of scalp has been excised.

The most familiar hair loss pattern is where the hair begins to recede in the hairline and the crown at roughly the same time. The hair in the mid-scalp or anterior scalp is often the last to go. But go it will, eventually leaving a man with the horseshoe of hair that is the telltale sign of typical male pattern baldness.

Minoxidil (Rogaine). This over-the-counter medication is approved for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata. Minoxidil is a liquid that you rub into your scalp twice daily to regrow hair and to prevent further loss. Some people experience some hair regrowth or a slower rate of hair loss or both. Minoxidil is available in a 2 percent solution and in a 5 percent solution.

Androgenic alopecia develops when the hair follicle (the place under the skin where hair grows from) experiences a reduction in size, as well as a time reduction in the active growth phase. this translates into a simple fact: more and more of the hair follicles will spend time in the resting state where hair is shed once the state is completed. Fortunately, androgenic alopecia does not develop in all hair follicles at the same time. This is why some part of the scalp seems to be losing more hair than the other.

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Some women don't have any symptoms during menopause or only have a few symptoms. Others develop disturbing and even severe, disabling symptoms. Studies of women around the world suggest that differences in lifestyle, diet and activity may play a role in the severity and type of symptoms women have during menopause. Symptoms can be noticed for several months to years before the last menstrual period and can continue for several years after.

As estrogen levels drop and remain low during menopause, the risk of developing osteoporosis increases. The risk is greatest for slender, white or light-skinned women. You can help prevent osteoporosis by getting enough vitamin D through sunlight or a daily multivitamin, eating a diet rich in calcium and performing regular exercise. Women should start taking these actions well before menopause begins. This is because women begin to lose bone mass as early as age 30 but fractures resulting from osteoporosis don't occur until 10 to 15 years after menopause.

Menstrual cycling in women results from a complex interplay of reproductive hormones that surge and ebb at various points during the course of an approximately lunar month (28 days).

If you have menstrual problems, you may be able to alleviate them with diet. Scientists have long known that food can influence the female hormone estrogen, affecting menstruation, and that carbohydrates are strongly linked to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Now research reveals surprising new clues about how certain foods and nutrients, including calcium, manganese, and especially dietary fat and cholesterol, may influence menstruation.

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Weight loss drugs

Weight loss drugs

Obesity is defined as having an abnormal increase of body fat which is also called adipose tissue mass. An obese person is 20 percent or more above desirable weight. In the last decade obesity has been on the rise in both women and men.

To achieve lasting weight loss, commitment must be given to making real changes in eating patterns. Individuals are who not committed will gain back their weight.

Binge eating can be triggered by many things such as stress, depression, loneliness or anger. Food is used as a way of dealing with issues other than hunger.

Several appetite suppressant medications are available to treat obesity. In general, these medications are effective, leading to an average weight loss of five to twenty-two lbs. above that expected with non-drug obesity treatments.

Obesity often is viewed as the result of a lack of willpower, weakness, or a lifestyle "choice" - the choice to overeat and under exercise. The belief that persons choose to be obese adds to the hesitation of health professionals and patients to accept the use of long-term appetite suppressant medication treatment to manage obesity.

Studies show that a 20 percent increase in body weight increases the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

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