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Beatniksalad: Ryan's web page

This site hosts some articles I wrote for Grip Magazine when I was a student.

MCR Marks photo blog // My myspace space // Beatniksalad Abroad // Photos on Flickr


Where is Ryan?
My email adress is beatniksalad[at]yahoo.co.uk

You'll probably find me there, or wandering around Manchester taking photographs of lamp posts

Beatnik Salad (Serves 3):
Ingredients: 1 sun dried Howl; Half a Kaddish; 4 oz young kids with thick lips and black skin carrying paper bags meaninglessly; 2 peeled desolation angels; 3 daisies (pulled); junk seasoning.
Directions: Place all the ingredients in a large Burroughs Adding Machine, shake gently, leave for 40 years and then garnish with overdue respect and unnecessary hype. Salt to taste.

Media: Znet, UK Indymedia 
Friends: Arty P, John B: Stalinism, Lee-Jon
Magazine: Urban75
Action: Networking Newsletter, Stop The War
