Advantages and Benefits of man to man friendships. 1.True Loyalty. 2. Non-judgmental. 3. Straightforward. details: scroll down page -- History and Nature of Man Friendships

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"The one area in modern man friendships where we still see strong emotional bonds is in the military. One of the reoccurring themes  in stories about a man’s military life, are the friendships that they established while in the service. Working in largely all-male teams, in life and death situations, creates intense bonds and a true brotherhood. Soldiers will never leave a man behind, and are willing to die, to protect their comrades. It seems that the overt machismo of the military allows these strong bonds to exist, without the fear of homophobia getting in the way. Here’s a touching image of a man friendship among soldiers:

Military friendship
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Studies reveal that men who have several close friends are generally happier and live longer, than men who don’t.
Admirable qualities of friendship between dudes:

True Loyalty. A lot of my female friends will complain about one or more of their boyfriend’s or husband’s friends. The disliked friend will usually be a guy the husband/boyfriend has known since high school or even longer. The woman will be baffled as to why her husband or boyfriend is still friends with this character, when on the surface they no longer have much in common. These women miss the nature of man friendships; it’s all about loyalty.
Non-judgmental. Dudes really aren’t very sensitive or critical of each other. Several times at the gym I have seen a really fit guy helping his fat friend get in shape. But I’ve never seen this dynamic among women. A guy can say, “Hey man, do you need help with that? Let’s work on it together,” without the man getting offended and saying something like, “What? You think I’m fat? I can’t believe you think I’m fat!”
Straightforward. When a guy is bothered by something that his friend is doing, he simply tells his friend, they discuss it, sometimes heatedly, etc.
from • History and Nature of Man Friendships -
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Steinbeck quote

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