
Sleeping through the Night
by Katherine Dettwyler, PhD

The Family Bed
An evolutionary approach to family sleep
by Katie Allison Granju

La Leche League International and Co-sleeping Expert Find Study To Be Inaccurate

Rethinking "Healthy" Infant Sleep
by James J. McKenna, Ph.D.

Is sleeping with my baby safe? Can it reduce the risk of SIDS?
by James J. McKenna, Ph.D.

Babies Need Their Mothers Beside Them
by James J. McKenna, Ph.D.

Harvard Researchers Say Children Need Touching and Attention
by Alvin Powell, Contributing Writer, Harvard Gazette

In Defense of the Family Bed
by David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D

Go Ahead: The urge is natural. Surrender to it.
by Robert Wright

Recommended Reading:

Nighttime Parenting

Nighttime Parenting: How to Get Your Baby and Child to Sleep, by Dr. William Sears, M.D.

Recently, researchers discovered that parents could prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS by laying babies on their sides or backs rather than on their tummies. What other facts should parents know about ensuring a child has a healthy night's sleep? Dr. William Sears provides a wealth of advice for moms and dads about establishing routines, avoiding or consuming certain foods and preventing bedtime tantrums in Nighttime Parenting.

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