Learning: One Pleasure of Life

I love to create webpages, and this is my "homework page." Whenever I can find the time, I just love to learn more, especially if it involves graphics, coding or even something which I have never done before that might be challenging.

So far, my biggest challenge is trying to get my Blender projects to look more photographic like some of the fantastic artists have done here. I just can't get past the amateur stages of this program! Perhaps I shall never understand it well enough to put my Blender-homework on a website.

I don't know if I'll put ALL of my old webpage homework back online, like my PSP graphic homework, (which, believe it or not, I saved to a floppy! Yep, I still got a old computer that can read them!) Anyway, since I'm renewing my education on website coding and design, I thought updating my old files would be excellent practice and I just have to add any new stuff that I am learning now. So here goes...

glass of wine
HTML Beginners -- (with taste of CSS, Javascript and XHTML)

HTML "Advanced" -- (Stuff which I will probably never use)

CSS -- (including CSS3, which is not fully adopted yet)

Javascript -- (under construction, maybe I'll finish this in the spring)
Javascript Goodies -- (under construction, working on this now)

Index -- Looking for something specific?
... and with this glass of wine... aaaahhhh... the life of a retiree, huh?