Periodical Exam

1 . The 3 Major Examination(Prelim, Midterm, Final) are held throughout each regular semester on designated schedules set or prescribed with the school. This designated schedules of Prelim, Midterm  and Final examinations are announced and posted on appropriate bulletin boards.

2. The 3 Major Examination(Prelim, Midterm, Final) are, as a rule, required or compulsory for all students. No other requirement or activity in lieu of said major examination shall be allowed exit and special cases  as determined and /or approved by the Department Dean concerned.

3. All student are strickly required , without any exemption whats soever , to secure an examination permet from the cashier and present the same to the teachers or authorize proctor prior to the taking of major examination.

4. As a policy no student shall be allowed to take  any major examination without an examination permit.

5. The students should see to it that the teachers or authorize proctors signature is affixed on the examinations permet as proof that the student has taken the examination.


  1. Only students with valid excuse shall be allowed to take a special examination within  10days after the  final  examination.
  2. The following circumstances constitute a valid excuse for taking special examination.

Example Sickness or accident that requires medical attention.
Death of an immediate family and other circumstances that maybe beyond the control of the student and verified or found meritorious by the Dean of Student Welfare.

3. A student who takes the special examination must present his/her examination permit.