Momo~~~~~~~~~~~~This is our diary!!!

1st month (3-4)

10/3 (Sunday)
Today is our 1st anniversary, one year already....time passes so fast,
although today is our anniversary, we only went to North Point to sing buffet K,
coz it is already very close to 15/3, our valentine's day la!!!!
But we also ho happy ar....coz celebrate together ar ma!!!!!
Momo, I want you to celebrate as much anniversary with me as possible ar~~~~~~~~
Will you????

15/3 (Friday)
Today we went to the Ocean Park to celebrate our belated Valentine's Day,
Very happy!!! We played all the machines and all other games,
Did you also enjoy yourself??????
I really love you very very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah Momo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

22/3 (Friday)
Today is the day I have my oral exam, although I dun think it is difficult,
I am still very nervous about it. I asked Momo to come in the afternoon,
and he came and prepared the dinner for me, ho happy ar,
right after the exam, came home and can have yummy dinner, so sweet~~~
Thank you ar Momo, you gave me another wonderful night!!!!
I love you very much!!!^3^ <====I got lipstick on, hehehe~~

23/3 (Saturday)
Today we went to ching hip to study, in the break ar, a child ha me ar,
he wanna get the computer from me with very bad manners,
but I didn't care about him, I just continue playing, and you scare me will angry,
and help me deal with him......
you promised you will protect me!!! Remember~~~~~~
Today you protected me, me ho happy ar~~~~~I love you momo!!^3^

24/3 (Sunday)
Last night we argue again lu, but this time we argue was the most unhappy
argument we had (at least to me),
I thought you would only scold me coz I lost my temper,
but I have already tried my best to control my temper last night,
dunno y you still scold me and lost your temper.
You promised me you won't be like this, but I know you cannot keep your promise.
Forget it la, I just wanna tell you what I think~~~~~
But you know????I still love you very much, that's why I tum you back last night.
You dun unhappy la~~~~ ^3^

28/3 (Thursday)
'���p�����!' <===you promised me you will never say this to me...
if you dun wanna keep the promise, just simply tell me you cant,
you only care about your feeling, how about me? I dun have any feeling at all??
I was so unhappy coz i cant come to see you and give you a surprise,
what I get back is some hard words, whatz wrong of my want to give you a surprise?
I want you to call me later, but y you want me to wait for an hour?
You know I need you to be here with me, you dun think an hour is long
doesnt mean I dun think so too.
Itz not the first time I m angry with you and you call me so late,
I can even count how many times you call me first after I m unhappy!
I really have get used to it, thatz y last nite I didnt try to hang the phone on,
You just dun understand how angry I am.
Whatever I say seems useless to convince you,
you will still wait so long before calling me.....
Me already ho sum tam, maybe you will tell me you also do,
but I just want you to understand me, is that really difficult for you????
Break up~~you think itz great then break up!!

30/3 (Saturday)
Last night ho scary ar.... thunder storm.....
I dunno wat will I be if you were not staying here with me,
Thank you so much ar momo, I was really happy~~!!^3^
Today you gotta move the computer wor, must be ho tired, I ^3^ you back ar,
ho ng ho ar????? I give you more power la, ok???
Kiss you like those bees kissing the flowers below....hoohohohohoho
^333333333^ <====many many colours lipsticks...hehe~~^o^beautiful???

6/4 (Saturday)
Today I m really ho happy, my mom went back to China and I thought I would
have to stay at home alone at nite, but momo promised me to come n cook dinner for me, I was already ho happy...but then, his mom call him n he said he can stay overnite with me... ~~~~~~~~you cant imagine how happy I was ar momo~~~~~~
Itz unbelivable!!!!!wow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I love you~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^333333333333333333333333^

2nd month (4-5)

10/4 (Wednesday)
Momo~~~~~~~~~~~~please forgive me that I've forgotten today is out big day!!
I have just remembered that exam exam and troublesome....
and you didn't remind me before hand ar ma, my brain got many things to remember,
many many you in my brain that I even forgot our big day....
I really worry about my exams, I mean the Chinese one, coz I didn't do well,
but I won't think of it anymore la, dun wanna be unhappy n make you worry.
Momo.....we have been together for how long?????1 year and 1 month already la,
I m so happy and I know you are also happy like me, right????
You dun worry about the exam, everything will be fine, ok???
You have to be a good pig ga ma~~~~coz I love you~~~~(infinitive)
^3^<=====1 year and 1 month anniversary BIG kiss~~~~~

23/4 (Tuesday)
Momo, today is your bday wor, HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!
Sorry ar, I didn't have time to post any new things here, coz you ask me to study ^.^
Today I had my Geog exam and you came n pick me up,
then we went to TST to sing buffet k, sorry for didn't buy you a present yet,
but I really dunno wat to buy, coz dunno wat you really want ar ma,
coz you seems dun have anything specially like, I really dunno wat to buy,
didn't you see my head going bigger n bigger leh, coz think till me head doo big ar ma,
anywayz, I am very happy today...dunno why, I am so happy on ya bday,
HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!
I got all my best wishes for you~~~~!!!!!!

2/5 (Thursday)
Finally finish exam la, ho happy, momo now let me play lu....hehe
but too bad la, today I can't wait for momo to pick me up,
am I so naughty?????Cherrrr, I wanna see you as soon as possible ar ma,
me walk very fast ga....^o^

3,4/5 (Friday, Saturday)
Ho moon ar these two days, always play mahjong,
we planned to do some exercise ga ma,
all didn't work out, so bad.....You promised me to play badminton on Monday ga,
dun forget, or I will be very angry ga, ok?????
But doesn't matter la, no matter what we are going to do leh,
with you is the best ga la, do mud doo mo soh wai, hehehehe....
Momo, you are having more and more marks in my heart la!!!!
How about me?????? Tell me next time...
^3^<====little kiss for you this time..hoho~~

3rd month (5-6)

10/5 (Friday)
Last night I was really ho unhappy, I didn't think you will forget our day,
when I ask you whether I can see you today, you said I can't,
I thought you might have remember it when I ask you more times,
but you still say we can't meet,
you even tell me off and lost your temper, did you know how upset I was??

11/5 (Saturday)
Today is much much better la,
you knew what I meant to be yesterday, and we are back in good communication,
and I am really happy today,
coz you said just one phrase which made me up in the sky,
remember wat you said??????? You said "�ڳ��n���˱o�A�r...."
Did you know how happy and surprise I was????
I just can't control myself, you didn't say that to me for years la,
and at home I asked you to tell me all the things you think about,
and you told me many things ar, it was really ho touching ar,
you know I thought you just dun love me anymore for many times,
but after you told me those things,
I know wat you think about and I was much relaxed!!
Momo, I really ho love you, remember dun leave me alone ar~~~!!!!

15/5 (Wednesday)
This is the day I asked your friends to come and celebrate your bday,
although you are not surprise at all,
I just want you to be happy,
coz you told me you never celebrate your bday with your friends,
especially when all of you need to take your exams,
datz why I still try to hold a little party for you after so many days.
Although we lose some money la, maybe you found today a bit boring tim,
I still think you will like it geh,
but if you really dun like it leh, remember to tell me ar,
let me keep this in mind, ok???
At last leh, let me give you a belated bday kiss sin.....


17/5 (Friday)
Today is the day we have our Chinese oral exam ar,
I really dun wanna go, but I know I have to la,
momo, thank you for encouraging me ar,
I got better and give myself more confident~
Momo, do you know you ho cute ar today?????So funny ar!!
You are really the "�o�N���"~~~~~So do I!!!!!!!!! Hohohohohohohoh

19/5 (Sunday)
Momo, I was not so happy today at first, coz dunno why,
you suddenly say you dun like my brother......
I am sorry dat he say you are ma fan la when you call,
but I believe he was really joking, remember dun put dat in your heart ar!!
But after that I am much better la,
dunno why these days me doo not so happy, maybe coz of the weather la..
No matter wat happen, you have to love me and also my whole family ar,
you can dislike those I dun like, but not those I really love~~
OKie???? I think you can do so, coz you are my momo are ma~~~~!!!!
Momo, dun be unhappy anymore la, I love you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kiss you back~~~~~~ ^333333333^

24/5 (Friday)
Momo, no need to worry lu, auntie finally comes...hehehehe

9/6 (Sunday)
Sorry ar momo, long time didn't update this homepage,
seems I have forgotten you, but this is just an illusion.
Momo, you know I always miss you and I need you.
Tomolo is again our monthly anniversary la, 1 year and 3 months!!
We are so ging~~~~~Didn't realize we have been together for such a long time!!
My brotherz son is back in Hong Kong lu, you can have a chance to cc him,
I think you will like him, coz he is really cute and clever.
No matter what you think, I love you!!!!!!!!!
You are my sun, my moon, my stars, and my soul!!!<===ho leung ar~~~~
hehehehehhe, hope you think so too~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

4th month (6-7)

19/6 (Wednesday)
Sorry again ar momo, I really long time didn't update this homepage,
will you angry at me ar????? hehe, I know you won't geh.
Momo, how are you ar??You are you are not feeling well today wor,
I kiss you back ho mo???? ^33333333333^
Today I know your mom said something no good to you,
don't be angry la, maybe she dunno you have been finding job very sun fu ly,
hehehe, dun unhappy la, she will know later, I will support you ga ma!!
ok????? Wish you 1 year and 4 months happy back la!!~~~
Belated wishing also good la, have heart ar ma~~~~
I love you ar~~dun unhappy la~!!!!!

24/6 (Monday)
Sorry ar Momo, actually I decided to bring you to eat steak,
the one near your home leh, when I take my salary,
but sorry ar, I can't now, coz I have only $500 salary ja, sorry ar,
will you angry???? Maybe wait until you take your salary sin la,
I think you will be much happier, right????
hehehehe!! I am always by your side~~~~Love you

30/6 (Sunday)
Today I love you very very much ar~~~~~~You are wonderful!!!
Today when we argue, I didn't know you would really come and hug me,
I can't control myself and just cry and cry.
The feeling is really so good, you just come and hug me and say sorry...
Ho touching, I will never forget it.
Momo, you are excellent and wonderful today~~~~~~~~~
I love you~~~!!!!!!!!!!^33333 ^

5th month (7-8)

10/7 (Wednesday)
Sorry ar momo, I forgot today is our day, and I didn't update for a long time,
didn't remember today ar, so I didn't think of where to go lor,
and I have to go to tutorial wor, sorry ar~~

14/7 (Sunday)
Last nite I played overnite mahjong, today ho tired ar,
and I missed you so much, but can't see you today, so unhappy~~
We had little unhappy things this afternoon, I am still unhappy ar,
dunno why I am like this today, in a really down mood,
maybe I am too tired la, I need your care and happiness to me ar,
but you are also unhappy, dunno what to do now...

6th month (8-9)

17/8 (Saturday)
Momo, this time really a long long time didnt write here la...
did you still come often???Sorry for disappointing you la,
everytime you come doo didnt update. But this time will you be happy sin??
Momo ar, I m too lazy to write here ar, todayz already the 17th ar,
b4 i will come just on the day of 10th, will you get angry??
I kw you wont geh, but if you are unhappy leh, i kiss you back la, ok??
Today you go play mahjong ar, hope you win all da money and can buy me many many things,
hehehehe~~ Am I too greedy?? I kw i m not geh, even if i m ar,
you will also try your best to satisfy me, right???
Y do i kw??? coz i m thinking about the same thing ar ma!
You kw i was thinking of buying you something if i have money, you guess wat dat is?
difficult to guess ga~~but i still dun have much money, you gotta wait la!!!
ho la, you win more more more~~~
I love you~~~~~~~~

18/8 (Sunday)
Today is a boring day, I stayed at home the whole day and wait for your call,
I know you are busy and I didnt get angry about this, i know you miss me.
momo, so surprised you send me dat email, i didnt expect this,
thank you ar~~ho happy when receive it and i really cried!
sorry for making you upset all the time, but i was really unhappy when
you say you think you did many wrong things after being with me,
i thought i did give you many uncomfortable times, sorry~
i think i dun reply you an email la, coz i can say when i wanna say here,
and the email cannot last long, so....if you want me to reply, just tell me.
i will try not to demand for so many things, but i really want you to
understand me more, maybe when you dun understand you ask me la,
i try my best to tell you and keep my temper down, ok???
anywayz, i love you very much~~~hope you do also!
thank you momo for giving me many wonderful times, i love you~~~

23/8 (Friday)
Momo, sorry ar, today i gone crazy...suddenly wanna cry when playing the game,
sorry for making you so upset, i didnt mean it, and i didnt do it on purpose,
sorry ar~~~i kiss you back la, ^3333333333333333333^
next time i think i wont la, i will try my very best to control it
ok??? gum you forgive me la honey~~

7th month (9-10)

27/9 (Friday)
Momo, this time really long time didnt write her la,
even on our big day i didnt put a word here, coz i didnt bring the copy into my hall,
will you angry??? i kw you wont ga la, coz you love me so much ar ma!
Thank you ar momo, thank you for taking care of me these 2 days,
i m much better with your help n care la, think i will get well soon.
you dun worry too much la, n sorry dat i was so naughty eating snacks,
you dun angry la, i m naughty la, ho ng ho??
i kw my voice is awful la, you no need say not la, hehe,
you just ng ho think it sounds too ugly n cut my line is ok la~~
thank you for your kisses and love ar, or i wont get well ga la~~
Momo, I love you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

30/9 (Monday)
Momo, today I ho happy, although I cant see you today.
You kw y I am so happy??? Coz you "deh" me today, saying that you dun wanna hang off,
I am so happy ar, you've never said this kinda thing b4.
Momo, I really love you ho many~~~~~!!!!!!

2/10 (Wednesday)
Momo, sorry ar, today need you wait for a long time~
I know you wanna gimme surprise, but I really worried about you when I cant find you,
so scary you know? I didnt know what to do and just wandering in the street,
luckily I can find you at last, or I really dunno wat to do la!!
Momo, you are really good~~~next time dun come to wait for me la,
I 'pui' the key to you la~~

8th month (10-11)

13/10 (Sunday)
Momo, we are together for a long time la!! Did you ever expect we would be together for so long??
I m ho happy ar, but too bad la, you are sick. I really worry about you ar,
and I cant take care of you today, did you eat those junk food??
I know you didnt geh, coz you are my gd gd husband ar ma~~
I hope you can recover as soon as possible la!
Maybe you will have a more wonderful voice tmr when you wake up~~
I love you momo~~~~and very much tim~~~~~~~~~

See 1 more time la Momo

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