You have journed far my friend. You have entered the forsaken path of the Elementia Gamestm website. Click on the left for the fan section, click on the right for the members section.
Enter the Member's Site
Enter the Fan Site
The member's section is updates and information for the members of the company only. Nonmembers can view it, but they won't see all the features.
The fan section includes upcoming games, codes, cheats, fanart, downloads and more!
Current Members:
Josh Aspland
Brian Alberts
Chris Fisco
John DiNapoli
Lee Dowsett
Chris Benedict
Mike Fischer
Charles Hockenberry
Anthony Lyons
Current Fan Members:
Erick Zelepugus
Sam Greenstreet
Arch-Angel 1298
Jimmy Bates
Death Slayer 87
Elementia Gamestm is a company deticated in making 3-D games for the RPG and Strategy platforms. Feel free to ask us any questions you have or any comments you'd like to say!
               Copyrighted 2002
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