You want to provide a better future
for your children and grandchildren?

Bear Springs Blossom nature conservation is an international non profit organization dedicated to the education of the environment located in the Texas Hill Country, Pipe Creek, Bandera County keep earth beautiful is our main mission when we protect earth we protect all living beings
Bear Springs Blossom Nature Conservation
Keep Earth

Why is Nature Conservation so important? / english

Learn to understand Nature
Send us your question
We show and explain:

Solar energy, Wind energy, Water Conservation
Energy efficient buildings
Erosion control, water management, rainwater harvesting

We are a charitable Non-Profit- Org. 501(c)(3)
We ALL WORK without salary, donate time and money.
Bear Springs Blossom Nature Conservation.

Bear Springs Blossom Birding Nature Conservation
Electricity producing Windmill
Bear Springs Blossom
Nature Conservation

Herzlich Willkommen

- You are -
- - very - -

Horse Horse
T E X A S Horse



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unsere Seiten
in 2 Sprachen


You can see
our home-page
in 2 languages:

Wildflowers need no special language:
Die Blumensprache ist international:
wildflowers, cacti

Bear Springs Blossom
Nature- / Birding - Trail
Walk and rest and enjoy Nature
wildflowers, native plants
Guided tours
! Reservations needed: !

Wildflowers / Native plants
Solar energy - wind energy
water conservation - rainwater harvesting

More Information about
Bear Springs Blossom Nature
Conservation Group


German flag

Keep Earth beautiful / english

San Antonio und
das suedliche
Texas Hill-Country
in Deutsch
Bitte blauen Text anklicken

Texas flag

Our personal info

San Antonio Bandera
and the Southern
in English
please click on blue link

Texas-Hill-Country Wildflowers
Wildblumen des
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Bear Springs Blossom
Nature Conservation
Keep Earth beautiful

please click on blue link
to get more information

Wildflower Photos
Native Plants of the Texas Hill Country
Nature in Pipe Creek
Bandera County

please click on blue link
to get a little impression
Butterfly HELPFUL Information WEB Links

Bandera County's Parks and Nature trails Bandera County Visitors Bureau *Phone 800.364.3833

Native Plant Society of Texas

Types of Birds
Identify That Bird
Songs and Calls
Backyard Birds

Where to See Birds

Make Bird Crafts
Watch Bird Cams
Bird Photography
Find Other birders
Bird Anatomy
Extinct Birds
Butterflies & Bats
Rare Bird Alerts

Master Conservationist

Climate change is endangering our lifes, the future of our children and grandchildren

global warming climate change

fight pollution

what can I do

Green solutions


water Quiz


Bird Quiz

Video clips

Lectures / presentations

why and how to recycle



how does Solar energy work, solar engery, wind energy, photovoltaic uses for your home

how to use wind power, a residential windmill or wind turbine

recycling saves resources, saves you money, prevents air and water pollution

protect rainforests we need them for medicine and for oxygen and for stabilizing our climate

Art inspires our minds, art can help us to understand our environmental problems, art shows us the beauty of nature

how to save gasoline, how to lower your gas bills, how green driving helps you and Nature on Earth

keep Bandera beautiful

sign in

Click here
Tell us
what you think!

You want
to make a
We Need Your Support.
Together we can make a mark on our generation that cannot be erased!

See what BSBNCG
members did:

Help us to protect Nature!
You are very welcome to join us!
Ask us to give lectures at your event.
Bear Springs Blossom Nature Conservation
is a charitable
non profit organization 501(c)(3) dedicated
to education of the environment
and the restoration
of Nature habitats.

Nature can survive without Humans
BUT Humans will not survive without Nature!
To help and protect your children/grandchildren
you should know:
how / why to restore Nature on your property?

HOW / why wildlife management
and water management is so important
WHY Solar and Windpower helps Nature
WHY EROSION Control is so important

The Texas "Cedar" = juniperus ashei
How is the best way to reduce it?

You want to look at more than
188 different species of wildflowers
native plants / trees?

Bear Springs Blossom
Nature Conservation
**a Golden cheeked warbler habitat**
**more than 310 Madrone trees**

- - GUIDED tours on 11 different trails - -
15 minutes up to 5 hours

RESERVATION needed !! Reservations at:
Bear Springs Blossom @

Thank you for visiting this website!
May all your weeds be wildflowers
Help Nature - Live in Harmony with Nature!
Gayfeather is a native plant in the texas hill country

one of the hills that got its name from the first settlers in Bandera County was Edwards Mountain

flowers like this green lilly come up when nature conservation is use to slow down erosion at Bear Springs Blossom Nature preserve

native plants were growing in the texas hill country long before the settlers moved in - overgrazing destroyed most of them

Indian blanket is a spring wildflower at Bear Springs Blossom nature preserve

Bear Springs Blossom Logo
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