Holy Bat-Trap!

Batman & Robin gassed by Penguin!

Batman & Robin struggle to free themselves from Penguin's motorized steel hooks!    Before they can, the criminal bird moves in & gives the Dynamic Duo a blast of knockout gas.   

Batman & Robin's strong bodies go limp - with only the hooks to hold them up!

Welcome to my tribute to the "scrapes" that Batman & Robin always seemed to find themselves in.  

Page updated 02/03/05.   

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Riddler snares Batman & Robin under his sticky net

Riddler spins the Dynamic Duo to their doom

Joker's men rope Batman & Robin


Batman takes a phone call from King Tut shortly after unwittingly being drugged.   With each word, Batman falls under Tut's spell! (audio clip)






Unable to control himself, Batman walks in a daze toward King Tut's hideout.   Robin is seized by two henchmen.  The Boy Wonder helplessly watches his crime fighting partner kneel before an arch criminal!






The Dynamic Duo arrive at an airplane hanger to stop The Puzzler's aeronautic scheme.   Before they can defend themselves, he orders his henchmen  "gift" to the crime fighters ... Puzzle Balloons! (audio clip)       

Aiming directly at Batman & Robin's faces, they release the paralyzing contents of the balloons.  In  seconds, they are unable to move their bodies or even speak!!  Puzzler spares them, but hints at a dire fate for them if they continue to interfere with his criminal plans!


Batman & Robin ignore Puzzler's warning and follow  clues to his secret hideout.    A fight breaks out, and Batman & Robin fight off the henchmen.   One of them has a "crush" on Robin, almost flattening the him!  Batman swings in to the rescue, dispatching the last goon.    Puzzler, in the meantime has gone unnoticed.  Hiding in a corner, he holds two model planes ... with drugged needles at their tips!     He takes careful aim ...




Ouch!!  Batman's left arm is hit by the first plane-dart.

Holy deadly aim!  Robin is hit next!

They reach for the darts to remove them, but the drug acts too quickly.   Batman is knocked out first, falling into some boxes.  Robin falters & slumps over, collapsing next to Batman's body. 

Puzzler's warning proves true ... Gotham's heroes lay in a crumpled heap before him!


Batman and Robin awake to find their wrists & ankles bound - but where are they?    

Puzzler has placed them inside the basket of his hot air balloon.     He sends them off with a warning of their doom.    The basket holding them will be released when the balloon reaches 20,000 feet!    Fighting agains the bitter cold air as they rise, Batman & Robin desperately look for a way out ... will they?  can they??


added 10/06/03



Batman & Robin try to catch Joker by surprise - but the surprise is on them!   Joker's stooges rope & tie them before they can defend themselves.      Bound back to back, the Dynamic Duo is at Joker's mercy. (Video Clip)






Joker places Batman & Robin inside the building's smoke stack.   While tied up he deactivated all the items in their utility belts, leaving them without any outside help.   After they get the ropes off they notice the stack is slowly filling ... with deadly gas!!

added 1/5/01                                                                            added 1/20/01





Catwoman gets her "point" across to the Dynamic Duo!!    One scratch from her drugged claws delivers a powerful sedative to the unsuspecting crime fighters.   Already feeling the effects, Batman stammers "I'm afraid we've ... been ... drugged Robin" (audio clip)




A groggy Robin, slurring his words offers "I guess ... you can never trust a wo...woman ...."

Batman responds to his young ward, but mid-sentence, Robin collapses and passes out.    The Dazed Crusader tries to break his fall on the nearby sofa, but ends up falling to the bare floor next to Robin's body.  Gotham City's strongest heroes lay helpless before Catwoman!


improved quality pictures used to make 2 9-pic grids instead of the original 1 grid.   10/06/03

audio clip added 10/06/03


Batman races to Catwoman's hideout to rescue brainwashed Robin from her.     Robin had been seen around Gotham City committing crimes, but seemed glad to see his mentor ... putting Batman at ease.

Batman quickly unties Robin, thinking he's no longer under Catwoman's influence.     Silently, the door opens behind Batman ... two long rods slowly approach the Caped Crusader's head ... BBZZZZZZZ!!!!! (audio clip)



Two of Catwoman's thugs jab Batman with her "Electric Cat-tle Prods"!!   Batman's body stiffens immediately as the powerful electric current streams through every cell in his body!

His head shakes & jerks as the weapon stuns his once strong body.  The last thing he feels is Robin's leather glove pushing his helpless body into the chair.

The Cat-tle prods switch off ... leaving Batman's helpless twitching body at Robin's feet.


Hours later, Batman wakes up to find himself tied down.   Ropes criss-cross his entire body - completely immobilizing him.     Above him looms a powerful giant mouse trap ... and Robin is ready to cut the release rope!!   

Catwoman delivers her ultimatim ... join her gang, or be killed at Robin's hands!    Batman refuses the offer ... unable to stop himself, Robin obeys Catwoman & begins to cut the rope!    Holy betrayal!

original 9-pic grid replaced by 3 grids 10/06/03

audio clip added 10/06/03


Batman & Robin, confident in their victory over Joker & Catwoman get ready to take them in.   

Joker pleads with Batman, telling him he's innocent ... and he'd like to be "friends".     A request to shake hands is flatly refused by a defiant Robin.    

Batman, however, decides to give Joker a chance.   Robin follows his mentors lead & extends his palm to touch the Joker's .... BZZZZZ!   (audio clip)




In an instant, Batman & Robin's bodies jolt and spasm as if being electrocuted! 

Joker informs the trembling crimefighters they are the victims of his "Lethal Joy Buzzers".

Unable to stand their ground, the weakened pair stumble backwards and land on their backs.   The deadly blast of energy continues to make their arms & legs twitch and jerk uncontrollably.



Losing the battle to remain conscious, the spasms caused by the joy buzzers grow smaller and smaller ...

Joker & Catwoman make their escape, gloating over the helpless pair.

Batman & Robin lay silent & still  ... beaten again by the Joker!


expanded to 3 9-pic grids 9/10/03

audio clip added 9/10/03



"What are you doing to our b-b-bodies?!!"  (audio clip)

Dr. Cassandra unleashes her Alvino Ray Gun on the Terrific Trio - they never knew what hit them!!

audio clip added 9/10/03


Holy chill blades!  Mr. Freeze is back in town!  The Dynamic Duo have tracked him down to his hideout and plan to surprise him.    The cold criminal has other plans - after a quick bat-fight he immobilizes Batman & Robin with a blast from his freeze gun!  





Before they know what's happened, their semi-frozen bodies have been placed in giant "frosty freezie" cones!    Super-cold slush circulates around their bodies while Freeze looks on from below.   Only a few moments before Batman & Robin are frozen solid!!  




added 9/09/03


Egghead is plotting to corner the egg market in Gotham City.   The Caped Crusaders attempt to thwart his plan.    Robin is nabbed during a fight, but manages to free himself.       Before our heroes can stop him, he tosses one of his gas eggs at them.     It explodes at their feet .... "What is it Batman?" .... "I don't know Robin ... but ... it's awfully funny!"    (audio clip)




Holy laughing gas!!   Batman and Robin are surrounded by a cloud of Egghead's potent version of nitrous oxide.   In a flash their sense of duty vanishes, reducing them to a pair of giggling fools!    Robin chortles "This the funniest trick anyone has pulled on us".   Batman, laughing so hard he can barely breath ... "It's almost as funny as the Joker ... I can't stop laughing!!!"



Egghead & his gang make a getaway.    Batman knows they can't be seen in public like this.    He & Robin unable to control themselves - humiliated by another villain!   He reaches into his utility belt & pulls out 2 sad pills to neutralize the laughing gas in their system.   Unfortunately, the sad pills work too well and the caped crime fighters emotions swing in the opposite direction ... they go from laughing ... to crying!   Robin wipes his eyes with his cape as Batman plots their next move ....    

added 9/09/03

audio clip added 9/10/03


While attempting to rescue a king, Batman & Robin walk right into Riddler's ultimate trap!  

A net drops - snaring the heroes, forcing them to the floor.   As they struggle to free themselves Riddler's henchman moves in with a spray gun filled with a super-sticky adhesive.    The gummy spray begins to bind itself to the net AND the Dynamic Duo!  

A tight cocoon quickly forms around the tangled heroes.    Robin calls out desperately to his mentor ... "Batman, I'm caught in this sticky stuff ... I can't move!"  (audio clip)   

"Whoever heard of a Bat caught in a spider's web?!  (video clip)





The immobilized pair are completely helpless!  

After cutting them from their cocoons, he straps them to a pair of giant turbines ... spinning them to their doom!






audio clip added 9/10/03



Clock King's art heist is foiled by Batman & Robin - or is it??    CK asks them to wait until he puts a priceless painting down to prevent damaging it.   They are asked "isn't it beautiful?", and take a moment to look at it.    Clock King uses these precious moments to activate his clock-spring coils!





In a split second, steel spring coils are launched toward the Dynamic Duo.  Clock King watches with glee as the helpless heroes struggle to free themselves ...








Batman & Robin are powerless to stop Clock King & his henchmen from getting away with the painting!








Clock King is ready once again for the Dynamic Duo.   Before they arrive he coated the floor with super-slick watch oil!!   






They step onto the coated trap!   Gotham's heroes flail around, unable to keep their balance.    






As they writhe on the floor the henchmen move in for the kill.   







Two blasts of knockout gas send  Batman & Robin off to sleep!!







Batman & Robin come to slowly.    They hear the voice of Clock King over a microphone & quickly realize they've been sealed inside a giant hourglass!    Clock King taunts them with his criminal plans, then flips a switch releasing the sand held above our heroes heads!!




Left alone, they struggle to free themselves but find the glass is too strong.    Making matters worse, their air supply will run out soon as well!





With time running out, Batman tells Robin to start rocking the hourglass back & forth.   After a few tries, they tip the trap on its side.    Holy unbreakable glass ... the impact failed to shatter their airtight prison.   Their only hope is to roll the hourglass into the path of an oncoming truck!   Holy crash landing!



Original oilslick pic (single 9 picture grid) upgraded to (3) 9 picture grids on 3/25/03.

added 3 hourglass grids 3/25/03


Bruce Wayne & Robin attempt to stop Joker's lastest scheme - this time involving the world of art.    Robin does his best fighting off the thugs.   Joker lands a lucky punch, sending Robin lurching toward a table with a mound of pink sticky goo.   Robin lands face-first!!    Stunned, he attempts to pry himself away from the substance - almost pulling his mask off!    Joker's henchmen quickly grab him and await their next orders ...


Robin is tied to Joker's latest work of art - a mobile made of deadly spinning knives!   Once the mechanism is started, the blades spin closer & closer to Robin's body.    Bruce Wayne waits until Joker leaves the room and manages to short circuit the motor - just in time!!



added 3/24/03


Mad Hatter attempts to stun Batman with his "Super Instant Mesmerizer".     Using a Bat-Mirror to deflect the rays, he accidentally blasts an unprepared Robin instead.   He rushes to his old Chums limp body, giving Mad Hatter a chance to get him from behind ...





To Robin's horror, Batman is knocked off balance, right underneath a chute containing super-fast-hardening plaster!!     In an instant, his body is coated with the thick white liquid.   Batman finds himself unable to move inside the plaster cocoon.    Madd Hatter has Robin tied, straddling a horse statue across the room.



Madd Hatter orders the dried plaster coffin to be shattered so he can retrieve Batman's cowl.   To his dismay, Batman was very much alive - having employed special breathing technique, allowing him to survive!!    Batman struggles to break free as the criminals escape.



added 3/18/03

Catwoman's Cat-Darts bring the Dynamic Duo to their knees.        Catwoman's Cat-Darts bring the Dynamic Duo to their knees.

Catwoman's Cat-Darts bring the Dynamic Duo to their knees.

broken link repaired 3/17/03

Thinking they are winning the fight, Batman & Robin's lights are knocked out by Shame's girlfriend.   Skillfully, she shoots the rope holding a chandelier above them.   Shame finishes them off by smashing a chair over the heads of the Dazed Duo.




Batman & Robin wake up only to find themselves roped & tied in the path of an oncoming cattle stampede!    Batman is able to free his hands in time to divert the oncoming danger.




added 3/21/03

Gotham's defenders locate Mr. Freezes hideout and attempt to take him in.    The cold criminal tries to neutralize them with a blast from his freeze gun. hideout.    During the ensuing fight, Robin is overpowered and is hoisted in the air.   His limp body is carried by the henchmen toward a simple looking glass cubicle in the room's far corner...


One man opens the door while the other three lower Robin into the chamber.   Seeing this, Batman races to his partner's defense.   Weakened himself from the intense fight, he is quickly overpowered and joins Robin inside the glass prison ...





The Dynamic Duo try to quickly assess the situation by examining the room - completely smooth on the inside, with no way out!    Mr. Freeze wastes no time while his prey desperately try to free themselves.   He activates the generators of his ... SUB-ZERO TEMPERATURE VAPORIZING CABINET!

Instantly a cold mist begins to form at the bottom of the chamber ... Batman & Robin begin to shiver ...



Deadly blasts of freezing mist swirl around their bodies.    The freezing crime-fighters desperately try to keep warm, keeping close together to share body warmth.    The deadly machine reaches it's final frigid temperature .... Batman & Robin are now completely consumed by the freezing mist ... 



Is there a way out ??   Could this be the end??!? 



Added 12/23/02

Batman & Robin have beaten Penguin once again!

Confident that the pesky bird is out cold, they try to release Alfred, locked in the next room.

Penguin wakes up & sees the masked crimefighters haven't noticed him.   He aims his penguin umbrella and ... PFFFTTT!!    Instantly, potent purple knockout gas spouts from the tip.   Robin is the closest to him & takes a stronger dose than Batman.   Instantly the gas begins to take effect ...


Robin's knees buckle as his usually agile body begins to weaken.    He reaches to Batman for balance, but Batman has now inhaled a full dose of the gas as well now.    The once powerful crime fighter begins to tumble forward as purple gas continues to float past him.    Robin lurches to the floor, his arms outstretched to break the fall.   Batman slumps next to him ... both slipping from consciousness as Penguin stands proudly over his victims.


Penguin's henchmen awake to a surprising sight.  The men they feared most were now  powerless, thanks to their boss.     Following his instructions, they put the Dynamic Duo into large purple sacks and toss them into the waiting getaway truck outside the window.  

Later at his hideout, the Penguin attempts to boil our heroes to death!    Perilously suspended over a steaming vat, it looks like curtains ... until Alfred saves the day & lowers his employer to safety! 


Added 12/23/02

The Dynamic Duo follow clues to The Minstrel's secret hideout.    They finish an "all too easy" Batfight quickly & follow the henchmen down a hallway.     Batman & Robin burst through a door.   We can only imagine what horrible trap has snared them as Robin cries "Holy Fly Paper!!"



Gotham's heroes find themselves tied back-to-back on a gigantic barbecue spit!!    Minstrel taunts them, singing a song about their impending demise!   As the heat rises, will they find a way to escape the intense heat?!?




Added 10/11/02

While Alfred keeps Archer occupied in a test of skill, Batman & Robin sneak into his hideout.    Archer's intruder detector gives them away! In an instant a hidden net in the floor scoops them up in a tangled mess!

Archer aims his bow at the helpless duo.   THUD!

Their bodies crash to the floor, knocking them out!




They awaken suspended by their fingers in Archers chamber of horrors.

His attempts to torture them for information fail!

A frustrated Archer challenges them to a joust.   Unfortunately our heroes are bound to posts unable to defend themselves!


added 10/7/02

Batman & Robin finally locate Black Widows underground hideout.    After a brief fight with her goons, Batman & Robin get ready to bring the villainous spider to justice.     She has other plans though!  Silently, a magnetized net lowers before the unwitting Duo.   CLICK!    Black Widow activates the net and Batman & Robin are helplessly glued to it!!

Her henchmen now place poisonous spiders at their feet - Holy Arachnophobia!


After getting out of the spiders web, it would seem the worst is over ... or is it?

Batman's brain is "short circuited" by Black Widow's electronic device turning him into a willing slave!

It's up to Robin to figure out a way to save his hero!



added 10/7/02



Batman & Robin think they are sneaking up on Joker.    The duo get ready to jump through a window.   He's ready for them though!    He & his gang each have a handful of poisoned Sea Urchin spines!     Crash!   Batman & Robin burst in.   With deadly accuracy, the deadly needles are hurled at their bodies.    


Each Crime-fighter is hit in the chest by dozens of quills!       The painful needles render their victims helpless unless (as Batman points out), they bath in Epsom salts.    Joker gleefully announces he's fresh out!     Moments later, after the poison has done its job, Joker & his boys carry their bodies to a work area.   



Batman & Robin wake up tied to wooden planks.    Hovering above them, their captor announces his evil plans for them.     He plans to cover every inch of their bodies in a quick hardening foam.    Once hardened their foam tombs will be shaped into (of all things!) surf boards!



Thinking the Dynamic Duo are done for, the henchmen finish molding the surf boards.    Suddenly the boards give off smoke ... moments later, they explode!    Batman & Robin emerge from the rubble alive!   




added 10/7/02

Batman & Robin track Louie the Lilacs operation to a local flower shop.     The shopkeeper is actually Louie's moll.   She's going to put one of the Duo to sleep with some poisoned lilacs!   Batman rushes to Robin's aid, but Louie sneaks up behind him ... CRACK!!    A flower pot knocks Batman down next to his helpless partner.



They wake up to find themselves snared by vines entangled around their bodies.   Louis informs them they're being held by man-eating lilac plants!    The vicious plants eat Batman's utility belt ... and begin to nibble on Robin's ear!





 Batman has one chance to save himself & Robin.  He skillfully kicks a flower pot through the glass in the door to the lilac chamber.  The cool air kills the plants just in the nick of time!




Edited 10/7/02



Batman & Robin track Catwoman & her college cohorts to the top of the "Crespie's Coffee" building.     They spring into action dispatching the beanied buffoons one by one.    



One of them catches Robin off guard & almost sends him off the roof.   Batman comes to his partner's aid once again! 





Catwoman begins to cry, throwing Batman off.    He tries to comfort her, telling her "it will be all right".      Foolishly, he allows Catwoman to fix her makeup after the breakdown.      

Catwoman opens what appears to be a small perfume bottle.      Instead of aiming the bottle at herself, she turns the nozzle towards Batman & Robin!    PSSSST .... a misty spray hits Batman.   PSSSST ... now Robin!  


Batman & Robin look at each other, bewildered.     They sniff & inhale the perfume.    The pleasant aroma causes them to smile.     The "perfume" is actually a variation of Catwoman's liquid "cat-atonia".      The drug is quickly working into the Dazed Duo's bodies.     Unaware the perfume has poisoned them,  they both sigh a pleasant "mmmmm" as they begin to pass out.

Catwoman smiles as Batman & Robin's bodies lie sleeping at her feet.




Batman & Robin wake up only to find they've been tied inside a giant coffee cup!





Catwoman has filled the percolator above them with acid-laced coffee.    If Batman doesn't figure a way out before the coffee pours, it will be the end!




added 8/22/02

Penguin has gone Hollywood ... but Batman knows better!     Batman & Robin go to work as actors to keep close tabs on the fiendish bird's plot.      Realizing they're on to him, Penguin orders his men to attack during filming!    The Dynamic Duo dispatch the rabble quickly, but are momentarily blinded by a stage light!    The "blinded bats" are surrounded by Penguin's men who snare them in a net!     Now Penguin plans a special action scene for his prisoners ... 


Out on the back lot, we find Batman & Robin tied to a giant catapult.    Penguin plans to "launch their movie career".     A burning rope is all that is keeping them earthbound!     Strapped to their legs are cameras which will film them flying to their doom.   Only a few more seconds till the rope burns through!



Mere seconds before the catapult releases them into the air, Batman sends a remote signal to the Batmobile's autopilot.      Batman's plan works ... the Batmobile arrives at the nick of time, deploys a net & catches the falling heroes!   (who land in a slightly less than heroic fashion!)



added 8/22/02


Batman & Robin discover Penguin's waterfront hideout.       The quiet warehouse springs to life as they are surrounded by dozens of expanding umbrellas.     They fight bravely, but one by one they are overcome by Penguin's goons.     First ... Robin feels the painful strangle-hold Penguin's umbrella handle ... 




Penguin swings the helpless Boy Wonder against a wall where a giant fish hook snares him!!    Next ... without Robin to help fight, Batman is quickly overcome & is carried off by the villainous birds!     Another fish hook extends from the wall, rotates, and clamps Batman's chest tightly.      First caught off guard, now completely immobilized, the Dynamic Duo struggle against the metal hooks while Penguin moves closer toward them.     By pressing a button on his gas umbrella, red knockout gas begins spraying into Batman's face.      In just a few seconds, Gotham's hero is sent into a deep sleep as Robin looks on.      Penguin aims the umbrella gun ... pssssssssssss .... Robin joins Batman ... both heroes now hang helpless before Penguin!


added 8/22/02

The Dynamic Duo race to the High School gym to stop Joker's vending machine scheme.     Batman inserts a coin to test the candy dispenser.   CLANK!     Batman & Robin look down in disbelief as two sets of shackles wrap around their legs - locking them in place!       

Just when they're wondering what else can happen, the machine sprays knockout gas directly into their faces.    The trapped twosome slump into each other as they pass out ... "what will Joker do to us now?"    ... they     wake up to the "shocking" answer.

ohhh - knockout gas! (video clip)>



Thinking they're closing in on Catwoman, the tables are turned (literally!) on Batman & Robin.   

In an instant, the booth spins them into the adjacent room.   No longer in the restaurant, they find themselves in a strange room ... but they're not alone ...



Catwoman taunts them from above.    Batman & Robin think they've merely been imprisoned by Catwoman.    Moments later one of the henchmen flips a power switch.   Instantly, the floor beneath begins to glow with intense heat!

As the heat mounts, the desperate duo leap and jump in a futile attempt to save themselves!




Even with their great strength, they know they can't hold out much longer.  

Robin spots a water pipe!    If Batman can cut the pipe, the water will cool off the floor.

Could this save the day for our heroes? 



Batman cuts the water pipe to cool the floor.   Oh No !!#!    The pipe is filled with Cat-a-phrenic gas.   Within seconds the powerful drug has them stumbling into each other.   Finally, they collapse to the floor, each crime fighting partner unable to move.






The Dynamic Duo's beaten and unconscious bodies are brought up to the roof.

Batman & Robin are each tied to grills, with super magnifying glasses hovering above!   Holy heat-exhaustion!




Batman & Robin investigate Penguin's campaign headquarters only to find it staffed with men they had sent to prison!    After a brief bat-fight Robin is held at umbrella-point forcing Batman to surrender to their captors.    Moments later they're bound & hoisted on a net high above a vat of sulfuric acid.   Holy heart-burn!!

added 1/20/01


While the Joker taunts Batman & Robin, they fail to notice Venus masquerading as a statue.   Too Late!  Before they know what's happened, "stardust" knockout gas is sprayed over them.       Batman's will to fight fades instantly as the dust falls on his body.   Joker looks on with glee as the drug puts his foes helpless before him. 


The Dynamic Duo regain consciousness only to find the Joker has bound them under a giant meteorite.   They squirm helplessly as his henchman lights a thermite bomb ... only moments to go before the meteorite drops!! 

                                                                                                added 1/20/01




Looks like the Joker knew Batman & Robin were coming.  Oh No!!  Snared by a net! 



Holy Man-Eating-Clam!    The Joker's pet is hungry - for our heroes!


Catwoman manages to pull the wool over the Caped Crusader's cowl!!



The Riddler captures Batman & Robin with his repeating blow gun!

After the duped duo wakes up, they find themselves hanging over a vat of boiling wax!   Holy life size wax statues!!


The Riddler stops Batman & Robin in their tracks with his wax emulsion spray!


Marsha shoots Cupid's arrow ... straight through Batman's heart!!

Mad Hatter captures Batman & Robin in a fluoroscopic radiation chamber!

Catwoman gets her "point" across to the Dynamic Duo!!


audio clip added 10/6/03

Catwoman puts an evil twist on the "Chinese Water Torture".

Robin discovers the hard way that cats just don't like birds!

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