Rowspan Table

User Information
Firstname Nitin Yatin
Last name Batra Gupta
Age 20 20
Contact 9852XXXXXX 9822XXXXXX

Columnspan Table

User Information
Firstname Lastname Age Contact
Nitin Batra 20 9852XXXXXX 9822XXXXXX
Yatin Gupta 20 9832XXXXXX 8952XXXXXX

Links to jump for others pages

1.Create a webpage which should have Title as defined by the user. It should display content in bold,italic, underlined and entire content should be center aligned. Include the link to also.

2.Create a HTML Document in such a way that it should include the tags like paragraph, h1 to h6 heading, break tag usage.

3.Create a webpage which should have an image as background with width 400px and 500px dimensions. If the image could not be loaded, it should display an alternate text which should inform the user about the same.

5.Insert an image and create a link such that clicking on image takes user to other page.

6.Create a HTML form which should take the following values from user: (i) First Name(ii)LastName(iii)E-mail Id (iv)DOB (v)Gender(vi)Place to upload user resume(vii)Submit button(viii)Reset Button also

7.Create an ordered list which should display the grocery items to be purchased by a household. Include the miscellaneous items also in the least priority list using unordered list.CSS list-style-type property should also be included.

8.Design a timetable and display it in tabular format.

9.Create a web page which should divide page into two equal frames Frame1 , Frame2

10.Create a webpage that prints your name to the screen, print your name in Tahoma font, print a definition list with 5 items, Create links to five different pages, etc.