Fanfiction Recommendations

by Marguerite
Somebody gives the President the finger - but not in the way you'd expect.

Just Desserts
by Sary
Hilarious post-ep for Shibboleth. Josh and Sam set out to make a pumpkin pie.

The Heart of a Lion
by the lurker
Leo plays hero. Make sure you've got some Kleenex close by.

A Winning Strategy (series)
by Jo March & Ryo Sen
An excellent and highly addictive J/D series. In the aftermath of the Rosslyn shooting, Josh and Donna decide to get married. And, conveniently, neglect to tell anybody else.

The Mollyverse (series)
by Jo March & Ryo Sen
Gorgeous, and hysterically funny series of post-administration stories. Meet Molly Jordan Moss-Lyman, Master Politician, Junior Grade.

Dance, Then, Wherever You May Be
by Violet and Cinnamon
"We're planning a state dinner. We're not doing real news today." That is, until reports of a primary school shooting break through, and a Republican senator rejects his invitation to the dinner...

Phenomenal Capacity
by starbucksgal
A short, yet chilling AU post-ep to He Shall From Time To Time. When the Capitol Building is blown up during Bartlet's State of the Union address, Roger Tribbey must take control.

CJ's Black Bleeding Angst
by Hope9
Extremely funny parody fic. Gail dies, and CJ is distraught about it.

Donna the Vampire Slayer (series)
by Nomad
Hilarious West Wing/Buffy crossover, in which Donna learns that she is a slayer. Even if you don't watch Buffy (my knowledge of the show is limited to what I've picked up an obsessed friend's ramblings), you'll be sure to love this series.

The Other Half of My Soul
by SheilaVR
The First Lady is kidnapped and nobody remains unaffected in this powerfully moving fanfic.

Donnatella's Diary (series)
by nefret24
Donnatella Moss meets Bridget Jones. Hysterically funny, and with a generous serve of shippiness for J/D fans.

Much Ado About Politix
A Midsummer's Tale
by Mich
The White House staffers throw a new twist on some of our old favourites as they put on their own, Wingified versions of some of Shakespeare's famous plays.

Downward Spiral
by Baked Goldfish
What if Leo's father's death wasn't a suicide?

So It Goes
As Long As There Are Stars
by Nomad
The year is 1967. Jed Bartlet is hitching a ride home from a party, and is captivated by the driver who picks him up: a young woman by the name of Abigail Barrington.

Murder on the Campaign Express
by Brandy, Cal, Evelyn, Jayne, Rhonda and Shelley
Fun "whodunnit" Agatha Christie parody: Who killed Amy Gardner? Danny Concannon takes it into his own hands to sniff out the murderer.

The Rarest Faith
by Marguerite
A post-administration series spanning the years 2006 - 2011. Don't be put off if you're not happy with the ships, this series is incredible.

by Scott Fenstermaker
The White House struggles to hold a fragile Middle-east peace deal in this excellent scriptfic.

As the White House Turns
A the White House Returns
by Nomad
Hilarious parody fic that will have you in fits of laughter.

by Marguerite
A beautifully written series of post-eps for "Posse Comitatus".

All Things Being Equal
by SheilaVR
A tour of a new nuclear submarine turns to disaster.

In Silence, Burning
by E. E. Beck
An alternate version of the season 2 episode "Noel".

Further to Fly
by Nomad
An epic ensemble series, set a couple of months after re-election. Bloody awesome.

Lord of the Muffins
by Glacier-daughter
The West Wing meets Lord of the Rings. Utterly ridiculous, but very funny.

One Lonely Shoe
by nefret24
An hilarious and absolutely adorable J/D Cinderella story.

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