Out of the snowy straits had come a man who's heart is as cold as the harsh lands he holds Baronship over. Mostly feared by his subjects, they whispered softly of their "dark baron". The man who ruled with an iron fist, answering to no one but the Czar himself, but even then, he had no need to answer often, for it was rare for the Czar dealt with the Baron, who held land and title in the outer most region of Russia.

A betrayal was rumored through out Candlewick...How the heir of Nicholas Warrick came to take his fathers title, claiming his fathers power. Just before Ivor's eighteen birthday, Nicholas was found guilty for acts against the state, and was soon beheaded by the Czar...As the young heir replaced his father, rumors flew throughout Candlewick that Ivor himself was responsible for his fathers downfall and death, in order to gain title and lands.

He was not the kindest of Barons, he was often times cruel, taxing his subjects to the point of starvation, and if any of his laws were found broken, not matter how insignificant, was met with death. It was a surprise to most when he met and married a noble woman of Siberia, many imagining that the women would meet the fate of Nicholas...But no, the gentle Anna changed the Baron, softening the iron heart. They married within the spring, and over time, she brought him happiness and tempered his harshness with her love. It was not long before the Baron had given his Anna the seed of life and soon she was blooming with a babe.

But the fates did not smile upon Ivor and his bride, perhaps it was because he sinned against his father...But on a cold winter eve, while she was baring the fruit of this seed, both she and the babe met an untimely death, leaving the Baron shattered and distraught.

Heartbroken, the old Ivor returned, ruling over his subjects savagely, but nothing would bring his Anna back...So he left his home, his lands, and began to travel...Leaving his younger brother to watch over Candlewick...as Ivor tried to move past the memories and pain.

For three years he has wandered...from city to city...country to country. Searching? Perhaps...Having tasted the sweet salvation Anna wrought upon him, he looks for the one woman who can breath life into his veins once again, and melt the ice that has formed around his heart. Or are his reasons colder? Perhaps he only searches for a warm body, one worthy enough to bear his heir...A child he can mold into his own image, who will one day take over Ivor's title and lands.

Throughout his travels he had heard rumors of a place in Vaerdyn, where eternal beauty abounds. A place where women are kept upon pedestals and renowned for their grace and wisdom...Here is where he will look, searching for his bringer of life, his bastion of hope for an heir...and perhaps love?

He travels to this place
This placed called SIONLY.


He awoke as if from a heavy night of drinking. His head pounding, His body aching. Craving - Wanting something, but what? Sitting up in his bed, he starts to go over the previous nights events one by one...

He was in the Garden, swearing an Oath to the Queen. From that point it became dream like. Jack had given him a box containing two dragon headed daggers with jade for the eyes. He had commanded Ivor to kneel while the Queen feeds from his neck. She fed well on his life's blood, draining the life giving fluid from him. Jack had then sliced his finger, letting his own blood drip from his fresh wound. Ivor had swallowed his blood as it drops to his tongue.

Jack told Ivor, he is now of the kindred family and reminds him well of the oath he had pledged. Jack also explains that Ivor, once of Candlewick now of SIONLY; has been sired by Jack of SIONLY.

Shaking the web of night from his head Ivor arose and moved to the window. It is again nightfall, he having slept through the day. Turning from the window, he noticed a pitcher of blood red wyne on a table, quickly he poured himself a goblet full, drinking it down quickly. Suddenly, his body feels alive and vital, his strength soon returning..

From the window he can see the small hamlet aways off from the Manor. Thinking of something Jack had told him; he decide to not go to the tavern this night but to spend time in the Garden with his new kindred family of SIONLY.

Ivor deciding that SIONLY was not where wanted to live moved to the neighboring lands of Dulce'. Having reached an agreement with the King to take an appointment of Baron over a few feudal farms, and to grow the grains to produce ale. Ivor also bought an existing Inn on the outside edges of the village, there he makes his home. He named his Inn Candlewick, after his estate in Siberia. The Inn has become a thriving establishment with many travelers and permanent guests.

He met a young Lady one evening at the Inn he lamented his need for a tendress of the bar, she in turn after some thought offered her services. Now you can find Nicolete behind the bar at the Inn serving guests many of the Inns specialties.

A traveler soon came to the Inn and rented one of the rooms with him was a young waif. He paid in advance for several weeks of lodging, then one day Ivor found a note stating he was leaving and was going to leave his bond servant at the Inn. Ivor let her stay until the rooms rent was well over, a letter came, he was not returning. The girl Lilly was now cleared of her bond, free to go as she pleased. Ivor explained this to her, but she was naive in the ways of the world in which she lived. Ivor taking a liking to her decided to take her in as his ward of state, She now lives at the Inn on the third floor in the chambers beside Ivor's.

Lilly has an uncanny way with plants and Ivor had a garden room placed directly above hers, she can grow her plants year around there, and use them to decorate the Inn.




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