Bargeron's Genealogy Records

We hope that this posting of information is a help to others who are researching the same families. We thank GeoCities for providing free server space to post this information. Also, our thanks go to Rob Jacob and his program Gedpage that automates the posting of genealogy research to the web from GEDCOM files. This is a truly great shareware program. The information contained herein has been obtained from many different sources. Some of the families are well researched and some of the information is simply a compilation from other sources. We will be glad to share more detailed information when available. Please advise us if you discover any errors in our files so they may be updated. We plan to add text files of some our major families on our SurfSouth site for downloading. Check this site out if you see major connections to our families. Click here to check our SurfSouth Page Our site here contains text file descendancy charts from some families. We plan to add to these files from time to time.


Use this information only as a guide for conducting your own research, not all of the information contained herein is adequatly proven and some family connections have been compiled from secondary sources without verification.

Visitors: since October 17, 1998

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