Me (AHHH!!!)

Well, You visited The Booze Zone  already, and want to know who is really Barcillo. Well get a life and find something more interesting to do, this page is really boring. If you still want to know who I am, then continue reading.

My real name is Fabrizio Marcillo Morla (my last name is Marcillo not Morla, in Spanish you use your first name, last name and your mothers last name). I was born January the 6th. 1966 (all great men are born on the first days of the year told me a friend whose birthday is January 2nd ) in Guayaquil, Ecuador. I lived here until I was 4, then went to live in the states (N.Y.), at 7 I went to live in Madrid (Spain). And got back here to Guayaquil when I was 10.

I got kicked out from Catholic school (Colegio Javier) in 10th grade, and almost got kicked out again in the other school I went then (Urdesa School), for bad behavior, not bad grades. Then I went to Study Aquaculture at ESPOL University (Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral), and did Ok there. A couple of years ago I also got an MBA at ESPOL.
Fabiola y Valeria

I got married in 1991, and have 2 beautiful daughters : Fabiola (11 y/o) and Valeria(6y/o)(Photo at Right) I also have a kid (5 y/o, photo below) called Luis Gonzalo, unfurtunately he had a viral encephalitis and got epilepsy when he was 2y/o and He can't talk, understand or walk anymore. Sorry that the photos aren't updated but I haven't updated the site in years
I'm now divorced after a 12 year difficult marriage.

If you want to know more, drop me a line or chat with me on the messenger

or MSN messenger

You can se more photos of me, my family and friends at my yahoo Photo Page or know a bit more of me at my Yahoo profile.

If you have hi5 you can see my page or add me as a friend

By the way, I'm not as crazy as my homepage makes me look And I don't drink as much as you would think.Luis Gonzalo


When I was in University I liked a lot to make cocktails (and also to drink them), and even had a bar in my bedroom (Real bar with chairs and everything) so my friends used to tell me I wasn't Marcillo but a Barcillo (little bar), so that's how I got my knickname.

What I Like to Do (who Cares)
    1. Monty Python's .- The Search of the Holly Grial
    2. Brazil
    3. Pulp Fiction
    4. Streats of fire
    5. Casablanca
    6. Life of Brian
What I Hate
Well, That's it.


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