In our age the common religious perception of men is the consciousness of the brotherhood of man -- we know that the well-being of man lies in the union with his fellow men. True science should indicate the various methods of applying this consciousness to life. Art should transform this perception into feeling. (Leo N. Tolstoy)

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Che Baraka (l) and Mario M. Cuomo (r) foreground. The opening reception of the first exhibition of African American artists, held at the Governor's Offices of 1 World Trade Center, New York. Curated by Che Baraka.

Che Baraka was born in Chicago Illinios and presently lives and works in New York city.

He is a graduate of New York's School Of Visual Arts, B.F.A., and New York Uniervisity M.F.A.

  • Co-founder of the Genesis II Gallery of African and African American Art, New York
  • Regional Coordinator for the first World Festival of Black Arts, Lagos Nigeria
  • Founder of the MA'AT Center for the Arts, Brooklyn New York
  • Former Assistant Director of The Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation's Center for Art and Culture.
The former governor of New York State, Mario M. Cuomo, speaking of the African-American visual artist, Che Baraka, his work as a painter and cultural contributions in the visual arts to the people and communities of New York stated:

"Che Baraka, to my thinking, belongs to that extraordinary order of human beings, namely those that believe one person can change the world. Moreover, the evidence for this is provided in his accomplishments of the past twenty-five years.

He (Che Baraka) has taken that immeasurable element of civilization's activities, the visual arts, and welded them as a viable instrument for social change and human empowerment.

As a profoundly gifted and accomplished visual artist and as an immensely innovative arts administrator, he has affected, in the most positive sense, the lives of countless individuals. And for the residents of our marginalized and disenfranchised neighborhoods, through the community arts organizations for which he provided outstanding stewardship; he made the 'assumed impossible'---obviously possible."

--- Mario M. Cuomo, Chairman, New York State Awards in the Visual Arts, Plaza Hotel, New York, December 12, 1995


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To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe. (Anatole France)


All images and content © copyrighted 2002 by MA"AT Center for the Arts and Friends of Che Baraka, All rights reserved.

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