
Fundamentals of Satanism

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"For I stand forth to challenge the wisdom of the world;
to interrogate the 'laws' of man and of 'God'.
I request reasons for your Golden Rule and ask the why
and wherefore of your Ten Commands.
Before none of your printed idols do I bend in aquiescence
And he who saith 'Thou Shalt' to me is my mortal foe!"
-Ragnar Redbeard, "Might is Right"

      When the Church of Satan was founded on April 30,1966, Anton Lavey set forth a new religious concept; one based on the strength of the individual, the power to decide and create one's own fate, and the will to take the reins of evolution and steer it in the path of your choosing.

      Using values and ideas forged by rebellious souls of forethought throughout history, and binding them together with his own unique slant on the world, Lavey published "The Satanic Bible", the first in a series of references for the individual who wishes to break the chains of modern "herd mentalities", and glory in every beautiful and terrifying aspect of being alive in a world that no longer accepts the raw power of BEING alive.

      If the values of Life, passion, and self-evolution matter to you, I invite you to enter the world of Satanism, and take a breath of fresh air.



Satanic Values

My Tribute Page To The Black Pope

Personal Diatribe

The Nine Satanic Statements

The Nine Satanic Sins

The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth

Pentagonal Revisionism

"Satanism: The Feared Religion"

Tribute Page
Anton Szandor Lavey

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Satanic Thoughts

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