Neko to Nezumi

Welcome to Neko to Nezumi scanlations. Here you will find a little bit about us, the current projects we're working on, when we release them, how to get them, and a few other little odds and ends. So feel free to frolick and for more up to date information check out our yahoo group. >^^<


Ok so isn't the summer the time when you don't work and focus on your hobbies... Then why is it we can't seem to get a single release out. Maybe it's because I'm the only one worrying about what happens to the group and I've been slacking. Gomen! sigh... still looking for translators and such.

Yahoo Group

Okay. Ever closer to our goal of making EVERYONE in the world know and love us. Well in my case I doubt many people will love me.. but anyway...
We've started a YahooGroup to promote our scanlations and discuss them and all that fun stuff. So if you want to be a part of the fun join the group. And look I'll make it easy. Just write e-mail here, click the button.. and *poof* all done. Aren't I just swell? =^-^=

Vicky's Corner

I took down Nezumi's post because it was way to old... but if you really want to know what she's up to you can visit her site. She's probably more likely to update that. >^^<;;

Tacy's Corner

Talking to as many people as I can about translating or doing joint projects.

Translator's Corner

Poor Shellie! Silly political kanji! Blaa. She's working hard trying to get past the wordy political part of Tenshi no Hitsugi. Good Luck!


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* About
* Staff
* Media
* Links


Those in Orange are In the works...
Those in Black are for the future.

* Honey Bunny
* Tenshi no Hitsugi
* Lingerie Publicity
* Ouran High School Host Club
* Dakedo Happy Paradise
* Koigokoro Fantasia
* Dakishimete Noir
* Uwasa no Risky Boy

Other Scan Groups

* Manga Project
* Sakura-Crisis


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Contact Us at Neko to Nezumi

Kitty and mouse images are from Fruits Basket.
�Takaya Natsuki

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