Back To The Future Part V

Screenplay by Mike Nichols

Please sign my guestbook at the end of the script, and also check out the links there! My email is [email protected]


Wednesday, October 21st 2015, 5.06pm. (is displayed).


Scott messes around with the ignition pulling wires out and connecting them. The DeLorean roars into life.



Hop in, were going back to good ol’ 1985!


Suzy looks round nervously, climbs into the car and closes the door. They lift the DeLorean up and take off over the rooftops. The slightly older version of Scott drives the slightly older DeLorean back to the exact spot the older version left. He and Suzy jump out.



There that’s it. Everything is how we found it. Hopefully Doc won’t notice that the last time departed is a day later now.



Have you got everything out of the car?


Scott reaches into the DeLorean. He jumps out shocked.



My rucksack! It’s gone!



You’re joking? After everything we’ve been through.



What’ll we do?



We can’t worry about that just yet. Maybe the Doc or Jules we just left picked it up. They would’ve made sure the area is clear before they went home. Wouldn’t they?



I hope your right. He’ll probably pop by and drop it off for us.



Come on, before this Doc shows up.


Scott closes the gull wing door and the two of them head off to Courthouse Square. They pass Doc who’s looking through his binoculars still. Doc looks sideways at Scott and Suzy, but doesn’t recognize them.


SCOTT (Whispering).

How weird was that?



Very. It’s great to be home.


There is a lot of commotion on the square. They see 17-year-old Marty Senior is on a hoverboard stuck on the lake. Griff Tannen and his gang head on over the water to get him with a baseball bat. They are also on hoverboards. Marty jumps in the water and Griff and his gang get tangled up in the towrope from the hoverboards and smash through the windows of the mall.



That was meant to happen. Griff got arrested for wrecking the mall. Everything seems to be okay. Thank goodness for that.



How come they’re on hoverboards?



I dunno? Maybe Doc set it all up?


Scott and Suzy see Marty get out of the water and start chatting to Terry with the “Save the Clock Tower” tin.


At the Clocktower, The police have arrived and a police officer talks to Griff Tannen. After a brief chat, the police officer shakes Griff’s hand and heads back to their car. Griff grins.



How did that happen?


Suzy points at the police car as it lifts off the ground.



A flying police car? How can that be? What the hell is going on here?


Scott and Suzy look round the square. They see that a lot of cars are flying as in Back to the Future Part II. Then they notice a huge billboard with Biff Tannen Junior’s face on it. It reads, “Re-Elect Mayor Biff Tannen Jr. Keep the Tannen family running Hill Valley”. Behind the buildings behind the billboard is a big tower filling the landscape. Tannen Towers!



Great Scott!


Scott looks back at the Café 80s to see the police car has landed again. He then sees that his brother, Marty Junior is pinned against the bonnet being handcuffed.



Oh no, Marty’s been arrested!


Scott looks around and sees Marty Senior with Doc. They haven’t seen that Marty Junior has been arrested.



Why? What does this mean?



My dad came to the future to stop this entire event happening and ripping the family apart. I think I’ve screwed it all up…


Fade into opening credits. Back to the Future Part V logo appears on the screen to the Back to the Future theme tune. The opening credits appear over the following; a birds’ eye view over the futuristic version of Hill Valley, with flying cars and many futuristic gadgets everywhere. The credits end with a close up of the courthouse clock, which still shows 10.04pm.


Ext. Courthouse Square.



What are we going to do?



There’s only one thing we can do.



Go back in time and sort it out?



Yeah. That Chuck Tannen must have swiped my bag of stuff with my palmtop in it and all the rest of my school stuff back in 1925.



What else did you have?



ROMs for my palmtop. Various volumes of “The History of Hill Valley” which I downloaded for the school project we’re working on. He must have worked out how to use it. I had my charger in the bag too.



He must have used that information to become powerful and take over Hill Valley. It must be hell to live here. How would he have managed to create flying cars and all this weird futuristic stuff out of a few bits of information on the future?



Dunno. Maybe he raided Doc’s place in 1925 and got hold of some of his gadgets and sold them on to inventors? I’m sure he had a hoverboard there. Whatever it is we’ve got to go back and stop it from ever happening. You don’t want to know what will happen if my brother stays in gaol. (Scott shudders). Come on, we’ve no time to lose.


Scott and Suzy rush back towards the alleyway where the DeLorean is only to see Doc Brown of 1985 has already retrieved it and it now parked outside the “Blast From The Past” antique store. Doc and 1985 Marty are looking down the alley at police officers Reese and Foley, who have picked up 1985 Jennifer.



What now?



Quick it’s unattended. Keep watch for a second whilst I try to get in it.


Suzy watches around the corner at Doc and Marty. Scott heads to the open door of the DeLorean. Einstein the dog is on the seat and growls at Scott when he tries to go near.



Nice doggie.


Scott tries to put his hand in to pat Einstein. Einstein is having none of it and snaps at Scott, who pulls his hand away.



YOW! And Dad wrote in his story that you were a nice dog.


Ext. Alleyway. Marty and Doc are still looking down at the police officers with Jennifer.



That's it! They're taking her home, to your future home! We'll arrive shortly thereafter and get her out of there and go back to 1985.



You mean I'm going to see where I live? I'm going to see myself as an old man?



No, no, no Marty, that could resolve in a… (Doc gives a "Huh!" groan) Great Scott! Jennifer could conceivably encounter her future self, the consequences of that could be disastrous.



Doc, what do you mean?



I foresee two possibilities. One - coming face-to-face with herself thirty years older could put her into shock and she could simply pass out. Or two - the encounter could create a time paradox, the results of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space-time continuum and destroy the entire universe. Granted, that's the worse case scenario. The destruction might, in fact, be very localized, limited to merely our own galaxy.


MARTY (worried).

Well, that's a relief.


The police car takes off and passes Marty and Doc.



Let's go! I sure hope we find Jennifer before she finds herself!


Doc looks at a sign, which gives information on the skyway. It says "Skewed on Skyway C25".



The skyway's jammed; it's going to take us forever to get there. (Doc holds up the sports almanac from Back to the Future Part 2). And this stays here. I didn't invent the time machine to win at gambling; I invented the time machine to travel through time!



I know, I know Doc!


Doc puts the sports almanac on a barrel and the two leave the alleyway. Doc pats Einstein as they enter the DeLorean. The car takes off and the camera pans to behind the next wall where Scott and Suzy have hidden.



Damn! If only we had more time.


Old Biff makes his way past in a hurry.



I’ve got it. We’ve got to go to my house. Old Biff steals the time machine from outside our house and takes it back to 1955. If we can just get it before or after he steals it, we’re sorted. We need a taxicab.


Ext. Corner of street near McFly household. Marty from 1985 is sitting on the seat of the DeLorean with the door open. He has just put his eighties clothes back on. He looks around, and sees a dog being walked - by a robotic lead. Marty stares at it, and then gets up to have a closer look at it. He walks down the street. Old Biff gets into the DeLorean and unseen by Marty, takes off, although he crashes into some boxes first. Scott and Suzy are hiding across the road. They look into the sky as the DeLorean hits 88 miles-per-hour and disappears back to 1955 leaving a streak of fire in the sky.



We’ve missed out on that opportunity. We’ll have to wait until he gets back.



Is that when he takes a sports statistic book back to himself as a teenager and makes himself a billionaire?



Yeah, that’s the one.



Isn’t history going to change around us then?



It shouldn’t do. Dad and Doc will go back and sort it out before the time-ripple will reach here. Hang on look... There’s my mom; look at her car.


47-year-old Jennifer arrives home in a flying car, which lands as it enters the street. She pulls up in the drive in the distance and gets groceries out of the trunk. Three sonic booms are heard in the sky. Jennifer looks round, sees nothing and heads to the house.



Now’s our chance!


Old Biff parks the DeLorean. He opens the door and starts to get out, clutching his chest. 1985 Doc calls to 1985 Marty.



Marty! Marty! Marty! Come quick! Quick!


Marty disappears from sight with Doc to the McFly house. Biff gets out of the DeLorean. The top of his cane breaks off. Biff wanders from sight groaning.



Oh, oh, ahh!


Scott runs towards the DeLorean. Marty and Doc run down the street carrying Jennifer from 1985. Scott sees and retreats back to where he was hiding.






She encountered her future self and went into shock, just as I predicted. She'll be fine - lets get her back to 1985. And then I'm going to destroy the time machine!



Destroy it? What about all that stuff about humanity? Where we're going and why?



The risk is just too great as this incident proves. (He opens the door and they put Jennifer inside) And I was behaving responsibly! Just imagine the danger if the time machine were to fall in the wrong hands!


SCOTT (whispering to Suzy).

Little does he know…



My only regret is that I will never get a chance to visit my favorite historical era - the old west. But time traveling is just too dangerous. Better that I devote myself to study the other great mystery of the universe - women.


Doc and Marty put Jennifer into the DeLorean. They then get in themselves along with Einstein. They shut the doors and take off. Scott and Suzy watch as it vanishes in time to 1985.



Now what?



I think we’d better start getting used to flying cars and hoverboards. We’re screwed.



We can’t stay here. It’s too weird. Biff Tannen Junior is in charge of Hill Valley. Your brother is locked up.



Marlene tries to bust him out, but ends up inside herself. She’s gonna try and top herself! What the hell am I gonna do? It’s all my fault!



The best thing to do is stay calm. There’s got to be a solution. Come on you know the future. Your parents do to. You can stop Marlene from coming to harm. We will find a way to get Marty Junior out of gaol. Look go home and see what’s happening. I’ll see you in school in the morning.


Ext. McFly household door. Scott tries to get in but there’s no door handle. He stands puzzled for a moment before noticing a small plate to the side of the door. He presses it with his thumb and the door opens.



Welcome home Scott.



What the…


Scott enters the house and shuts the door. The front room looks more or less like he remembered it, but with a few more gadgets than before. Marty Senior’s music awards are still hanging up. Scott picks up one of his dad’s music awards from a shelf and looks at it.



At least something didn’t screw up.


He puts the trophy down heads along past the study room where he can hear his parents talking alone.



That was such a shock seeing myself there at the door. At least it’s all over now; we can get on with our futures.



I’m afraid it’s not Jen; I’ve got some bad news.



Why what’s happened?



It’s Junior Jen…


Scott decides to move on. He passes the dining area where he can hear the voices of his sister and grandparents, and heads to his bedroom.


Ext. Hill Valley High School. Next day. Thursday, October 22nd 2015. Scott is sitting under the statue of Mr. Strickland in the yard of the school. Kids whiz past on hoverboards. Eric Wilson comes along to meet him.



Yo, McFly. How’s it hanging? Why didn’t you meet me on the way to school this morning?



Oh, hi Eric. Sorry I had things on my mind.



I thought you’d disappeared through time. How did you get on with hunting down your time machine?


Scott gives Eric a dirty look.



Hey, lighten up dude. It was a joke. I thought it was funny the way you actually thought you’d find a time machine. How did you get on with that Suzy? Are you still at each other’s throats?



We’re fine.



Speak of the devil… Here she is.


Suzy arrives at school. She looks nervously at the strange futuristic looking things around her. Scott rushes over.



Suzy! Over here. Are you okay?



This is really weird. I woke up this morning expecting everything to be back to normal, but it’s all still so… space age! How did you get on at home?



Not good. Mom and Dad are really freaked out about Marty’s arrest. Marlene is in pieces. I don’t know what to do. Griff’s father is mayor of Hill Valley. This is all so wrong. I’m just glad it’s not all war torn like when Old Biff Tannen had the sports almanac. If only I could get Marty out of gaol. I think this alternate reality could be okay when we get used to it.



I don’t like it. It feels wrong. I got home last night to find everything is voice activated and things were floating around the house. My parents were just acting as if were all normal. It’s freaking me out.


Suzy starts to cry.



Hey Suzy…


Scott puts his arm around Suzy to comfort her. Eric comes over.



Woah McFly! You’re a fast mover.


Scott pulls his arm back. Eric sees Suzy is upset.



Hey what’s up with her?



It’s nothing Eric.


SUZY (whispering to Scott).

I’ll see you in the library at break Scott.


Suzy walks away.



She’s got personal problems.



Since when did you two become close enough to talk about personal stuff? Only yesterday she hated you.



A lot’s happened since yesterday.



Like what?



You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.


A bell sounds and the two rush into class.


Int. School Library at break time. Scott and Suzy get to a futuristic looking computer.



I can’t believe these computers. I haven’t a clue how to work them.



I thought the same, but when I used one in class, it was as if I knew how to use it. Like I lived out this timeline as well as the one we came from.



What do you mean?



Haven’t you felt anything yet? I’m getting double memories of my past. I remember all the stuff I remember before, but now I’m beginning to sort of remember growing up with cars flying around and stuff like that. Does that make sense?



I haven’t thought of anything yet. Maybe it hasn’t caught up with me yet. Like jet-lag or something. But now you mention it, my hoverboard at home looked less daunting to ride this morning than it did last night. I reckon I could pull off a good moves on it.



For goodness sake Scott, you and your skateboard…



It’s a hoverboard now.



Whatever… Let’s get onto a history web page and see what’s been going on.


Suzy manages to activate the futuristic computer.


SUZY (tapping in the words).

Hill… Valley… history… Okay here we are here’s a place to start.



Look, click on that! Chuck Tannen legacy.



Okay. Here we go. “Chuck Tannen, the legend of Hill Valley. The famous Tannen family have been in Hill Valley for many years. Records show of a Buford ‘Mad Dog’ Tannen who lived the latter part of the nineteenth century…”



Further down look!


Scott points further down at the writing on the screen.



“The family lived humbly until early 1926 when 17-year-old Chuck Tannen predicted a hurricane close to Hill Valley weeks before the event happened. The young Tannen boy’s talent for predicting future events was dismissed as a fluke at this point in time, but when he started predicting future births and deaths of Hill Valley residents, as well as many other events, people started to take note. Chuck Tannen’s ‘sixth sense’ made him a very wealthy man with people from all over California paying him thousands of dollars to find out about their futures”.



Then he did get the palmtop. We’ve got to go back in time to 1925 and get it back.



How do you propose to do that, The DeLorean’s gone back to 1985.


Suzy hits the print button and a hard-copy of the document starts to print.



There’s got to be a way. I can’t let that bunch of no-good Tannen’s take credit for nicking my computer. If we don’t do something Marty’s gonna rot in prison. And Marlene too if it doesn’t get sorted out.


Suzy gives Scott the printout and they look at each other in dismay.


Ext. McFly house. Evening. Scott arrives home to find Marty Senior and Jennifer rushing out of the house in a hurry.



There you are. I’ve been trying to get hold of you. Why aren’t you wearing your commpiece?



My what?


MARTY SENIOR (sarcastically).

Your commpiece Scott; you know; the device we wear so we can get in touch with each other.



Huh? What’s the emergency?


JENNIFER (upset).

It’s your sister. She’s been caught trying to bust Marty out of gaol. She’s in custody at the station.



We’re going down there now to pick her up. She’s been let off with a caution.



It could’ve been a lot worse. We’ll be back as soon as we can.


SCOTT (stunned).



Marty Senior and Jennifer head to the car. Scott goes inside.


Int. McFly house. Scott looks through the curtain and when his parents’ car leaves, he rushes to their room.


Scott boots his dad’s computer up and looks up his “Back to the Future” story.



Come on, come on…


After a while of searching Scott finds something.


SCOTT (to himself).

Eureka. This is it. Monday 26th October 2015. 2.15am. Lyon Estate. Of course! When Doc first comes to the future from 1985. That’s Sunday night… three nights away. I’m going to get Doc’s car and go back to 1925 and sort this mess out once and for all!


Ext. Lyon Estates. Monday 26th October 2015 2.12am. Scott is hiding in some bushes near to the side of his Grandparent’s house. He has his a new rucksack packed with essentials for his “trip”. He checks his watch, which shows the date and time, and looks up and down the street. He hears a figure approaching, so he ducks back into the shadows. It is a shortish man wearing a large black jacket with the collars pointed up, and a hat pulled down covering his face. He walks up to the elder-McFly residence and looks up the drive. Scott looks from his hiding place to see who it is, but it is too dark to make out whom it is. As Scott strains to see, the man moves on to Scott’s left and further down the street.


SCOTT (to himself).

Damn, that’s all I need, somebody else hanging about.


Scott moves forward and looks down towards the entrance of the estate. He sees that the man has stopped a short way along the street.


SCOTT (to himself).

Aw, come on. Keep walking will ya.


Scott carefully moves along the street in the shadows to see if he can see who the man is. As he gets close he accidentally kicks a discarded “Pepsi Perfect” bottle, which creates a racket. The man looks round, but Scott hides before he can be seen. Just as the man looks away, three sonic booms sound out and the DeLorean appears out of nowhere. The frozen car brakes to a halt along the street. The man in the coat rushes towards the stationary vehicle.



Who the hell is that guy?


Scott sees the gull-wing door of the DeLorean open up and a 65-year-old Doctor Emmett Brown step out wearing a white coat and a Hawaiian shirt underneath. Einstein the dog leaps out behind him. He looks around bewildered and then sees the man in the coat rush towards him.


MAN (rushing over to Doc).

Doc! Doc!


The man takes his hat off as Doc looks up at him.



Marty! Is that you?


The man is revealed to be Marty Senior.



Doc! Oh my God, am I glad to see you?


Marty embraces Doc.



So this is the year 2015? I wasn’t expecting you to greet me. I just left you in 1985. I mean the 17-year-old version of you.



I know Doc. That’s why I’m here. I need your help.



Why what’s going on? What’s been going on in the last thirty years?



It’s my kids Doc. They’re in trouble, something’s got to be done about them.



Why what’s happened? Do they turn into assholes or something?



It’s a long story Doc. I don’t want to tell you too much because you told me you don’t want to hear too much about your own future. Screwing things up. Stuff like that.



If you need help Marty, I’m willing to take a chance. Start at the beginning.



Well here goes; it’s pretty heavy. You know when you dropped me off home in 1985 and headed off to the future?



I hope so. That’s where I’ve just come from.



Well the next morning I woke up and found that my life had changed around quite considerably. I found I had a new 4-by-4 and was about to go for a spin in it with Jennifer when you turned up.






Yeah, the you of the near future. You came from 2015 to fetch me to help my son Marty Junior out.



You have a son? Wow!



Anyway, Junior had gotten himself in trouble with this kid called Griff Tannen…


DOC (stunned at the name).

Griff Tannen…



Yeah, he’s Biff Tannen’s grandson. Anyway, because of Griff, Junior ended up doing time and we came along to straighten it all out. Griff ended up being the one being arrested and Junior was in the clear. We went home and… well that’s another story.



So what’s the problem now then?



2015 has arrived and Junior has been arrested again. It happened last Wednesday Doc; He’s now in gaol. Surely he should have been okay now shouldn’t he? The



Great Scott! That sounds terrible. If we had sorted everything out, something in the space-time-continuum must have been altered again to screw this event up.



Can we go back in time a week to sort this out? Jen’s in bits over the whole incident.



We need to work out a plan. We can’t just turn up and go wading in. It could cause all sorts of complications. If you interact with your 17-year-old self and mess the course of events you lead, it could cause a major paradox.



But my daughter will end up in trouble too.



You have a daughter too?



Yeah, Marlene. She tries to break Junior out and ends up doing time herself for it. She’s already tried once and been let off with a caution. She even attempts suicide.



Come on Marty, hop in, we can’t let all this happen. If we go back a couple of days before all this took place, we can figure it all out from there and you can show me around the sights of Hill Valley in the future. Come on Einy, back in the DeLorean.


Einstein jumps into the DeLorean. Doc pulls his radiation suit out and starts to put it on. Marty climbs in after Einstein.



So Marty, what have you been up to these last thirty years then?


Doc gets out his case of plutonium and charges up the DeLorean for time travel.



What haven’t I been up to Doc. Remember the demo tape I did just before you left? Well I posted that off to the record company.



You did it then? I knew you would. You were a natural. You just needed a bit of self-confidence…


Doc finishes off and goes to climb back into the DeLorean.


SCOTT (yelling across the street).

No! Stop! Wait!



Who the hell is that?



What the hell are you doing here? You should be at home. Err Doc… this is my son.



He’s out of prison?



No, this is Scott, my youngest son. Scott, this is Doc, an old friend of mine.



I know; I’ve met him before.



What do you mean you’ve met him before?



I’ve never seen this young man before in my life.



Not yet you haven’t.


Doc and Marty look at each other puzzled and then back at Scott.



I think you’ve got some explaining to do.



I think we may have some answers to what’s been going on.



Come on then Scott… Let’s hear it.



Please don’t be angry Dad. I sort of found your story you wrote. The story of your time traveling adventures. I decided to see if they were real.



Oh no… Please tell me you didn’t… Last Wednesday?



Yeah. I went to the square.



I told you to stay away from there. What did you do?



Well… I accidentally… well… borrowed the DeLorean.



You did what? Great Scott!



I only borrowed it for a quick trip to see what you were like as a teenager Dad.


MARTY (angrily).

Do you have any idea what you could have done? Most probably have done? Where did you go back to?



1985. October 27th.



The day I got back from 18…


Marty looks at Doc and decides he shouldn’t give too much away as Doc doesn’t know anything about their trip to 1885 yet.



18… 18 acres resort. The day I got back from the lake with your Mom. How long were you in 1985? Did you interact with anyone?



I lost my palmtop computer. I think I knew who took it. We just need to pop back in time and get it back and everything should be okay.



We need to go back to 1985 then. Come on Marty, you can punish the boy later.



Well actually. We need to go back to Halloween in 1925.






Get in. He can explain on the way. It’s going to be a tight squeeze.



It had better be good.


Scott sees Einstein and backs off from him.



What’re you scared of Scott? Einstein is a great dog, he wouldn’t hurt a fly.


Marty strokes Einstein.



He might snap at me.



Don’t worry about him. He’ll only snap if you’re up to no good or if he’s looking after something for me.


Doc looks down the road.



I think I’m going to have to back up a bit. We don’t have enough roads to get up to ’88.


Int. DeLorean. They all squeeze into the DeLorean with a bit of difficulty. Doc flicks the ignition and the car doesn’t turn. He whacks the dashboard and it roars into life.



A little trick to get it started. I think there’s a loose wire somewhere. Right, time circuits on… October 31 1925. What time shall we say?



Well… The Halloween party in Courthouse Square began around 7pm, so if we get there about two or three hours before to work out what we need to do.



Halloween party? Sounds like fun. Okay. 4pm should do it then.



Halloween 1925? And all I wanted was to go back a couple of days. I’ve got a very bad feeling about this.



Come on Marty, what happened to your sense of adventure in the last thirty years? It’ll be a blast. Off we go.


Ext. Lyon Estates. Doc backs up the road, hits the gas and the DeLorean speeds down the street and disappears through time leaving two streaks of fire down the road.


(Saturday, October 31st 1925 4:00pm)


The DeLorean appears in a field with haystacks in it. It bounces across the uneven field as it decelerates. Doc finds it difficult to control and ends ups crashing into a haystack. A young man around 20 who is lounging on top is thrown to the ground with a yelp. He gets up, dusts himself down and looks over to see the futuristic machine covered in hay with. The DeLorean’s hazard lights are flashing.



What the hell is that thing?


He walks around it cautiously trying to work out what it is.



It’s like an airplane… but without wings.


Doc and Marty open up the gull-wing doors and step out in their radiation suits. The young man runs off.





Marty lifts up the hood on the radiation suit.



Are we in 1925 Doc?


Doc lifts up his hood.



It looks like it Marty. This is the field where Lyon Estates will be built in thirty years time. You’re home… Well the home you lived at in 1985 will be built somewhere along near those trees. We’re a couple of miles from the built up Hill Valley of 1925. We’d better drive as close as we dare to the town and then hide the DeLorean. We’ll be arrested if we’re seen in this.


Scott leans out of the DeLorean with Einstein.



Look, there’s someone running away across the field.


Doc and Marty turn and see the young man running for his life.



We’d better get moving, before he comes back with others. We don’t want to interact too much with the locals. We’ve also got to be careful not to run into our other selves.



Scott and his friend Suzy?



I live here as well Marty. I’m five years old!


Marty gives Doc a strange look.



I was young once you know Marty I’ve not always been old with white wavy hair.



Wanna bet?



Did you bump into Doc when you were here Scott?



Well… Once or twice.



You’d better start explaining.



No time for that now Marty, that young man may return soon. Come on lets go.


Doc and Marty get back into the DeLorean with Scott and Einstein, close the doors and head off.


Ext. Riverbank. The young man rushes down to where his two friends are fishing.



Jack, Lou, you won’t believe what’s in the field up there!


LOU (Uninterested).

What is it now Otis?



It… It’s… a flying saucer. From space! Spacemen… from Mars or somewhere stepped out! There in the field. Over there. Come quick.


Jack and Lou share a chuckle.



Otis Peabody, you certainly have an overactive imagination.



I’m not joking; come and look.



Are you sure you didn’t just doze off on one of those haystacks you keep lounging around on?



No! You’ve gotta believe me.


Jack and Lou sigh, look at each other, and get up to see what Otis wants.


Ext. Field by demolished haystack. The DeLorean is nowhere to be seen. Jack and Lou are not impressed.



You dragged us up here to show us a haystack you’ve knocked over?



It was here I tell you. It appeared out of nowhere. It was a black airplane type machine, without wings, and it smashed through the haystack. It’s a wonder I wasn’t killed! It has eerie lights flashing all over it.



You’re mad Otis. I don’t know where you dream this stuff up from, but there’s one thing I know; the farmer isn’t going to be too impressed with you if he finds you’ve destroyed his haystack. Come on Lou, there’s fish to catch.


Lou and Jack turn and head back to the river. Otis stands bewildered looking at the fallen haystack, and then around to see if he can see the DeLorean.


Ext. Courthouse Square. Doc, Marty and Scott are wearing 1920’s clothes. Scott pulls at his clothes with an “I look stupid in these” expression on his face. Einstein follows along.



It’s a good job you’ve got currency from different eras Doc. I think I would’ve stood out in 2015 clothing.



Okay Scott, spill the beans. What have you been up to? How did you end up here in 1925?



Well erm, Doc this sort of involves your future. You don’t like finding stuff out like that do you?



My future? In 1925? Why, what do I do? No, don’t answer that.



Well it’s a bit complicated. Can I just explain it to Dad? He was with you.


Doc pauses for thought for a moment.



I don’t know what sort of mess you’ve got yourself in, or how I’m involved. By the sounds of it, I should’ve stayed behind. Okay, I’ll go and get us a bite to eat and you explain it all to your Dad. Come on Einstein.


Doc and Einstein walk away.


Marty glares at Scott in a “get talking sort of way”.



Okay, where do I begin? You and Doc came to 2015 from 1985 to stop Marty getting arrested. I learned of it from your PC when mine was broken. Suzy Lee from school and I were in the Café 80’s working on a school project when you showed up.



I thought I told you to stay away from the Café that day.



I must of… sort of forgotten you said that. Anyway, we went out, found the DeLorean down the alley and borrowed it, and drove it off into the sky.



Scott, you are fifteen years old. You’re not even old enough to drive. Let alone fly. Where did you learn to control it?



Playing video games. They’re a bit more realistic than in your day Dad. It flew just like in my game. If anything it handled better.


Marty shakes his head.



We went to 1985 to see what the world was like on the day your story finished and then went to come home. Then we had a little accident.



What happened?



We hit your 4-by-4 and ended up being transported to 1925.



The 4-by-4! So it was you? I remember that accident! And then waking up with a letter and some money from Doc. Neither of us even had a scratch.



Doc made sure you were okay.



I always wondered what that was all about. The letter he left was a bit vague.



I’ll tell you all about that when this is all over. I’ve got to tell you about 1925.



Go on.



We ended up back here, because we hit your 4-by-4 at the point we hit 88 miles-per-hour in the DeLorean. It was a bit of an accident. We ran into Chuck Tannen…


MARTY (Interrupting).

Chuck Tannen?



Yeah, a Tannen. Buford Tannen’s grandson. He stole my palmtop computer, we got it back, and before we managed to get the DeLorean back to 2015, I think he took it again.



You think he took it?



Well, nobody else would’ve known where we were. We’ve got to get it back off him.



Okay, that doesn’t sound too hard. We’ve just got to get it back and be on our way.



That’s about it.



What’s Doc’s future got to do with all this?



Well, for one it’s his future flying DeLorean we borrowed. And for second…


Scott is interrupted by Doc and Einstein’s return.



Are we all sorted? What can I know?



Yeah, pretty much; we need to come up with a plan, to sort this out. We can pretty much tell you the basics Doc. Right Scott; we need to establish as many details of today as possible. Where everyone will be, what they’re doing and at what time they will be there. It’s imperative you remember as many details as possible. We don’t want to stop any important events from happening and messing the future up any more.



Marty, you’re beginning to sound just like me!


Marty lets out a chuckle.



Well I have got a few more years of experience and wisdom on my shoulders now Doc. Give me half a chance, I’ll be talking jigowatts and paradoxes.


Doc chuckles as well.



Is there anywhere we can go?



Shall we try the public house?



We’d better not. I think they’ve fallen out with me?



Why what did you do?


Marty pauses for a second.



On second thoughts, I don’t know if I want to hear it.



Why don’t we go to the Hill Valley park? I used to love going there as a child. It would be nice to see it as I remember it again.



Sounds good to me.



Doc, can I just have another quick word alone with my dad again please?


DOC (puzzled).

Sure. Come on Einy, we’ll walk up ahead.


Doc moves away.



What’s up son?



We’ve a small problem with Doc being here.



Go on.



You know that Doc doesn’t know that he ends up living in the old west?






Well, after all the rejuve work he had done in the future, it adds a good few years to his life… Quite a few more years.



You mean…



Yup, he’s still alive.



Doc is here in Hill Valley, still alive? This is heavy. He must be…



One hundred and five years old.



Wow, and he still gets about?



Yeah, he looks years younger though. We’ve got to keep our Doc from bumping into him. It’s his future self that he doesn’t know about.



Oh, no, this could be disastrous; I’ve seen it happen with your mom. You’ll have to be subtle when telling Doc what happens. This is really, really heavy…


Ext. Courthouse Square. Evening. The camera shows the Clock Tower chiming 7 o’clock and then pans down over the square, which is covered in pumpkins and Halloween decorations everywhere. The locals are all in fancy dress costumes enjoying a great evening. A band is playing 1920’s music and people are dancing.

Around the corner hides Doc, Marty, Scott and Einstein. Doc is dressed up as a wizard, Marty as a vampire, and Scott as a ghoul. Even Einstein has horns on his head. Scott looks around the corner with binoculars. He sees old Doc, Clara, younger Scott, Suzy and Edison the dog arrive in Doc’s 1925 car in fancy dress. They park up and get out of the car. Scott turns back to Marty and Doc.



Trust me Doc, you don’t want to mingle with the crowd.



I fully understand Scott. I was at this very same Halloween party when I was five years old.



So, whilst we sort all this out, you stay out of the way.


Scott looks again through his binoculars. He sees his younger self, Doc and company looking across the square at something. Scott pans round and sees Butch Tannen with his wife Gertrude. Butch looks around before taking a swig of illicit booze. Scott turns back again to Doc and Marty.



It’s the era of the prohibition. I can see Butch Tannen knocking back some booze. If only Constable Strickland could see him.



Let’s head round and keep an eye on Chuck Tannen. Remember we can’t do anything until he’s been home and you and Suzy have confronted him, else we’ll mess up what’s happened before and we may screw up you getting back to the future in the first place.


Marty and Scott creep round behind a stand where Chuck Tannen is with his gang. They notice that they are annoying some local girls.


Doc is around the corner keeping out of the way. He dares to peek around the corner a couple of times. He taps his foot to the music.



I remember this!


Two ladies come from behind Doc dressed as witches. They notice he is not with the rest of the party.



Hello there sir. What are you doing hiding around here? You should be enjoying yourself with everyone on the square.


Doc jumps a little.



Hello there ladies. Lovely evening isn’t it? I’m having quite enough fun as it is around here. Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.



Ah, bless him he’s shy. We can’t let you stay around here all night on your own. You need a bit of company.



I’m with my dog, Einstein; he’s all the company I need.


Einstein barks.



Aww, what a lovely dog. He can come too. Come on, it’s time to party.



No, no, it’s quite alright.


The two ladies link arms with Doc and take him around into the square. They let out witch’s cackles as they go. Einstein trots behind.


DOC (to himself).

Oh, what harm can it do?


The two ladies start dancing and Doc feels obliged to the same. Doc hears a conversation behind him. Einstein whines a little and sits watching the people having the conversation a little confused.



Oh, Tessler, you dear old thing.



How do you know her name mister?



Erm… Her name is on the collar. She’s a lovely dog.



What’s your dog’s name?






Hi there Edison. That’s a great name. If I ever get another dog, I’m gonna call him Edison.



I’m sure you will. When you’re an old man like me, get yourself a dog and call him Edison.


1985 DOC (panicking and trying to whisper).

Einstein, come on boy.


Einstein wanders up to young Emmett.



Einstein. Is that your name?


Young Emmett strokes Einstein, and Tessler and Edison sniff him.





1985 DOC (from a distance).

Einstein! Come here boy.


Einstein whines slightly as he looks at Doc’s two counterparts before trotting off. Old Doc rubs his eyes and shakes his head.



Nah; couldn’t be.


Young Emmett’s parents show up.



Emmett. Come along now. Don’t go annoying other people.





Marty and Scott are still watching Chuck Tannen. 1985 Doc creeps up behind them.



Scott, Marty!


Marty and Scott jump.



Geez Doc, what’re you trying to do? Give me a coronary?



Why didn’t you tell me I was here?


MARTY (jokingly).

Course you’re here; you’re standing right there.



No, not me: the other me. I’m an old man!



You’ve seen yourself?



Yes, he’s having a conversation with the five-year-old me. What was I thinking? What am I doing here? I could cause a paradox. I’m going to have to stop him… me.



No, no, no… Doc, you can’t. That would be disastrous itself. You’d be no better than the other you.



You’re right Marty. What am I to do?



Doc, just keep away. Forget about it. You’ll find out one day.



What’s next on the plan?


Scott dares a look across the square. He sees old Doc subtly using a walkie-talkie.



We’re on schedule. Suzy and I are at the Tannens’ retrieving the palmtop computer. Chuck then goes back and intervenes. If we stop him going back to the house, he won’t know we’re there and follow us.



Right, we’ll wait until Chuck Tannen leaves the square, and then jump him down the road. You’d better stay round here out of the way Doc.


Doc doesn’t reply.





Marty looks round and sees that Doc has vanished with Einstein.

Marty looks across the square and sees that Doc is sneaking across to get a glimpse of his future self.



Great Scott!


Doc hides to the side of a stand near to where Old Doc is and listens in on his conversation. Old Doc is talking to Seamus McFly who 1985 Doc hasn’t even met yet. Einstein starts whimpering.


1985 DOC (whispering).

Be quiet boy.


OLD DOC (to Seamus).

Scott told me about Maggie’s passing. I was sorry to hear the news.



Scott? The young man who stayed at William’s said his name was Charlie. Charlie Chaplin. You know, like the actor.



Ah yes that’s him. Scott is his middle name. It’s also the name we tend to use with him. Erm. You see, his father’s name is Charlie also, so we call him Scott to avoid confusion.


SEAMUS Anyway, I’d better be getting back to my family. You take care now Emmett. You take care too Clara. Have yourself a great evening.



Good Evening Seamus.


Seamus walks away.


1985 DOC



1985 Doc dares a peek around from his hiding place and notices the woman with his older self. He looks a little shocked.

Marty catches up with 1985 Doc, approaches from behind and puts his hand on his shoulder. Doc almost jumps out of his skin.



What the hell do you think you’re doing?



I erm…



After all the things you told me about not learning about future events… After the problems we had with Jennifer in 2015.






Ah, yeah, right. That hasn’t happened to you yet.



I just want to be prepared. If I hadn’t stuck the letter you wrote in 1955 back together, I would’ve died earlier on when the terrorists shot me.



Earlier on?


DOC (thinking hard).

1985. Earlier on from my perspective. I haven’t been to sleep since then Marty. Events are starting to get a little confusing.



You’re confusing me. Anyway, it’s not always a good thing to know what will happen.



Marty, answer me this. Who’s Clara? Is she my wife? Where did I meet her? In the old west? I remember that name from 1955, when you came back from the future.



I can’t tell you that.



No, no, no you’re right? What was I thinking? I’ve got to get away.


Doc turns for a last glance of Clara. Both she and Doc’s future self have moved onto the dance floor.


Doc hears Seamus McFly’s voice behind him.



Clint Eastwood? It can’t be?


Doc turns and sees Seamus McFly has approached Marty. Doc hides out of the way in a panic.



Err, hi, Seamus.


SEAMUS (shocked).

It is you! The dead walks!


MARTY (surprised and nervous).

It’s good to see you again Seamus, how long has it been?



I can’t believe it, it is really you! You died in that train crash into the ravine. They even named it after you. That was… must’ve been forty years ago.



No, I can assure you I never died. I left town straight after the showdown with Mad Dog Tannen. I didn’t want to be involved in any more trouble in the town.



Quite wise. But you need not have worried. Buford Tannen’s days of bullying were over. He became the laughing stock of the town. His gang all deserted him and he kept himself to himself. Anyway, there was the big train robbery. Emmett said you were on board when it was stolen. He must’ve been mistaken. Are you staying with him? I’ve just been talking to him. I haven’t seen him for years either.



Erm, no I’m not staying with him. I’ve just arrived in town.



I’ll call him over. He’ll be surprised to see you.


MARTY (to himself).

I’m sure he would be.



I’m sorry?



No, no... It’s okay. I’d like to surprise him in my own time.



Oh, okay then. I must say though Mister Eastwood; you’re looking mighty good for your years. You must be close to sixty as you were in your late teens when I met you, but you don’t look much above the age of forty.



Thank you very much. It’s probably the moisturizer I use. I also try and keep away from UV rays.



UV what?



Never mind.



Come and meet my family and have a drink with us Mister Eastwood. Young William has grown a bit since the last time you saw him.



I’m sure he has Seamus. I’d love to, but I’ve got to be somewhere in a minute. Tell you what, I’ll meet up with you when I get back and we can have a chat.



Oh, okay then. Take care now. See you shortly.


Seamus leaves Marty and heads back into the party.


Doc comes out of hiding. Scott also comes over.



That was close.



This is why you shouldn’t be here at this party Doc. None of us should. Right Scott, where’s Chuck Tannen?


Doc, Marty and Scott scan the square for Chuck Tannen but cannot see him. His gang are there alone.



Damn, he’s gone already.


Scott rushes off.


Marty and Doc see Seamus talking to people and pointing out “Clint Eastwood”. Doc hides behind Marty so he isn’t seen.


Ext Blacksmith. Scott runs down the street to the Tannen’s house. He looks through the window in the side door of the house and sees Chuck Tannen has the slightly younger Scott pinned up against the wall. He is gasping for breath as Chuck has him around the throat. The Slightly older Scott watching through the window rubs his throat remembering the pain.



Let go of him!



Why what ya gonna do about it if I don’t?





Suzy throws a punch which hits Chuck square in the jaw and sends him flying into the sideboard. A vase falls on Chuck’s head and he’s out for the count. Younger Scott holds his throat and catches his breath.



Where did you learn to throw a punch like that?



Self-defense class. Come on, let’s go.


Younger Scott grabs his palmtop computer and then he and Suzy go to leave through the side door of the house. Older Scott sees the two of them heading his way and tries to get out of the way. Younger Scott runs out and straight into older Scott. They both fall to the ground. The palmtop is knocked out of his hand. Suzy grabs it. Older Scott rolls and crawls away under a hedge quick. Younger Scott gets to his feet.



Who was that?



Dunno, but they had the same fancy dress outfit as you on. Come on I can hear Chuck coming to..


Chuck moans as he regains consciousness, and younger Scott and Suzy sprint down the street.


Marty arrives at the scene after just missing younger Scott and Suzy.


Chuck runs out of the house and sees Marty.


CHUCK (angrily).

Hey, did you just see two punks running off. They were robbing my house.


MARTY (caught off guard).

I... I…


Chuck sees younger Scott and Suzy down the street.



Never mind…


Chuck sprints after younger Scott and Suzy.


Older Scott comes up to Marty.



We missed him. Come on we can see if he has anything left in the house.


Marty and Scott try the front door. It opens.



They’re so trusting in these days. Nobody ever locks the front door.


They go in.


Int. Chuck’s bedroom. Scott discovers a pile a papers on the floor. He picks them up.



I can’t believe we missed this.



What is it?



On my palmtop I had your story about traveling in time. Chuck’s managed to find it and copy important details out.


Scott and Marty scan through the information.



There are dates, times and places of where we’ll be in the future. Things that’ll happen.



Look, here’s a picture of the flux capacitor. Oh no, he’s also downloaded my project I’m doing at school. The history of Hill Valley.



With information like this, someone could make a lot of money… And get power.



Become Mayor even.


Marty and Scott look at each other.



We’ve got to destroy this.


Ext. Trash can. Marty and Scott loads the papers in the trash.



I found these in the kitchen.


Marty produces a box of matches. He sets light to it and drops it in the bin. The papers set light and disintegrate.


Scott pulls a printout he had about Chuck Tannen’s life. It reads “Chuck Tannen, the legend of Hill Valley”. After a few moments it erases.



It erased!



What was it?



I found an article on the net about how Chuck made his millions.



Let me see that.


Scott hands his father the blank piece of paper.



The article was never even written now. That means Chuck Tannen doesn’t get any information on the future and make money. We’ve done it son, history as it was meant to be is back on course.



We’ve still got to get to Doc’s farm. Chuck cuts the pipes on the airplane. And I still don’t have my palmtop.



Doc’s farm? Airplane.



We stayed with Doc on his farm. I didn’t get the chance to tell you. Doc fixed the DeLorean up with a bi-plane to get it back to the future there. Chuck followed us back and cut the fuel line. We nearly crashed.



Nearly? I gather you didn’t though.



No, it was close though.



So, it’ll be close again. You’ll still get back to 2015; Chuck won’t get his hands on your palmtop and will come home empty handed. Those articles wouldn’t have changed into blank sheets if he had.



Oh, yeah, it must turn out okay then. We don’t need to stop him.



You can’t have lost your computer here. It must be in 2015.


SCOTT (puzzled).

Sounds plausible… I think. We’d better go home then.


Ext. Courthouse Square. Marty and Scott head back and witness Old Doc’s car driving away with Chuck Tannen hanging onto the back.



I hope Doc has kept out of trouble.



With any luck he’ll be hiding around behind the stand.


Marty and Scott head through the crowd. Seamus McFly catches up with Marty.



Hey, hey, Mister Eastwood, Mister Eastwood!


Marty stops to acknowledge Seamus.



Hi Seamus.



Mister Eastwood, have you attended to your little matter yet?



Yes, everything’s great now, couldn’t be better.



Great, you can come and join my family for a drink now; they’d love to meet you. I’ve told them times about the legend of Clint Eastwood, the bravest man in the west; the man who put Mad Dog Tannen in his place.


Marty blushes.



Okay Seamus, I’d love to. I’ve got to be going shortly, but I’m sure it won’t hurt to stay a little longer.


Seamus notices Scott through his fancy dress costume.



Why, if it isn’t young Charlie Chaplin. Do you two know each over?



Yeah, we’re good buddies.


Marty pats Scott on the back.



Hello again Mister McFly.



Is your girlfriend not with you Charlie?



She’s not my girlfriend; she’s just a friend. She had to leave.



Oh, okay. You’ll come over as well won’t you young Charlie?



I’d love to.


Seamus takes Marty and Scott over to the rest of the McFly family. On the way through the crowd they pass Butch Tannen, who is with his wife Gertrude.


Butch gives Seamus a dirty look as he passes. Seamus ignores him. Marty passes next, and Butch sticks his foot out. Marty falls to the ground.


The crowd surrounding stop suddenly and turn to see what’s going on. Marty jumps to his feet and confronts Butch. Butch fronts up to Marty.



Hey, watch what you’re doing dork.


BUTCH (sarcastically).

Oh, I’m sorry; did I accidentally trip you up?



That was no accident!



Well, what’re you going to do about it?



Just leave it. He’s not worth the effort.


After giving Butch a long glare, Marty turns and starts to walk away.


BUTCH (Calling after).

What’s the matter with you…? Chicken?


Marty stops in his tracks, turns round to face Butch with a look that could kill. He doesn’t say anything.



I’m right aren’t I? You’re nothing but a big scaredy chicken!


Seamus pushes in front of Marty.



Look, he even gets an old man to fight his battles for him.


Butch makes chicken noises and waves his arms as if a chicken were flapping its wings. Members of the crowd make nervous laughter.


Marty looks as if he’s going to explode.


1985 Doc has now made his way over and is standing with Scott.



You don’t know who you’re dealing with here Tannen.



He looks like a big chicken to me.



He could sort you out with his arms tied behind his back.



Leave it Seamus. He’s not worth it.



This is the man who put your father in his place Tannen.






This here is Clint Eastwood; the bravest man ever to set foot in Hill Valley.



Clint Eastwood? It can’t be?



He’s the man who finally stood up to your father, Buford Tannen, gave him what for and stopped him from bullying the townsfolk. From that day forth, forty years ago, Buford Tannen lost his respect and dignity and made the Tannen family stand out as the cowardice bullies that they really are.



But… but… It can’t be Clint Eastwood. He’s… dead?



He didn’t die after all so it seems. Here he is in the flesh. Now you’d better apologize to him before you get him any angrier than he already is.



Apologize. You must be kidding. Come on Gertrude, we’re going.


Butch and his wife, Gertrude make a swift exit. The music starts up again and the crowd

Continue dancing. Marty looks at Seamus.



Thanks Seamus, that could have been messy.



Don’t thank me Mister Eastwood, thank your reputation. You’re a bit of a legend around here.



Blimey, you must have made a bit of an impression when you were here before.


DOC (to Marty without Seamus hearing).

You’ve been here before? What’s going on Marty?



You’ll find out all in good time Doc.


Seamus notices Doc in his wizard outfit. He doesn’t notice the difference in age under the make up.



Emmett, are you still here? I thought you’d gone home.



I… I thought I’d hang around a bit longer.



Come and join us all, and have a drink.


Seamus leads Marty, Scott Doc and Einstein to his family. The camera pans around the party and shows the townsfolk enjoying the remainder of a great night, listening to 1920’s period music.


Ext. Road leading away from Courthouse Square. Marty, Doc, Scott and Einstein are making their way away from the party.



Well that went okay. That was really strange meeting the family. I remember most of them from when I was a kid, but they were a lot older.



We’d better get you back home. The space time continuum is a thin line. I hope you haven’t altered any of their timelines or anything.



Don’t worry Doc; I’m sure it’ll be cool.



That was getting really confusing. What was I doing here in 1925? How do I you’re your ancestor Marty? It’s going to be really hard acting surprised when all this comes about.



Just put it to the back of your mind Doc.


Suddenly a gang of five men jumps out of an alleyway and ambush Marty. Doc and Scott are kept at bay. The men have scarves wrapped around their heads to hide their appearances.



Get off him!


Marty is bundled into a car. Scott and Doc are pushed to the ground as the last of the men get into the car and it drives off. Einstein barks after the car.



Great Scott!



Tannen! It must be. Come on, we’ve got to save dad.


Scott rushes off leaving Doc walking behind.


Ext. Tannen’s Blacksmith barn. Butch Tannen and his henchmen have Marty bound and gagged in his barn. Butch picks a rope up and starts tying it at one end in a loop. The horses that are in the barn shuffle uneasily at the commotion.



It was a bad mistake coming back into town Mister Eastwood.


Marty struggles but cannot get free.



You thought you’d make my father look a fool did you? People used to laugh at him in the street when I was a child. He became the joke of the town. Brought to his knees by a punk kid called Clint Eastwood. I always vowed that if he ever showed up again I would finish him off for my father. It looks like I’m finally going to get my wish. Is there anything you want to say before I string you up?


One of Butch’s henchmen unties Marty’s gag.


MARTY (Gasping for breath).

Let me go Tannen.



No word of an apology then? It was you who put my father into an early grave.



Apologize for that lowlife? You must be joking? Buford “Mad Dog” Tannen was a thug and a cowardice bully. I just showed the townsfolk what he was really like.



And now you’re going to pay.


Butch’s henchman gag Marty again and Butch puts the noose around his neck.

Scott bursts into the barn with a lump of wood he’s found.



Untie him now!


Butch and the other men laugh at Scott.

Scott angrily lashes out with the wood attacking Marty’s captives.

One falls to the ground as he is hit, but as Scott does so, the others grab him and hold him tight.



Wanna be next?


Butch throws the other end of rope over the crossbeams of the barn.



Get off me!



Shut him up boys.


Scott gets a wallop and decides to be quiet.


Butch calls one of his horses over and ties the other end of the rope to it.



Say your prayers Mister Eastwood.


Marty wriggles in panic.

Butch walks the horse across the room and Marty is raised into the air hanging by his neck. He struggles to breathe.


Butch laughs at Marty.





Scott struggles but cannot get free.


Marty dangles from the beams fighting to stay conscious. His legs kick everywhere.


A few moments pass and then suddenly Chief Constable Strickland bursts into the barn with several officers pointing guns.



Drop him Tannen.





Butch doesn’t move.


Strickland clicks the safety catch on his gun.



I mean it Tannen.


Butch puts his hands in the air, and an officer walks the horse back dropping Marty to the ground.



All of you, down on the ground!


Butch and his gang get on the ground.


Scott rushes over to Marty.


Strickland stands on Butch’s back to keep him down.



Take it easy Constable. We were only having a bit of fun. We weren’t being serious.


All the officers begin to handcuff the gang.



I’m sure the guy you strung up found it funny Tannen. Is attempted murder how you get your kicks? You’ll get at least ten years for this.


Strickland sniffs.



Is that liquor I can smell on your breath Tannen?



I dunno Constable. I can’t remember what liquor smells like; it’s been so long since I drank any as the alcohol prohibition forbids us to drink it.



It sure smells like it Tannen. If I find you’ve got alcohol on the premises, that’s another charge I can get you sent down for.


Another officer calls Strickland.



Sir, I’ve found something.



What is it?



It’s some kind of distillery.



Running an illegal distillery Tannen? Oh dear, oh dear, this isn’t looking good for you is it?


Butch groans.



Right clean up here boys. Get the two captives. We’ll need them to give statements.


Strickland looks around but discovers that Marty and Scott have vanished from the barn.



Where the hell have they gone?


Ext. Street. Marty, Scott, Doc and Einstein are hurrying off into the night. Marty is rubbing his sore neck, which has rope burns on.


MARTY (Croaking).

That was too close for comfort.



We’ve got to get back to 2015 before anything else happens. We can’t let the police catch up with us. I gather the timeline is back on track now Scott. Are you sure there’s nothing else we’ve got to do before we go?



All I can tell you Doc is that Chuck Tannen has gone off to seek revenge with my other self, but it turns out okay; my web print out shows he doesn’t get his hands on my computer. There’s nothing to worry about. Junior should be at home safe and sound and out of prison.



I do hope you’re right.


Ext. Brown Farm. Old Doc’s car pulls up outside the farm. Chuck runs and hides behind a bush. Old Doc, Clara, Younger Scott, Suzy and Edison the dog get out of the car.



Hey Doc, can we see the DeLorean now?



Okay, but we shan’t leave until the morning. I want a good night’s sleep before we go. It’s going to be a long day.



Or a short Century.


Old Doc leads everyone to the barn he’s been fixing the DeLorean. Inside there is an almighty workshop with cranes and all sorts of futuristic gadgets. On the far side is the DeLorean with Doc’s bi-plane attached to the top.



Oh wow!






As the car itself is incapable of reaching 88 miles-per-hour, I’ve rigged the bi-plane’s workings around it. When you get inside the DeLorean, which is a little tricky with the gull-wing doors, and turn the ignition, the plane starts up.



So we’re flying the plane from inside the DeLorean? That’s amazing!



It’ll make do so we can get to 1985. Then I can get it to the 22nd Century to fix up so you can take it back to 2015 and replace it where you found it.



Can we take it for a test run?



No. We’ll leave it for the morning. Then we’ll get you back to Sunday, October 27th 1985.


Chuck watches with interest from the barn door. He hides when everyone leaves. When they have all left, Chuck creeps in and looks at the time machine.


CHUCK (To himself).

Time travelers? I’ll sort those future dorks out.


Chuck heads over to the time machine. He opens one of the doors to the DeLorean, which only open a short way. Chuck tries to start it but isn’t having much luck. He looks at what is in the back and picks up a newspaper.



Sunday, October 27th, 1985?


He picks it up, gets out of the DeLorean and tucks it in his jacket. He then pulls out a flick knife and starts cutting the fuel line.




(October 26th 2015 6am).


Ext. McFly Household. The DeLorean booms back into 2015 and drives into Marty’s drive. Doc, Marty Scott and Einstein get out of the car.



Everything seems to be okay. The cars are now grounded. This will take some getting used to. I can only remember 2015 with flying cars. I remember when I first got back from 1955 to 1985. It took a day or so before everything felt normal and I started getting the memories of the new timeline.



Come on Marty lets see if your other son is home. If Chuck Tannen didn’t have any information on the future everything should be back to normal and he should be out of prison.


Int. McFly household. Marty leads Doc into the house followed by Scott. Marty and Doc head through to the sitting room whilst Scott pauses to pick up a newspaper - USA Today Hill Valley Edition. Thursday October 22nd 2015. The headline reads "Youth Jailed". The sub-headline reads "Martin McFly Junior Arrested For Theft". There is also an article at the side which reads “President Schwarzenegger to visit Hill Valley”.



Oh no!


Int. Marty Junior’s bedroom. Marty and Doc discover an empty bedroom.



Something’s wrong, I just know it.



Maybe he’s at a friend’s house or something.



Junior doesn’t have any friends. Remember what my old man was like back in the fifties? He was the total opposite of Scott.



Let’s look around before we jump to any conclusions.


The two head back through the house. Marty sees the front door is still open.



Geez, Scott, why don’t you ever close doors behind you?



Where’s he gone?


The two head towards the door and look outside.


Ext. Driveway. The DeLorean is gone.



Great Scott!



Oh no! This is heavy!


Int. Suzy’s bedroom. Suzy is still fast asleep. Her cell phone starts ringing. She wakes up and looks at the display to see who it is.



Scott? What does he want?


Suzy answers the phone.



What do you want at this time?


She listens to Scott.



Back to 1985? Now?


She listens more.



You’ve been back to 1925 again? When?


She listens some more.



Okay, Okay, I’ll be five minutes.


Suzy hangs up.


Ext. Suzy’s house. Scott waits for Suzy. He looks at his watch.


SCOTT (to himself).

Damn, I forgot to correct the time.


Scott fiddles with his watch, and keeps looking in the DeLorean to check the time.


Eric Wilson is out on an early morning jog. He passes along the street and sees Scott.



Hey, Scotty!


Scott looks up and sees Eric. Scott looks unenthusiastic to see him. Eric stops jogging to talk.



Hello Eric.



What’re you doing here? Visiting your new girlfriend?



She’s not my girlfriend.


Eric walks around the DeLorean admiringly.



Nice wheels McFly. What are you doing with them? Joyriding?



I’m just borrowing it. It’s nothing.



Let’s get a look outside.



No, don’t.


Eric pushes past Scott and gets in the DeLorean.



What’s all this in here mate? There’s buttons and flashy things everywhere.


Eric continues to look around in the DeLorean.


Suzy comes out of her house and sees Scott.


SUZY (amazed).

How did you manage to get hold of the time machine again Scott?


Eric pops his head out of the DeLorean.



Time machine?



What’s he doing here?



He just turned up.


ERIC (Getting excited).

Is this really a time machine?


Int. McFly household. Marty is searching Scott’s room. Doc looks on.



What are you looking for Marty?



I bet he’s gone to find that girl. Suzy or whatever her name is.



Why? Why’s he taken the DeLorean?



Something must be wrong with what we did in 1925. We haven’t changed something back or messed something up. Our only hope is if he’s with her. She’ll know what’s going on.


Marty picks up a piece of paper and reads it.



This is it. Suzy Lee. It has her address on it. Come on Doc, we have no time to lose.


Ext Suzy’s house. Suzy and Scott have radiation suits on fueling up the DeLorean. They finish and remove the hoods.



So, 1985 it is. Do you really think Biff Tannen was the one who took your computer?



It’s definitely not in 1925. The timeline from then changed. It was at some point after then. As we only went to 1985 after that it must be there; it’s our only hope Suzy. October 27th 1985, when you were looking after me over at Hilldale. That was the only time it could have happened.



I can’t believe you’ve been back to 1925 again and you were that guy… YOU bumped into outside Chuck’s house.



It didn’t happen the first time around.



Does Eric really have to come with us?



He’s heard everything; he won’t stay behind now.


Eric pops his head out of the DeLorean



Where are we gonna go? The past? The future?



Don’t touch anything!


Eric disappears back inside.


Scott and Suzy start to get out of their radiation suits.



He’ll cause nothing but trouble.



It’s a chance we’ve got to take.



Right we’ve set the time circuits and entered October 27th 1985. That’s the plutonium sorted. Is there anything else?



No, that’s it all; let’s get this over with and get back home.


They put the radiation suits and the box of capsules back inside.


Marty and Doc arrive at speed in Marty’s car.



Oh, no. It’s my dad. Get in.


Marty jumps out of his car as Scott and Suzy squeeze in the DeLorean with Eric.



Scott! Wait!


Scott pulls the gullwing door down and hits the gas.



No! Scott!


In the distance three sonic booms are heard.


Ext. Country lane. Another three sonic booms are heard; the DeLorean appears and brakes to a halt. It’s covered in ice.


Int. DeLorean.



So did we make it then?


ERIC (hurriedly)

Let’s get out and have a look then.


Eric pushes his way out of the cramped DeLorean. Scott and Suzy follow. Eric closes the doors behind them. They are parked near a bushed area next to a park with tents in. There are people in the distance with long hair and wearing colorful clothes.



Hippies? This doesn’t much look like 1985. Scott, when were hippies about?



The nineteen sixties. My parents were born when hippies were about.


Eric heads towards the tents.



Where are you going? We’ve come to the wrong year. I don’t know how though, I made sure I put in the correct date.



Come on Scotty, don’t be a wuss. This looks like a great place to check out. Where’s your sense of adventure?






What’s up?



You were alone in the DeLorean whilst we put the plutonium in? You wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with this do you?



Come on, we can go to boring old 1985 in a bit. We’ve got all the time in the world. Let’s check out somewhere with a bit more kick first.



It’s a time machine Eric, not a toy. Have you ever stopped to wonder what can happen if you screw up events in history?



Yeah, I’ve seen the Outer Limits and other TV shows on that sort of stuff. Quite frightening isn’t it? That’s why I chose to come here…



You idiot Eric, we’re risking it enough by going to 1985 to sort out events already messed up.


ERIC (annoyed)

Don’t call me an idiot.


SCOTT (fronting up to Eric)

Well you are an idiot. I want a home to go to. What will you do if when we get home and you find out you don’t even exist?


ERIC (pushing Scott back)

Well that’s not going to happen is it?


SCOTT (pushing Eric harder and getting angry)

You don’t get it do you? When I first went back to 1985 with Suzy, we ran into Griff Tannen’s dad, so we decided to come back home. If I hadn’t changed my mind last minute and change the dates on the display we wouldn’t have gone back to 1925 in the first place and…


SUZY (butting in sounding annoyed)

You changed the date? In the DeLorean? You caused that accident?



I… Err…


SUZY (angrily)

I don’t believe this. If you hadn’t been so stupid, none of this would have ever happened. We would have got back home from 1985 and that would’ve been an end to it. I thought you’d learned you lesson after bumping into Griff’s dad.



What can I say? I’m sorry.



It’s a bit late saying you’re sorry now. You could’ve got us killed.



Aw, come on Suzy, we had a great adventure. Something to tell the grandkids.



It’s not a joke. We’re stuck here in nineteen sixty-wherever we are. We’ve still got to get to 1985 to sort out Biff Tannen and end this before 2015 doesn’t exist at all. Come on lets go home.


Suzy looks round and discovers Eric is missing.



Where the hell is Eric?



Oh no, he’s done a runner.



I’ll kill him! I’m going to get him. He must have gone to that hippy commune over there.



We can’t leave the DeLorean. It’s not locked.



Lock it then.


Scott tries the handle of the DeLorean, but it’s too cold to touch. He pulls his hand back and shakes it.






You wuss. I’ll see you later.


Suzy heads off to the hippy camp.



You can’t just leave me here.


Suzy ignores Scott and breaks into a jog.





Scott takes his jacket off, wraps it round his hand and pulls on the handle of the DeLorean and opens it. He climbs in and starts the ignition. He closes the door.


Int. DeLorean.


SCOTT (to himself)

Why can’t we all just stick together?


Scott goes to drive off, but the DeLorean cuts out.





Scott tries in vain to restart the DeLorean.


SCOTT (frustrated)

Aww… C’mon!


Ext DeLorean. Scott has now got out of the DeLorean and is pushing it into a bushed area.


Ext. Field. With the DeLorean now locked up and covered in branches, Scott tosses the keys slightly in the air and catches it. He heads off towards the hippy camp.



Here we go again…


Ext. Hippy camp. Scott walks through the tents and notices that it is quite a large commune. A couple of the hippy men are lounging around and staring at Scott.



Hey cool threads dude. Seriously wacko! Where did you thumb those from?



Err… J C Penney I think.



Where on Mustafar is that?


SCOTT (looking strangely at the hippies with their weird dialect).

Lone Pine Mall. Hey guys, have you seen a girl and a boy about my age passing through here wearing similar clothes to me? I’ve lost track of them.



I aint seen a raspberry but the smog in the sky. You want some of me cone fly?


The hippy holds out a decidedly dodgy looking cigarette towards Scott.



Erm, no thanks. I’d better keep looking for my friends.



Suit yourself. You wanna hang back in life and quit buzzing around all over the place. Your gonna miss out what’s going on around you, and the future’ll be here before you know it.



Okay, whatever. See you later.


Scott heads off again. He sees a group of hippies lighting camp fires with strange looking lighters and others fiddling with contraptions which look somewhat like hand-held games.


SCOTT (to himself).

What the hell? Those weren’t around in the sixties It shouldn’t be like this here. Biff doesn’t get his hands on my palm-top until 1985.


Scott goes towards another hippy; a young woman.



Hi, can you help me? I’m looking for Hill Valley.



Hill Valley? Why sure cutie. Head through those trees at the edge of the camp and it’s just beyond there. You can’t miss it.



Okay, thanks.



Mind how you go. It’s a rough place.


SCOTT (to himself).



Scott heads to the nearby trees.


Ext. Other side of trees. Scott heads out and looks up. His jaws drop at what he sees. First of all he sees a huge, floating “Welcome to Hill Valley” sign in the sky. Beyond it he sees that Hill Valley is full of towering buildings, high speed flying vehicles and monorails at all angles. Everything is decorated all flower power design. It all looks very 1960s but with a huge technological kick.



Woah! The Jetsons or what?


Scott walks off towards Hill Valley.


Ext. Monorail Station at the edge of town. Scott sees a sign saying “Courthouse Square” above a lift entrance. He travels up the lift and up to the monorail platform. People waiting for the monorail are dressed in 1960s fashions. On woman is wearing a miniskirt and sports a beehive hairstyle. A man is wearing a flower power shirt and thick rimmed glasses. The monorail arrives in the platform.



Boarding for Hilldale, Lone Pine Mall and Courthouse Square.


Scott boards with the other people waiting. The monorail moves off and Scott looks out of the window in awe of all the psychedelic buildings and signs everywhere. A sign at the first stop shows “Drink Pepsi, the grooviest drink in the world”. What appears to be cars and other flying objects whiz by constantly.  Scott sees another sign at another stop which reads “Prevent smog, ride the Monorail”. Next Scott sees an electronic display sign. It flashes up the weather report and driving conditions. Then a date appears; 10.26.15.


SCOTT (in shock).

October 26th 2015? It can’t be.


Scott looks at all the people sitting around in mild panic.


SCOTT (to himself).

What’s going on?


The monorail stops again and everybody gets up. Scott follows.


Ext. Courthouse Square. Scott leaves the station and heads into the square. The first thing he sees is the Clocktower which still reads 10:04. Above it is a huge tower with a sign which reads “Courthouse Mall: 900 stores of pure excellence”. Loads of people are bustling around. The square is completely pedestrianized.


Scott walks around looking at all the futuristic shops. The Texaco garage has what looks like space rockets parked on top of it with robots tinkering around with them. The cinema is “showing again” the movie “Psycho” in “360-degree holo-vision”.


Scott heads into the “Flower Power” Café bemused. He looks around at peace logos and doves painted on the wall. “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” by the Beatles is heard playing in the background. The customers in the café are a mixture of hippies in robes and beads, and youths in bright colored miniskirts and shirts sitting on chairs which resemble large beanbags. A waitress comes over to speak to Scott.


WAITRESS (pointing to a table).

Please take a seat, and choose what you would like from the data pad.


Scott notices that the waitress is made of metal, even though she resembles an attractive young woman.



Errr. Okay, thanks.



If you press the top left side of the screen today’s special offers will display.





Scott sits on a beanbag chair and the waitress robot girls heads away. A table automatically unfolds in front of him. It has a huge flower painted in it. The circular center of it turns around to reveal a screen.



Please speak your selection and press your thumb to the bottom of the screen.



Errr… Can I just have a Pepsi please?



Classic, Perfect, Caffeine Free, Vitamin Enriched, Added Iron or Recoup?



What? Just a Pepsi Perfect Please.



Regular, Cherry, Lemon, Cinnamon, Raspberry, Chocolate, Vanilla, Blueberry or Tomato?


SCOTT (baffled).

Regular I suppose?



Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, Supersize or Pitcher?


SCOTT (getting annoyed).

Medium! This is ridiculous. I only want a drink.



Please press your thumb to the plate at the bottom please.



Yeah, whatever!


Scott presses the plate with his thumb. The screen flips back round into the center of the flower picture. Scott idly looks out of the window. Another section of the table opens up and a mechanical arm comes out of it. Scott looks round at it and it shines a red light into his right eye.


SCOTT (startled).



The arm shines a light into Scott’s left eye.



C’mon! Cut it out.


Scott swats the mechanical arm and it disappears back into the table.



What the hell was all that in aid of?


Scott looks round at the door of the café. A shutter has shut down in front of the door. Scott gets out of his seat in a mild panic and heads to the shutter. He tries in vain to lift it. Everyone in the café is looking at him.


SCOTT (to himself).

Oh poo! What have I done?


Scott rushes through to the restrooms knocking the robot waitress out of the way.


Int. Café Restroom. Scott discovers a locked window. He tries unsuccessfully to open it. He sees a robot trash can on the floor moving round. He grabs it and smashes the window. Scott knocks the loose glass out of the way and climbs through.


Ext. Alleyway. Scott brushes himself down and makes a run for it down the alleyway. He comes out onto the main road and bumps into a large figure. Scott looks up to discover the person resembles a Tannen wearing a futuristic-looking police uniform. Tannen grabs Scott’s arm with a vice-like grip.



Going somewhere?



Nowhere in particular. What can I do for you?


Tannen’s eyes roll round revealing two red lights. He looks into Scott’s eyes and shines two red beams into them.





Scott notices that this Tannen is actually a robot. A more realistic looking robot than the waitress in the café.


SCOTT (whimpering).

You’re… you’re… a robot! You’re the T-T-Terminator?



What is your name?






Please give me your full name.



My name? Its… Erm… Arnold. Arnold Schwarzenegger.



What? The Ex-President?






Your scans tell me you are a Scott Seamus McFly. 06-30-2000 to 10-31-2045. Can you tell me how you came to be in possession of these retinal details?



Well.. I Errr…



Could you please confirm to me that on Sunday October 27 2115 at 13:17 you attempted to use scans of the deceased civilian Scott Seamus McFly to purchase goods from Flower Power Café?






Yes that is correct Sunday October 27 2115. Could you please confirm that you attempted to…


SCOTT (Interrupting).

2115! How can that be? This is the 1960’s isn’t it. The Tannens have used technology to make it futuristic and… This is getting confusing…



I am going to have to place you under arrest.





Scott points behind the Robot-Tannen.


SCOTT (Shouting in alarm).

Look out! That guy’s pointing a gun!


The Robot Tannen spins round to see what’s going on and in doing so, Scott manages to get free from the grip of the Robot Tannen and make a run for it. After realizing that there is nobody behind, the Robot Tannen turns back and sees Scott is making a getaway.



Stop in the name of the law!


Scott dodges around some trash and around a corner. The Robot-Tannen shoots laser shots after him. It then starts to run after Scott, then makes a small jump into the air.  Out of the Robot-Tannen’s metal boots forms a sort of hoverboard with rocket boosters on the back of it. The board shoots flames out of the back of it as it kicks into life, and the Robot-Tannen gives chase.


Ext. Courthouse Square. Scott runs into the square knocking pedestrians out of the way. He looks over his shoulder and sees the Robot-Tannen hurtling after him on his rocket-board. Scott dodges a laser blast shot at him and runs as fast as he can up the courthouse steps into the mall.


Int. Courthouse Mall. Scott runs and slides across the shiny floor of the mall. He heads down an escalator towards the underground shopping area. Robot-Tannen crashes through the glass front doors of the mall leaving glass shattered everywhere. It doesn’t see where Scott has gone and heads along the same floor of the mall.  Scott is downstairs out of breath, hiding behind a pillar. He makes a dash for it and the Robot-Tannen sees him over the balcony. Robot-Tannen jumps over the ledge and after him. Scott runs into a clothing store followed shortly after by the Robot-Tannen.


Int. Clothing Store. The Robot-Tannen’s rocket-board closes up back into its boots and heads through the store. It smashes racks of clothing out of the way searching for Scott. Customers flee in fear. After a while of unsuccessful searching, it looks up at a row of shop manikins modeling, and sees Scott striking a pose. Before it can react, Scott swings a metal bar off of a stand and knocks the Robot-Tannen’s head clean off. It falls to the floor.



Yes! Back at ya!


Scott looks around the store and quickly makes an exit through the back of the store


Ext. Yard out the back of the store Scott sneaks out of a fire escape and across the yard which serves several stores. Around the yard he sees workers loading and unloading futuristic looking vehicles with hovering fork-lift type vehicles. He heads up some steps and out onto a back service road. He looks around the corner and sees half a dozen identical Robot-Tannen police officers roaming the area looking for him. Suddenly one of them spot him.



Stop where you are!





Scott ducks back into the yard and runs for his life. He sees a young male shop worker leaving work and getting on to a hovering scooter. Scott runs over to him.



Hey hey hey! Dude! I need to borrow your… Whatever it is?



It’s a rocket-board.



I’ll bring it back. I promise. It’s an emergency!


The worker stands bewildered for a moment, and then hands the scooter type rocket-board to Scott. He mounts it and pushes away.


WORKER (calling after Scott).

Just hit the homing button when you’re done mate!





Scott zips across the yard towards another exit. Several Robot-Tannens chase behind him.


SCOTT (to himself).

How do you make this thing go faster?


Scott looks at the board and sees a couple of pads towards the rear of the board. He slams his foot hard on one and shoots forward at speed. A barrier on the exit comes down and Scott dives down before he hits it. The scooter hit it with force, smashing the handle bars clean off it. Scott jumps up grabs the remains of the board and sees it is now just like a hoverboard.



That’s more like it.


He looks round to see the Robot-Tannens gaining fast. He throws the board down, jumps on it, hits the accelerator and shoots off at great speed.


Ext. Courthouse Square.

Scott whizzes back into the square on his rocket-board from behind the courthouse mall as is soon followed by six Robot-Tannens. He narrowly misses a couple of pedestrians and across the square’s pond.


SCOTT (to himself).

Hey! These things work on water!


One of the Robot-Tannens shoot at Scott, who manages to dodge it. He shoots past the café where the robot waitress and other customers look on. A couple of hippy girls outside watch in awe at the moves Scott pulls on the board.



Hey look at him go!



Woah, yeah! Isn’t he like… dreamy!



Yeah, tranquil!


More Robot-Tannens approach from different directions. Scott swerves down the side street and away from his pursuers.


SCOTT (to himself).

I need more speed…


Scott kicks the accelerator pad several times as hard as he can. The board sparks and suddenly doubles in speed.


SCOTT (to himself).

That’s more like it!


The Robot-Tannens increase their speed too and three of them get dangerously close. Scott looks over his shoulder and ducks a laser shot fired at him. He turns back in time to see he’s about to hit a truck. He swerves just in time and misses the truck by a narrow margin. The three Robot-Tannens aren’t quite as lucky. They hit the back of the truck causing the back door to fall open and manure spills over them. Scott looks back to see it says “Jones’s Manure” on the side.


SCOTT (to himself).

Way to go!


Scott sees more Robot-Tannens approaching him fast. Scott realizes he can pull a few tricks on the rocket-board, and performs an impressive display whilst being chased. Scott uses a street sign, to swing on and switch direction. He heads directly through approaching Robot-Tannens causing a number of them to crash into each other. Scott sees a way onto a freeway and takes the opportunity to grab the back of a passing truck heading onto it. Scott looks behind him as he hangs on to the vehicle. He sees there are more Robot-Tannens than he anticipated.


SCOTT (to himself).

Don’t these guys ever give up? Shouldn’t they be chasing real criminals?


The wheels on the truck turn inwards and the vehicle starts to lift upwards as it moves from the freeway up towards the Hill Valley Skyway. The rocket-board Scott is riding won’t lift up with the truck and Scott ends up dangling on to the back of the rising vehicle. He looks in despair at the board as it disappears along with the rest of the ground.


SCOTT (to himself).

That’s a lot of good!


Scott tries to get his footing on the back of the truck but keeps slipping on the bottom bar. He manages to glance over his shoulder to see that the pursuing Robot-Tannens are flying through the air behind him.


SCOTT (to himself).

Hey! No fair! How come their boards work in the air, but mine doesn’t?


A Robot-Tannen shoots a blast at Scott, which causes him to loose his grip. Scott falls slightly and manages to grab the bottom bar of the truck which he was trying get his foot on moments before.  The truck moves through a cloudy patch on the skyway.

Other vehicles are passing by, and the Robot Tannen’s continue to fire laser shots at Scott, only missing because of the cloudy conditions.

Scott tries to hoist himself up, but as he is tiring from the chase he can’t pull his body weight up.

Suddenly a shot hits Scott’s left hand.





Scott tries to grab the bar again with his burnt hand but he can’t grip it.


SCOTT (to himself).

Oww, it’s numb!


The truck maneuvers up to a higher sky-lane and rises above the clouds. Scott agonizingly continues to dangle by one hand. He keeps trying to use his injured left hand, but it is no use. Suddenly a shot catches Scott’s other hand and he falls from the truck and into the clouds.





There is a thump in the clouds and the screen goes black.


Ext. Road near hippy campsite. Suzy heads back alone to where the DeLorean was to find it missing.


SUZY (to herself)

Where the hell are those two? When are we going to get home?


Suzy decides to head back to the camp.


Ext. Hippy camp. Suzy is spotted by the two hippy men that Scott saw earlier.



Yo Petal, you lost ya homie?



I’ve lost two friends if that’s what you mean?



Some dude was lookin’ spaced askin’ about ya. He had mad togs on like you? Is there a theme party going on?



You’ve seen them? A white lad and a dark lad?



A white dude. In a rush. Didn’t even wanna toke me cone. Riddled with stress.



What happened to him? Where did he go?






My friend. The white dude as you put it.



Oh him? Dunno, just drifted off.



I’m going to have a look round to see if they’re around the camp somewhere. I’ll be back in a bit. Could you keep an eye out for me please?



Aye aye!


Suzy shakes her head and heads off.


SUZY (to herself).

Where could Scott be?


Int. Dark room. Scott McFly awakes with a start. He sees a silhouette of a woman. Scott squints his eyes and looks to get a better view of her. She looks like Jennifer, Scott’s mother.



Mom? Mom is that you?


Scott squints his eyes and looks at the woman. She looks like Jennifer, Scott’s mother but wearing a sixties dress and a large headband. The room is very retro sixties.



There, there, now, just relax. You've been asleep for a couple of hours now.



I had a horrible nightmare, dreamed I went to the future… There were robots… Griff… Lots of them chasing me



There there now, take it easy, you've had an accident, you had a nasty blow to you're head. Don’t worry, you're safe and sound, now, back in good old 2115.


Scott, now wide awake, sits up suddenly! The woman leans towards him and tries to lie him down again. Scott can’t believe much she looks like his mother. She is 40 years old. Scott sees he is in a bedroom, which has bars on the window.



2115? You're my ma… you're my ma…



Hey, take it easy, you need to rest.



You look like my m… Who are you?



My name is Maureen; Maureen McFly.





Scott groans.


SCOTT (quietly to himself).

Here we go again…



Can you tell me your name?



My name? Erm… Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yeah, it’s Arnold Schwarzenegger.



Wow, you have the same name a president!



Yeah, well you know, I get teased about it all the time. What happened to me? How did I get here?



My husband John found you. He was on his way to his Grandfather’s in his truck. He was on the skyway on the edge of town, when you fell out of the sky and landed in the back of his truck. You were knocked clean out. What were you doing in the sky?



Erm, I don’t remember? Where is… John isn’t it?



He’s in the other room. Hold on I’ll call him.


Maureen heads to the door.


MAUREEN (calling through the door).

John! The young man has woken up.


JOHN (calling back).

I’m coming.


MAUREEN (to Scott.)

He’ll be ever so pleased you’re okay, he was ever so worried.


John (40) hurries into the room. Scott gives a look of amazement when he sees him as he looks just like his father, Marty!



John, this is Arnold, Arnold, this is John.



Hey there son, how are you feeling?



A bit confused. Why did you bring me here and not to a hospital?



I don’t know really? I had a hunch about you. As if it was my duty to look after you.



John says you were very lucky to be alive. He said he couldn’t explain why, but it felt as if it would be disastrous for him and the family if he didn’t make sure you were okay. Does that make any sense?



Believe me, it makes perfect sense.



It was strange, I gave you a scan, but you don’t show up on living record. You don’t even have a communicator.



Can we contact your mother? I’m sure she’s worried about you.


Scott starts to climb out of bed.



I’m from outa town.  I’m just passing through. Look, thanks for all your help, I’ve gotta go.


Maureen puts her hand on Scott’s shoulder to stop him from going anywhere.



Nonsense, you’re not going anywhere for the time being. You’ve got to rest, and I’m going to make you better. I wouldn’t sleep if I sent you out in the state you’re in.



Make yourself at home; the kids will be back later. You won’t believe how much you look like our Will. It’s almost as if you’re brothers.



Yes, you do have an uncanny resemblance.


SCOTT (almost to himself)

I can well believe it…


Ext. Hippy camp. Suzy returns to the tent where the hippies she was talking to continue to lounge about.



Hi again. Any luck.






Yeah, any luck in seeing my friends pass by?



Nope, sorry.


In the distance a thunderous sound is heard.



Aww man, it’s gonna soak down.



Where’s the clouds? There’s no rain without clouds buzzing about. Nasty black ones.



Oh no, I’m going to get wet if it starts raining.



Why don’t you stay for some munchies for a while? Maybe your buddies’ll turn up soon.


The hippy offers Suzy a bag of potato chips.


SUZY (hesitant).

Erm, okay then. I’m famished.


Int. McFly household, bedroom. John McFly is checking on Scott.



How are you doing?



A bit better, thanks.



Maureen has put some dinner on, I bet you’re famished.



I am a bit hungry.


Scott points at the bars on the window.



I was wondering, why do you have bars on your window?



We have to; the estate we live on is a bit rough. The Mayor is too greedy with the towns’ money to do anything about it.



The Mayor?



Zap Tannen. His family have been running the town for over a century now. If I could afford it, I would move out of this dump of an estate.



Where do you work?



Biffco; Zap Tannen’s oil company. It pays peanuts, but at least it’s a job. Times are hard these days, I hate working there. Zap Tannen gets by in life by bullying people. He’s nothing but a crook. He gets away with paying less than minimum wage.



Can’t the police do anything about it?



The police? He owns the police. He says jump, and the police ask how high!



Oh yeah the police. Those robots. I’ve seen them.



You’ve seen them? He’s had an army of robots designed to look exactly like him. The day the Tannen family are dropped from power is the day I’ll be a very happy man.



I’m sure that day will come.



Anyway, I’ll let you rest a bit longer. See you shortly.


John leaves the room.


Suddenly there’s a soft rumble and the room shakes.


SCOTT (to himself).

What the hell was that? An earthquake?


Scott doesn’t notice the bars on the window have vanished. He does notice that the wardrobe had suddenly moved.


SCOTT (to himself).

I’m sure that was on the other wall a minute ago.


He looks around the room nervously.


SCOTT (to himself).

That must’ve been some blow to the head I received.


Ext. Hippy camp. Suzy, who is sitting on a rug outside the hippy tent looks up and sees a guy in flash futuristic clothing passing by, with a flash hat on. On a second glance she realizes it is Eric. Suzy leaps up.






Suzy, hey, how’s it hanging? Where’s Scott?



How could you just run off like that? I ran off to find you. I went all over, you were nowhere, so I came back, Scott had gone and the DeLorean had vanished…


Tears start streaming from Suzy’s eyes.



Woah, woah, wait a minute. The DeLorean?  Gone? It was just there a minute ago.



It’s there? I was there less than half an hour ago and it was nowhere to be seen.



Don’t panic. I found it covered in branches. I think Scott must’ve covered it over.



Oh, thank God! I thought I was going to be stuck in this weird hippy camp in the nineteen-sixties for good!



Nineteen-sixties?  Suzy, this is Sunday October 27 2115. We’re one hundred years in the future?



2115? How can that be? It’s all hippies and flower power!



It’s just a revival thing? I think they ran out of new ideas in the future. Didn’t you notice the futuristic gadgets and stuff?



I thought that was because Chuck or Biff Tannen changed the past.



Come on, do you want to see what Hill Valley looks like now? We’ve got to find Scott.



What if we bump into our great grandkids or something?  Won’t it screw history up?



How can it? This is the future. Our lives have already played out. It’s not like we’re gonna stop ourselves from being born or something.



I suppose.



Come on, fancy a go on a monorail?



Monorail? I don’t want to go sightseeing. I just want to find Scott. I wonder where he is.


Int. Evening. McFly household dining room.

Maureen leads Scott into the dining room where the rest of the McFly family are waiting at the table. Along with John sit Judy McFly (20), Penny McFly (17) and twin brother Will McFly (17). As Maureen mentioned, Will, who is wearing TV specs looks extremely like Scott. What is also very strange is that Penny looks a lot like Suzy!  Judy sits tapping a device on her wrist, not really bothered by the visitor at the dinner table. Penny on the other hand seems overjoyed at having Scott there.



Hi, Arnold, I’m Penny, why don’t you take a seat next to me?


Penny pulls a seat out and Scott reluctantly sits next to her.



Penny dear, leave him alone, we don’t want to scare him out of the house.



I’m just being friendly mom.



Arnold, dear let me introduce you. This is Penny, who you’ve already met. This is Judy, our eldest; and this is Will. Isn’t it funny how he looks like you?





The McFly kids mutter greetings back.



What’s your last name?





Penny looks at him strangely.



Yeah I know, like the president.



President Schwarzenegger? Never heard of him.


Scott looks at Maureen for backup.



I know there was a Senator in history called Arnold Schwarzenegger, but he never became president.


Scott shrugs his shoulders.



Anyway, I hope dinner is okay for you. It’s vegetarian. The whole family doesn’t eat meat.



It’s great, thanks. I’m vegetarian as well.



You will stay the night won’t you? I couldn’t bear the thought of you rushing off into the night. It’s not safe you know out there. What with all the tranks hanging around.



Not to mention the lobos.



Don’t forget the zipheads! Arnold, you can have my room if you like?






Arnold, you will be fine in the spare room. Don’t listen to Penny, she’s just a flirt.



Will! Put those TV specs away, what have I told you about numbing your brain 24-7?



Aww, dad. I’m watching old classics.



I don’t care what your watching, we have a guest, don’t be so rude.



But it’s Jackie Gleeson dad! It’s the one where Ralph dresses up as the spaceman!



The Honeymooners? Why didn’t you say? What channel is he on?



Channel 2486 dad.


John presses a few buttons on the contraption on his wrist and several huge TV screens pop out around the room. A second later, The Honeymooners is being shown on all the screens around the room.



Do you have to encourage him John? We try to teach him good habits and you just back down every time.



But it’s Jackie Gleeson, the family have been fans for generations! They’re pure classic. Arnold, do you like him?



I bet he’s never heard of him.



Yeah I have; my family’s mad on him too.



Well there we have it then!


MAUREEN (sighing).

Ten-thousand channels and all we watch is something that is one hundred and fifty years old!


The family ignores Maureen and carry on watching TV eating dinner.


Ext. DeLorean. Evening. Suzy and Eric have returned from their search of Scott. It is still covered in foliage.



He’s not here either. Where could he be?



He’s a bright lad, I’m sure he knows what he is doing.



Where else can we look? I would’ve thought he’d come back here when he couldn’t find us.



Our best option is to spend the night in the car. It’s a bit cramped in there, but it’s our best option.



I hope he makes his way back soon, so we can get out of here. Oh Eric, why did you have to mess around with the dates? I want to get this over and get back home to reality. Whatever that is?


Suzy and Eric clear some foliage away from the DeLorean to clear a door so they can get in.



Okay, I admit I shouldn’t have done it, but you have to admit, when you’ve got the potential to go to any time in the history of the planet, it’s just a little bit tempting.



I can see your point. It would be great to see what the world was like in Ancient Egypt or even go and see the dinosaurs.



You see my point. I mean myself; I want to see where the future is taking us. I know what happened in the past; we did that at school. I want to see what I’ll be like when I’m older, and what my kids are like. What computers are like and what they can do. Isn’t Hill Valley great a hundred years from our time.


Eric opens the door to the DeLorean. The two continue chatting.



It’s amazing, Until you get to the Courthouse Square it’s barely recognizable. The only trouble is though, if we found out some bad stuff about the future, what’s it going to be like waiting for those events to come about. You could go mad.



Or change it. Stop it from happening in the first place.



That’s not a good idea. It’s playing with fire. Come on, let’s get in, it’s getting cold out here. Hang on a minute. Wasn’t the DeLorean parked the other way round earlier?



No, it was definitely this way round.


Suzy shakes her head and the two get in the car.


Int. McFly Household. Living Room. The McFly family are busy doing there own things. John and Maureen are looking at a metallic panel in front of them. Judy is still sitting away from everyone tapping the device on her wrist. Will has what looks like a bucket on his head and Scott looks nervously at him as he keeps moving awkwardly throwing his arms about and kicking his legs. Penny enters the room with a panel similar to her parents.



Hi Arnold, is Will still playing that stupid game? Grand Theft Auto: Space City. It’s all he ever does.


Amazed, Scott leans to see if he can see inside the helmet.



Do you want to help me with me with my homework Arnold?



Erm, yeah, okay. What’s the subject?






Geney what?



Genealogy. It’s family history study. You know family trees and stuff.



Really? Cool. I’d like a look at that.


Penny taps at a couple of buttons on her panel and a holographic projection of a tree begins to sprout. At the bottom of the tree, Penelope Louise McFly appears with the date, June 30th 2098 next to it. When Penny presses the side of her name, the names William John McFly, June 30th 2098 and Judith Jade McFly, April 27th 2095 appear on branches next to it.



Will is your twin then?



He acts like he’s about ten years old though.


Penny presses the top of her name, and the trunk of the tree rises and two names appear above it. John McFly, May 25th 2077 and Maureen McFly, nee Robinson, August 12th 2077.



That’s Mom and Dad. Which way do you want to go now? If you press the middle of the names it’ll give a biog about them with photos and stuff. If you press to the side it’ll show any brothers and sisters they may have.



How do you go further back into history? Their parents?



Press the top of the name. Which family do you want to look at? McFly or Robinson?





Scott presses above John McFly’s name and Donald McFly, November 12th 2055 appears along with Lola Watkins, November 5th 2055.



November 12th 2055? Wow!



What’s so special about that?



Erm... Well, I err… I was looking at the clock tower in town today and it said that it was struck by lightning on November 12th 1955, never to work again. Your Grandfather was born exactly one hundred years after that. The date sort of stuck in my mind.



Oh, okay.


Scott taps the top of Donald’s name to see another pair of names. This time Josh McFly, June 23rd 2027 and Ellie Tannen, January 19th 2029 – May 15th 2110 appears.



There’s a Tannen in the family! How can that be?



My Great-Grandmother was a bright spark in an otherwise down and out family of Tannens.



So how does that make you related to Zap Tannen, the Mayor of Hill Valley?



Mayor? You must’ve been hit over the head pretty badly. Zap Tannen is the local bum. A no good bully he is.



But… I…


Scott shrugs his shoulders in a confused defeated way.



Grandma Ellie died young, about five years ago. She was only 81 years old. She didn’t believe in artificial rejuve. She died with all her natural organs and blood. Grandpa Josh thought she was just being stubborn. He’s had the full works, new spleen, colon, hair repair, you know; the usual stuff. He’ll be around for along time yet.


SCOTT (to himself).

Rejuve? Grandpa Josh?


Scott taps above Josh McFly’s name and the family tree grows upwards. Now the names Scott Seamus McFly, June 30th 2000 to October 31st 2045 and Suzy May Lee McFly May 7th 2000 appear. Scott goes pale as he reads about his own death. Penny notices Scott doesn’t look too good.



Are you okay? Do you want a glass of water or anything?


Scott points to his name.



This guy here… Scott McFly. Can you find out how he dies? I mean died? He wasn’t very old.



I don’t know. Grandpa Josh won’t talk about it. Why are you so interested?



Well, I err, the name rings a bell with the family.


Scott looks at Suzy’s name.


SCOTT (to himself).

I marry Suzy!? How?


Penny doesn’t hear Scott.



Can you print this out? I find it… fascinating.



Yeah, I’d be happy to. It makes a change. Nobody is usually that bothered by it all.



I love this sort of thing. You know, where we’ve come from, where we’re going.


Penny presses a button and heads off to a nearby printer in the room. Scott looks around at his descendants in the room and holds his head in his hands.


SCOTT (to himself).

I die on October 31st 2045! I married Suzy! I’ve got kids! Woah, this is heavy!


Penny quickly arrives back with a printout of the family tree. Scott folds it up and stuffs it in his back pocket.



Do you want to see any more?



Yeah, bring it on.


Scott continues to press the names on the family tree and researches into his family’s future.


Int. DeLorean. Next morning. Monday October 28th 2115. Suzy and Eric awake early after sleeping in the car. Suzy is shivering.



It’s freezing. I hardly slept a wink. The heating is rubbish in this thing.



Quit moaning. I gave you my jacket. How cold do you think I am?



It’s your fault we’re in this predicament.



Give it a couple of hours and I’m sure Scott will come back. He’s probably crashed out somewhere. When he wakes up, he’ll make his way here.



Why didn’t he come back last night?



I’m sure he’s okay.


Int. McFly household, bedroom. Scott’s alarm on his cell phone goes off and he wakes up in the spare bed. Scott groans and stretches as he slowly comes to his senses.


SCOTT (to himself).

What day is it? Is it school today?


Scott remembers where he is and sits bolt upright.


SCOTT (to himself).

I’m in the future!


He jumps out of bed and looks at the window.


SCOTT (to himself).

I’m sure there were bars on those last night.


Int. Dining room. The future McFlys are having breakfast. An old man has joined them for breakfast.



Ah, good morning Arnold, would you like something to eat?



Yes please.



Arnold, take a seat at the table. My Grandfather is here for breakfast. He was traveling with me in the when you dropped in. He decided we should travel a different way yesterday. If we hadn’t have gone that way, we would never have managed to save you. Grandpa Josh, this is Arnold.



Pleased to meet you. I’m glad you’re okay.



Hi there. You’re Josh? Josh McFly?



The one and only!


Scott stares uncontrollably at Josh. He can’t believe he’s staring at his own son!



Hey there… Arnold isn’t it. I called by to see if you were okay and wondered if you needed a ride somewhere? John and the family have all got to go to work and school, so I’m offering my services.



Yeah okay then, that would be great. I’ve got to track down my friends.



Aww, can I come to? I was enjoying having you around.



You’ve got to go to school. I’m sure Arnold will drop by another time when he’s feeling better.


Maureen pauses a second.



We will see you again in the future, won’t we Arnold?



Or even the past.


Josh connects eye contact with Scott but doesn’t say anything.


MAUREEN (puzzled).

I’m sorry?



Nothing. If nothing happens to me, I’m sure I’ll see you again.



Well, get a good breakfast inside you first.



I’ve got to rush. The skyway to Tokyo will be jammed if I don’t hurry. I don’t want to be late for work.



Tokyo? I thought you worked in Hill Valley.



No, Tokyo. I run an electronics business. I told you all about it last night.


SCOTT (confused).

Yeah sorry, I’m getting confused with something else.



No worries, got to dash.


Ext. Josh’s car. Josh is flying Scott back to the hippy camp. Josh seems a little nervous, as does Scott.



So, you want taking to the hippy camp on the other side of town.



Yeah. My friends are near there.


Scott pauses for a moment.



Josh, I don’t mean to pry, but could you tell me about yourself. About your life.



I’d love to, but it’s not really a good idea is it?



Why not?



Because you’re Scott McFly from 2015, and you’ve just found out that I’m your future son.


SCOTT (shocked).

How? What? I mean how did you know that I cam to the future?



Mom told me.






That’s right. When I was old enough, she told me all about the time machine and that Grandpa Marty’s friend Doc invented it back in 1985. They traveled to 2015 and you borrowed it. I’ve waited decades for this date, and I believe it’s finally here.



You knew I would fall from that truck didn’t you?



I’ve been watching over you since you arrived in the square yesterday. I had to get John to drive down the freeway. He wondered what the hell was going on. He believes it was some sort of psychic miracle that we saved you.



You saved my life!



I had to save my old man. If we missed you and you fell to the ground, the whole family would never have been born. It’s not worth thinking about.



That’s heavy.



I understand young Penny has been showing you the family tree. You realize that looking into the future isn’t a good idea don’t you? I gather you saw yourself on it?



Yeah. I need you to tell me about that. I die in 2045. I don’t want to die aged 45. What happened? I need to stop it from happening.



Oh, dad. You shouldn’t know about that. I’d love to help you, but it’s just too dangerous. It was because of your death that I got together with Ellie.



Ellie Tannen?



It’s a long story, but to cut it short, if you don’t die, I won’t get together with Ellie, the kids would never have been born, let alone the grandkids and great-grandkids.



For heaven’s sake! You can’t just leave me knowing I’m going to die on Halloween 2045! I’ll go mad!



Dad, I’m sorry. It’s just the way things happened.


Josh pulls out a metal, pen like device and shines it in Scott’s eyes. Scott reacts and tries to knock it out of Josh’s hand. After a slight struggle, Josh manages to hold the device in front of Scott’s eyes for a couple of seconds, and he falls asleep in his seat. Josh looks across at Scott with a tear in his eye.



Sorry Dad, It’s for the good of the family. I hope you understand.


Josh lands his car right near where the DeLorean is hidden. Josh gets out, looks over to the hidden DeLorean. He then opens up the passenger door.


Int. DeLorean. Suzy hears the car land.


SUZY (whispering).

Eric, listen, there’s a car out there.



Can you see who’s there?



It looks like an old man.



I wonder what he’s doing?



I can’t make it out.



Hey, he’s dragging someone out of the car. Do you reckon he’s a murderer?



He’s a bit old to be a murderer isn’t he?


Ext. Field. Josh drags Scott along and lays him on the ground near a tree and wraps a blanket around him. Josh stops to look at his young, sleeping father. He holds his hand.



See you Dad. It was nice to meet you again; even if it was only briefly.


Josh turns; gets back into the car and takes off.


Eric and Suzy climb out of the DeLorean and rush over to Scott.


SUZY (horrified).

It’s Scott! Is he alive? What’s happened?


Eric puts his cheek in front of Scott’s mouth to feel signs of breathing, and hold his wrist to feel for a pulse.



He’s still alive. He’s just out cold.


Suzy starts tapping Scott around the face.



Scott! Wake up! Wake up!


Eric takes a bottle of water out of his pocket and unscrews the lid. Suzy shakes Scott’s shoulders. Eric throws water into Scott’s face. Scott starts to come round.



Mom? Mom? Is that you?



Snap out of it Scott, it’s me, Suzy. Where have you been? What have you been up to?


Scott looks into Suzy’s eyes. His eyes are still rolling.






What happened to you?


Scott frowns as he tries to remember what happened.



I… I… I was on a rocket board. In the future.



That’s right dude, we’re in the future. What’s a rocket board?



Like a fast hoverboard. I was being chased by robots. Robots that looked like Griff Tannen.


ERIC (to Suzy).

I think he’s been dreaming again.



I fell from the sky after hanging onto a truck.



What happened then?


Scott thinks for a moment.



I’m not sure. It’s all hazy. I can sort of remember someone, but I’m not sure.



Think Scott.


Scott thinks harder.



No, it’s gone. How did I get here?



An old man dropped you off. I don’t know who he was.


SCOTT (confused).

An old man?



Yeah, he brought you here in his car. He wrapped this blanket around you.


Suzy inspects the blanket and finds a tag attached to it. It reads “McFly”.



McFly? Scott this blanket has the name McFly on it. He was probably related to you!


Scott looks puzzled and confused.



Come on we’d better get out of here. Let’s go home.



We’ve still got to go to 1985 to get Scott’s rucksack with his palmtop computer in it.



No need.


SCOTT (coming to his senses).

Why not?



Been there, done that.



What do you mean you’ve been there, done that?



Exactly that?



You’ve been to 1985 and sorted it out?



Wait there.


Eric disappears into the DeLorean and appears moments later with Scott’s rucksack. He throws it to Scott. Scott opens it dumbfounded and takes his palmtop out.



What the…



How did you get this Eric?



Well I thought I’d better make it up to you. I realized I’d inconvenienced you by bringing you here. I decided to go back and sort it out for you as a way of saying sorry. A little surprise.



How did you manage it?



It was all quite boring really. I went back and hung around for a day on October 27th 1985 at the crossroads by Hilldale, the day you said it happened. It was about lunchtime when it all kicked off. I saw the DeLorean vanish after hitting the four-by-four. You two show up and some car appears with Biff Tannen in it.



The Rolls Royce?



No, it wasn’t a Rolls Royce, it was an auto dealing wagon. Come to mention it, I did see a Rolls Royce further down the highway.



It changed!



Anyway, Biff Tannen stole your rucksack and threw it into the passenger side of his truck. I knocked him out with a lump of wood and took off with the bag.


SUZY (thinking hard).

That’s weird. I seem to recall seeing Biff lying on the ground next to his truck. That must be new memories catching up with me. I can still remember how it happened before as well. Double memories are so confusing.



So you came back straight afterwards then. You didn’t change anything else?


ERIC (hesitantly).

Yeah, I came back.



Well we’re still here. We haven’t been wiped from existence or grown an extra head or something.



Okay, so we’re all sorted out. We’ve got everything, and not left anything behind. All we need to do now is take the DeLorean back to 2015, give it to Doc Brown and let history take its course.


Scott starts to take the foliage off of the DeLorean..


Int. DeLorean. Scott, Suzy and Eric are cramped inside. Scott puts the key in the ignition and the car roars into life.



Let’s go home!


Scott reverses the car, turns it round and drives into the lane ready to leave. Suddenly, the flux capacitor starts beeping.



It’s empty. We’ve got to fill up.


Ext. DeLorean. Scott and Suzy have radiation suits on. Scott opens the yellow case of plutonium to look for a capsule to put in the car. Scott looks through the case and keeps finding empty capsules. Scott searches more and more frantically, only to find that every single one is empty.


SCOTT (throwing his hood of the radiation suit back).

They’re all empty!


SUZY (throwing her hood back).

They can’t be!


SCOTT (still going through them in case he’s missed one).

They all are! Look!



Eric, what happened to all the plutonium?


Eric looks out of the door of the DeLorean ashen faced.


SCOTT (getting annoyed).



ERIC (sheepishly).




There’s no plutonium left.



There is. There’s got to be. I checked.


SUZY (angrily).

Well you didn’t check very hard did you?


Scott walks around to the driver’s side of the DeLorean. He leans in and switches the time circuits on. The display reads last departed October 31st 2045. Scott grabs Eric as if he’s about to hit him.


SCOTT (angrily).

You liar! You haven’t just been to 1985. You’ve been to 2045. I bet you’ve traveling around all over the place. I mean how stupid can you get?


Suzy tries to drag Scott away from Eric.



It’s no different to when you decided to go on a little trip to 1925.



That was an accident.



The year was. The extra little time traveling trip wasn’t.



I went to 1985 and paid a quick visit to 2045 to see what it’d be like in thirty years time. Then I came back here. I swear!



How can I believe you? Look the case contained 12 cylinders of plutonium. There’s no way they’ve all been used up, unless you’ve been time traveling left, right and center.



I’m telling the truth mate.



Don’t call me mate. You’ve got us stranded one hundred years in the future. How the hell are we going to get home?



There was definitely more cylinders than that left.



So where’s it gone then? I suppose you let someone borrow it while you were sightseeing in 2045 or whenever it was?



I don’t know.



Come on guys. Arguing about it isn’t going to solve anything. We need to work out how we’re going to get out of this mess.



If only Doc Brown was here.



Can’t we get some more plutonium from somewhere?



You can’t just walk into a drugstore and buy plutonium.



Isn’t there another way to fuel it?



Lightning works, but how do you know when lightning’s going to strike? Unless it’s November 12th 1955 of course.



Maybe they control the weather in the future?



Don’t be ridiculous.



I don’t know. When my dad first came to 2015, there was a weather service. I don’t know how they did it. Maybe they’ve sorted it out here.


It starts to rain.



Talk about the weather, and it starts raining!



I’ve got it!






You said “If only Doc Brown was here”.



Yeah, and?



Well, what’s the next best thing?



Dunno? What?



Which two members of his family became a doctor and an inventor and just so happened to move to the future?



Jules and Verne! Of course! They moved 200 years in the future. When we were in 1925, they were in 2125. It’s ten years before that now. They must’ve moved here by now.



We’ll have to look them up. How old would they be?


SCOTT (thinking about it).

Late thirties I would imagine.



What are we waiting for then? Come on Eric, I’m not letting you out of my sight.


Eric pulls a face. The rain is now getting quite heavy.



I’m taking the DeLorean, it’s throwing it down.


Ext. Bluebird Motel. Morning. The sky is dark with clouds. Scott, Suzy and Eric are in the DeLorean driving along towards town in the heavy rain. Scott, who’s driving looks around curiously. A hover car travels past with a banner on the side which reads “Re-Elect Mayor Lofty Wilson”.



Re-elect Mayor Lofty Wilson. Progress is his middle name.


Eric Grins to himself.



Looks like you’ve done something right Eric. At least Zap Tannen isn’t mayor any more.



Where shall we start looking for Jules and Verne? The café on the square? Is that still there? They’ve probably got a phone book or something.



I’m not going in there. I nearly got arrested there yesterday. I can remember that much.






Long story… I’ll tell you later.



The library?



Yeah, let’s go there; it’s only round the corner.


Scott drives into the parking lot nearby, and the three friends get out of the DeLorean, in the rain. Before they can close the gull-wing door, a gang of five youths around eighteen years old jump out of the bushes to confront them. They are all carrying rocket-boards. Scott looks round for help but nobody is around. He looks at who’s confronting him. Scott’s eyes nearly pop out of his head when he sees the youth is unmistakably a Tannen.



Well, look at what we have here.



Zap? Zap Tannen?



No I’m not Zap Tannen. He’s that lousy bum of an old man of mine. He’s probably on a park bench for all I care. I’m Flash Tannen, and I’m taking that antique of a car of yours. Hand it over.



No chance.


Flash Tannen’s gang of two girls and two guys gather closer to him.



I’m not asking you, I’m telling you!


Scott pauses for a moment.



Well guys, I’d love to hand over the car to you as I know you’d  take care of it very well, but there’s just one problem…


Flash looks confused at Scott.


SCOTT (shouting and pointing behind Flash and his gang).

What the Hell is that?


Flash and his gang turn to see what’s behind. Scott pushes Flash hard and he topples knocking his gang over.

Scott throws the keys to the DeLorean at Eric who’s standing behind him and gestures him and Suzy to get into it, which they do. Scott turns to follow, but Flash grabs his ankle pulling him over.

Scott grabs a rocket-board from one of the gang members and lunges at Flash with it knocking him down again and freeing Scott’s ankle.

Eric starts the DeLorean up and Suzy leans out of the door to see where Scott is.

Scott runs for the door and slips in the rain. Flash and his gang start heading towards him.





SCOTT (getting to his feet).

Just go, I’ll catch up on this rocket-board.


The DeLorean drives off out of the parking lot with the wheels spinning.



No-one lays a finger on Flash Tannen and gets away with it.


SCOTT (with a grin).

Well come and get me then!


Scott activates the rocket-board.



Is this all the Tannen family amounts to? A homeless bum for a father, and a car-jacker for a son? You can’t even do that right!



Why you little…


Scott rushes off on the rocket-board before Flash can grab him.



After him!


Flash and his three of his gang activate their rocket-boards. They give chase leaving one guy alone without his board.


GANG MEMBER (almost in tears).

He took my board! Mom’s gonna kill me.


Ext. Highway. The  DeLorean speeds down the road through the rain. Scott follows close behind. The heavens start rumbling. A storm is on the way.

Scott dares for a moment to look over his shoulder to see where Flash is. The four rocket-boards are only a few meters behind. Flash is holding what looks like a huge metal baseball bat.



Where did he get that from?


Scott looks back round to see that Eric has taken the hint and is speeding away. Scott hits the accelerator button on the rocket-board and follows.

The DeLorean swerves as a robot crosses the highway in front. Scott narrowly avoids it and pulls a stunt to keep his balance. A moment later, he looks round to see that one of Flash’s gang wasn’t as lucky as she is lying in a heap on the road.



Two down, three to go!


Scott catches up with the DeLorean and hangs onto the back. They turn off the highway they are on and onto a busier one. Eric steers drastically around the ground traffic. Horns are sounded as drivers are cut up by his driving. Scott clings onto the back for dear life.



This is not a good idea.


Scott looks round to see that Flash and the two remaining members of his gang are struggling to keep up in the traffic.



Then again…


Eric turns off at the next exit and heads along another road past tall buildings and monorails. People from raised walkways look to see the speeding DeLorean hurtle past in the heavy rain with Scott clinging onto the back. They then flinch when a bolt of lightning shoots from the sky followed by loud thunder. Soaked to the skin, Scott looks round again to see that Flash isn’t behind anymore. He looks back round and sees that his three pursuers have taken a short cut and are approaching on their rocket-boards from a nearby side street. Before Scott knows it, Flash has made it to the DeLorean and swings his baseball bat at him. Scott flip tricks his board to avoid it.






Die, you little gopper!


SCOTT (taunting Flash).

What the hell is a gopper?


Flash takes another swing of the bat at Scott and misses. The huge metal bat gets stuck in the metal grating in the back of the DeLorean. Flash tries to pull it free, but ends up losing his grip. 


Scott tricks the board around, then dodges again and ducks past Flash and knocks one of the gang members from her board onto the ground below.


The DeLorean continues in one direction and Scott in another. Flash and his one remaining pal follow Scott.


Scott speeds up distancing himself from them.


There is more thunder and lightning, and a huge bolt strikes a tree in front of Scott. The tree falls to the ground right in front of Scott. Scott flips his board up and grinds along a branch before tricking right over and continuing down the road. The two pursuers leap straight over the obstacle as if it were nothing.


Scott turns sharp and up a steep slope. He ends up on a monorail track. Flash follows, but the gang member slips off the slope and lands in a hedge.


Flash chases Scott along the monorail and a bolt of lightning just misses the metal rail they are on.



This is getting pretty heavy!



Give up punk; you know you can’t get away from me!


A monorail train shoots along towards them. The driver sounds his horn when he sees the two boarders on the track.


It’s too late to get out of the way, so Scott uses the sloping grill at the front to launch himself onto the roof. Scott lands on the roof and slams the brake of the board on, which brings himself to a stop. Scott drops to the deck.


Flash tries the same trick and flies straight over the top of Scott and along the top of the train.


Scott looks over the edge of the train and sees there is a large pond.


SCOTT (to himself).

If this doesn’t work, at least there’ll be a safety net.


Scott jumps from the train with his board under his feet. The board lands in the water under the weight up of Scott, causing him to get his feet and ankles wet. The board then levels off a short distance above the surface of the water.


SCOTT (to himself).



Scott sees the monorail disappearing into the distance with Flash on the roof. He then hits the accelerator and the board moves off.


SCOTT (to himself).

Waterproof too! What a result.


Ext. Highway. Scott arrives at the highway where he sees the DeLorean has come full circle and is speeding back towards him.


SCOTT (to himself).

Thank heavens that’s over.


Scott gets off of the rocket-board as he waits for Suzy and Eric.


Suddenly another bolt of lightning comes crashing down and hits the metal baseball bat sticking out of the back of the DeLorean.


The DeLorean illuminates before disappearing from sight. Two streaks of fire shoot along the road towards Scott, where he is standing dumbfounded.


There is silence and Scott falls to his knees.





Soaking wet in the rain, Scott remains kneeled down as he tries to think of his next move.


He sees a pair of headlights appear from the sky, and slowly a hover-car lands next to him.


Scott squints to see who it is.


The car lands and a white, wild haired man with a Hawaiian shirt emerges from it.



Doc? Doc Brown?


The man comes over. Scott can see it is not Doc.



Are you Scott? Scott McFly?



Yeah. Who the hell are you?


The man holds his hand out.



Verne Brown. Pleased to meet you.


Scott shakes Verne’s hand and then throws his arms around him.



I can’t believe it. Is it really you? How did you find me?



I came to collect you.



You’re too late. They’ve gone.






Suzy and Eric. They’ve been struck by lightning. The DeLorean’s gone. I don’t know where, but they’ve gone.



Calm down Scott; they’re safe. The destination time was the same as the last trip the DeLorean took.



When Eric came back from 2045? That was yesterday!



Yes, that’s right. They tracked me down yesterday and here I am now to pick you up. The DeLorean is being fixed up ready to send you back to 2015.



You mean it’s all over?



You can go home. Suzy told me all about what you’ve all been through and I can safely say that everything you set out to achieve is now done. Come on I’ll take you home and dry you out. You’re soaked.


Verne gets back into the car and Scott stands shivering, trying to absorb what’s been going on. Scott notices a piece of paper sticking out of his back pocket when he puts his hand there.


SCOTT (to himself).

What’s this?


Scott opens the piece of paper and looks at it.


SCOTT (to himself).

A family tree?


Scott examines the piece of paper for a few moments. Verne leans out of the car.



Hurry up, it’s throwing it down.


Scott turns away from Verne and keeps reading the family tree. His head swims when he reads it.


SCOTT (to himself).

I remember… I remember it all now… I die in 2045. Josh erased my memory with that device to make me forget, but I remember. I remember it all. I’ve got to go there and stop it from happening…


The camera moves away from Scott and the car into the sky.


To be concluded… (is displayed).


Credits roll.






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