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Barrie Davidson


About Me

I graduated as a Certified General Accountant, an accounting designation in Canada, in 1995. I also completed the Canadian Securities Course in 1999. I am now working for Momentum Healthware as "Corporate Controller". I am also a proud Canadian (as if the Canadian flag didn't give it away!).

Prior to that, I worked in various industries (financial services, trucking, courier, and healthcare). If you're really that interested in my professional experience drop me an e-mail and I'll fill you in on the all the gory details!

So why did I make this web page you ask?? Well, I really enjoy working with computers and was curious about making a web page. When I got the book "Creating Web Pages for Dummies" for Christmas 2000, I zipped through it in less than a month and then went out and got "Hands on HTML". Naturally, I had to put my reading to good use. I have done a lot of work with computers, especially with Excel, and I want to increase my knowledge.

One other reason I did this page - I think it would be cool to get to know people around the world who share the same interests as I do.

Copyright © 2001 by Barrie R. Davidson
Last updated May, 2006

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