Scorpio in Relationships

Guess who's in charge here?
You've got it, the strong Scorpion, who is not quite ready to be controlled by others.
This can make for an interesting relationship dynamic
and one very sexy chess game.
What the Scorpion wants are sex, love and money from a lover,
and the absolute best where all three are concerned.
Deep down, though, it's sex and the power it brings which
carry the most weight with this libidinous soul.
Scorpions are possessed of a steely determination and a
strong sense of what is best for them. Thankfully,
this often takes into account their partner,
and they are quick to be giving with the right lover,
and to make their life very easy. As long
as the Scorpion wins, there will be harmony in the mating game.
The ideal Scorpio soul mate can go twelve rounds anywhere,
anytime and preferably in bed.

Scorpio Beauty Profile

Of course you've heard all the tales of lusty Scorpio, the Sign of Sex
the escapades, the seduction, the mysterious stranger in red and black. No
other Sun Sign has quite the mystique of this stinging little Scorpion.
Yes, those of you born under the intense light of this Fixed Water Sign
are intense and passionate, amorous and sometimes secretive.

When it comes to beauty, you wrap your sensuality around you like a
long, silken robe -- it envelopes your every move. Your sensuality courses
Through you like an electric current. While it seems as if you can't help but
exude sexual energy, there's a softer side to you. You can be emotional and a
loyal friend. You don't go for the musky perfumes as much as you do sweeter
essences like vanilla or spicy fragrances like cinnamon.

You delight in disguise and in dramatic makeovers; wigs and false
eyelashes are some of the tools of your cosmetic trade. Hiding behind other
personas stimulates you, and you shine when you can be a bit clever and

The power of your beauty lies within this cunning; all of your
expressions of beauty possess a hidden, deeper meaning, a subtext of desire, an
ulterior motive. You are at your most beautiful when you channel your
sly charm to energize those around you, letting the world in on the biggest
Scorpio secret of all: how good it feels to be you.

Go beyond your Sun Sign to learn more about your unique

Basic Witch Laws

1. Witches do not point out the identity of other witches to the general public or give addresses, or anything that can betray any of us.

2. Do nothing that will endanger anyone in the Craft, or which will bring them into conflict with the law of the land or any of your persecutors.

3. Do not gossip or speak evil of other witches.

4. Never lie to any witch.

5. Never use your magickal skills for show, pride or vainglory.

6. Keep within your Book of Shadows a record of your own rites and learnings.

7. Do not lend your Book of Shadows to anyoneYou may allow someone to copy it though. Property owned by Crafters should be guarded both mundanely and spiritually by the Witch.

8. Never use your personal power for evil purposes or attacks. If someone attacks you, you can defend yourself by asking the Goddess for justice.

9. Magickal bindings can cost you dearly. Learn to banish negativity instead.

10. Know that thoughts are things; and what you create in thought may manifest in reality.

11. A Witch's power grows in direct relation with his or her level of wisdom. As long as you are acting in accordance with a positive belief system, don't worry what others think of you and say about it. Injuries, accidents, sickness, and poverty are often manifestations of low self-esteem or negative programming, not hexes.

12. Magick use should be viewed as sacred. Witches may teach others about the Craft if the place is safe, the teacher is knowledgeable, the student is willing, and the information is available publicly or is not secret to the organization to which he or she belongs.

13. Never do anything to disgrace the Goddess and the Craft.

The Law of the Power

The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if the need rises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others.

The Power is used only as need dictates.

The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none.

It is unwise to accept money for use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions.

Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of the craft and magick.

Ever remember that the Power is the sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused.

And this is the law of the Power.

Thirteen Goals of a Witch

1 Know yourself.
2 Know your Craft.
3 Learn.
4 Apply knowledge with wisdom.
5 Achieve balance.
6 Keep your words in good order.
7 Keep your thoughts in good order.
8 Celebrate life.
9 Attune with the cycles of the Earth.
10 Breathe and eat correctly.
11 Exercise the body.
12 Meditate.
13Honor the Goddess and God.

But above all else love one another

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