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by Boinkers

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Elton John announces, "Now I'm really gay."

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| November 2002

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Site News

- 12/12/02 -
-This week on C Source, the predatory behaivor of women & a bonus CD review.
-Star Wars page completed!

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-What is it really like to work in a grocery store? (don't worry we'll tell you)

Boinkers "News"

'Mooning' Argued to be a Constitutional Right
12/13/02 - Original source

SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters) -- Australian police warned on Friday that the law would lose its bite if "mooning" became enshrined as an implied constitutional right.

A lawyer for defendant James Albert Ernest Togo, 20, told a court in the eastern state of Queensland last month that his client was exercising his right to protest and was not guilty of indecency when he bared his buttocks at a police car last August.
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Bush's Sight Failing
12/12/02 - Original source || Boinkers

During the comments Bush made today about incoming Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, he was seen to be frequently squinting at the cue cards being held out for him.

"I tried showing them right where I wanted the cards, but the idiots kept holding them too far away." Bush explained.


Florida Third-graders Face Pot Charges
12/12/02 - Original source

Two third-graders at a Florida elementary school are facing felony charges Wednesday after police said they were found to have 15 plastic bags of marijuana.
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Finally! A place to start battling the drug trafficing into the U.S. ; arresting third-graders.


Marvel Comics to Unveil Gay Gunslinger
12/10/02 - Original source

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Marvel Comics plans to break new ground in the comic book industry by introducing the first openly gay title character in a comic book.
The Rawhide Kid has been a Marvel character since the 1950s both as a main and a secondary character. However, it was not until Zimmerman approached Marvel with his idea of a homosexual Rawhide Kid that sexuality was mentioned in the discussion of the character.
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Man Saved by Condiments
12/10/02 - Original source

CHARLESTON, West Virginia (AP) -- A man trapped for nearly a week in his car after it plunged into a ravine survived in the freezing cold by burning paper, melting snow for water and eating packets of fast-food sauce, rescuers say.
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Where's that Burger King ketchup packet when you need it?


Darwin Awards Pick of the Day
12/08/02 - Original source

1980s, South Carolina (Unconfirmed) -- A parachute instructor was videotaping the lessons he was giving to a group of trainees. He had attached the video camera to his helmet so that it would capture the entire day of instruction. The group of enthusiastic beginners went up in the plane, and the instructor led them through preparations for the jump.
When they reached the jump site, the students and instructor jumped from the plane, tape still running. A few minutes later, the instructor realized that he had been so focused on preparing his trainees for the jump, which needed to be perfect for the sake of the videotaped lesson, that he had forgotten to strap on his own parachute.
All but the last ten feet of his fall was recorded by the camera. The very last part of the tape was destroyed by the impact.

So much for being a professional.


Man Sues Doctor Who Left Surgery for Bank
12/07/02 - Original source

NEW YORK, New York (CNN) -- The patient who was left on an operating table while his doctor went to the bank filed a malpractice suit against the surgeon Wednesday.
Charles Algeri(left), who was undergoing spinal fusion surgery, says he suffers severe pain because Dr. David C. Arndt abandoned him on the operating table with an open incision for half an hour while he went to cash a check.
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Your tax dollars at work, or at the bank we should say.


Catholics Switch From White to Wheat
12/06/02 - Original source || Boinkers

1 1/8" white 1 1/8" wheat

Vatican City -- The 78-year-old Catholic leader Pope John Paul II announced on Wednesday that all Catholics must switch from the traditional white communion host to the wheat host immediately. A recall for all 1 1/8 inch white hosts was implemented late Wednesday night.
The surplus white communion hosts will be mailed as samples to all registered Athiest voters living within the United States.

"It's just as well." said one Chicago Catholic to journalists. "The damn things tasted like cardboard."


Ronald McDonald Talks About Gun Control
12/05/02 - Original source || Boinkers

In a conference held Wednsday morning at the Ronald McDonald House of Stanford, the big kahuna of Big Macs personally spoke out on the issue of gun control and the safety of children around firearms.
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Police Unit Receives Budget Cut
12/04/02 - Original source || Boinkers

Jacksonville, Florida - Recent budget cuts have put severe stress on the officers of the NASJAX Police Bike Unit.
One officer told reporters, "At least we get to choose our own color scheme."
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Traffic Sign Reports Accident
12/04/02 - Original source || Boinkers

Dec. 2, Minnesota - As the harsh weather in the midwest increases the roads continue to become more dangerous. Following an auto accident a traffic update sign displayed information regarding a recent accident.
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Player Held at Gun Point During Game
12/04/02 - Original source || Boinkers

Nov. 26, San Salvador - Mario Rodriguez, a player for Guatemala, was help up during the match with Haiti, part of the teams' XIX Central American & Caribbean Games soccer match.
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Elderly Man Silently Wages War Against Pharmacy
12/04/02 - Original source

AKRON, OH--Local retiree Gerald Stennis, 87, has been waging a silent war against the Copley Road Walgreens for the past two months, family members told reporters Monday.
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Dry Ice Anyone?
12/04/02 - Original source

(2002) Some friends and I had heard that you can make a plastic two-liter bottle explode by using dry ice and water to create pressure inside the capped bottle. We gathered up as many plastic soda bottles as we could, obtained dry ice from the icehouse, and planned targets for this particular brand of mayhem.
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