My Special Place
Hello. I am Aaron. I like cake. This is My Special Place. Here I keep My Special Things. One by one they will appear here, starting with these three...

Special Thing Number One
This is My Special Film entitled 'The Job'. I know what you might be thinking but you would be wrong. This job is not rude. You might like to know that this film took 45 hours to make. Or you might not. But I don't mind. The Job is approximately 2.5 MB in size or 1.5 MB in size. You choose. They are both zipped up to keep them small. And now here's a Special 4.2 MB Quicktime file for you incase you can't play those other 2.

Special Thing Number Two
This little head is from My Special Workmate, Gary, the great big drooling fool. He smells like he's dead but I don't mind because I have My Special Smell-Maker plugged into my wall because it's electronic.

Special Thing Number Three
This is My Special Company, Denki. This link HERE will take you to this Other Special Place in my life. I hope you enjoy it as much if not more than I do. And I enjoy it a lot.

[email protected]
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