Fiberfab Aztec 7
   The Aztec 7 is a kit car that was designed and built by one of the largest and longest-lived kit car companies in America called Fiberfab.  Fiberfab got it's start in the early 1960's building street-rod parts and body panels for Mustangs.  Their first full kit car was the Aztec GT.  They came out with several versions of this car in the mid-1960's, and later they developed many other kits including the very popular Avenger/Valkyerie.  In the early 1970's they decided to create a replica of the Bertone Carabo concept car and the Aztec 7 was born.  Released around 1976, it was somewhat popular, and estimates are that they sold over 250 full kits.  When Fiberfab was purchased by Classic Motor Carriges in 1983, the new company wanted to focus only on neo-classic kits and many of the Fiberfab designs were doomed, including the Aztec 7.
     Depending on who you talk to, either Fiberfab was visionary, because of the way they shaped the industry in the 1960's with easy to build kits that included inner body panels, or Fiberfab hurt the entire kit car industry for years with their ruthless and questionable business practices.
     One thing is for sure, they developed some really great looking cars!

-- Chris Guenther
[email protected]
General information on my Aztec 7
Differences between Type-A and Type-B Aztec 7's
If you have an Aztec 7, or would like to buy one, please check out the Owners Regestry

Also, if you have questions, or are looking to buy or sell, you might want to post a message to the Aztec 7 discussion group.
Technical info and FAQ's
Parts and Accessories for sale
Picture gallery
Owners Regestry and cars for sale
Aztec 7 assembly manual
Fiberfab and Aztec stories/history
If you're in the Colorado area, you may be interested in the Rocky Mountain Handcrafed Automobiles club.  Visit their site at:
Aztec 7 Articles & Promotional Materials
Other Fiberfab vehicles

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