A man stands before you, dressed in a white robe, long flowing beard, flowing hair, the smile never leaves his face as he introduces himself.

"I am Randonius, the Planeswalker," he says. "It is good to see you. What is your name?"

You tell him and he motions you to sit and turns his back to you, then as he turns back, his form changes to that of a young man in black garb, his face clean, his eyes bright.

You are slightly startled, he begins to speak:

"You may wonder why you have been guided here. Be it fate, be it your own free will, whatever you call it does not matter, what matters is you are here. My story is long and sordid, so I shall not bore you with it, but what I will tell you is that my displeasure with the current planes of existence has lead me to create my own.... I call this Plane, Torxania.

"As you may know, there is more than one Plane of Torxania, this is because there is not just one facet to my own imagination. I created Torxania to fulfill my curiosity, my curiosity has to do probably with my own creative juices not flowing correctly in the other planes. I wanted to start these planes to explore other facets of my own imagination in new environments, unfettered by the pollution of the creators of other planes. I will not say I'm perfect, but my creation is perfect in its imperfections."


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