Welcome, please don't leave

Welcome to my site, it's cool. So yeah! If you leave you might get cancer... no offense Chris! But seriously yeah, and stuff... don't leave cause ths site's cool.... oh, and sign my guestbook, if I put one on there..... enjoy... I've got mp3s, video clips, pictures, links whatever ya want... you got it!!!! Or whatever I want... you got it!!! That's it... for now....


Hey out there in Web Land!!! This past semester, for my final exam in Web Design class, I made a web page about a certain genre of music... SKA!!!!! Now, this isn't the best site ever built in the history of the internet, but I'm still damn proud of it... you know you want to see it. So, in order to see the web page that earned me a solid A in Web Design, just click on this link... enjoy!

There are two semi-new flash animations I put on this site, in the videos section. LOOK AT THEM AND ENJOY THEM DAMMIT!!!!! One is about swimming in the water, and the other is about dogs and humans... yes, very exciting....! Oh yeah, I also put the theme song to "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" as the background music... just in case you're deaf, or haven't noticed yet.... hooray for Will Smith!!!

Yippie, I changed the above picture. Now, instead of seeing a drawing of some guy urinating, you can see a nice doggie giving the finger.... classic, just classic... On another note, a while ago, I put up a flash video called Sickles Wars, good stuff... check it out, it's my first real flash video.

OK, I know it's been a while since I've updated this thing, oh well, too bad. But since the last time I updated it, I put up a few flash videos in the videos page, and if you look above, you'll see the brand new front page picture, it's kind of the same idea as the old one, but it was created in Fireworks instead of Paint... hooray!

I added a picture of me, and two members of my band attacking a kid with our instruments. Fun... And I added a link in the links section to our site, just like the one above... aren't I a hip cat? Not really....

Yep, I changed my front page today.... I'll probably end up changing the rest of the site later, if I feel like it.... still haven't done anything with it yet in a while though.... I'm in Web Design 2 though in school.... so hopefully I'll be learning some cool Flash stuff soon... YAY FOR FLASH!!!! I'll put a link here, and for the links section, for my band's website, created by Matt. We're a ska band that's all cool and stuff... not too much on that site yet... but we're just starting out. So yay! Anyway, here it is! K, I think that's it for now...
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