"The greatest advantage I know of being thought a wit by the world is that it gives one the greater freedom of playing the fool."
- Jonathan Swift

05 November 2003
Being as I started to find out after some time that having a personal site along with a specific page for my pro-wrestling fanfics, a couple of blogs and numerous accounts in different places was an extremely tedious task. Seeing as I'm one of the laziest fuckers to ever walk the earth, I decided that it simply wasn't worth the hassle. So from henceforth the only thing this spot will host are my sketches and various fanart. Of course the usual shrine to myself will still be around, as well as a few links. The guestbook is gone. I may bring it back in the event that my tagboard expires.

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Disclaimer: Most of the images used here to create the logos, backgrounds and whatnot were taken from random sites on the Internet. They've been stuck in my computer for so long I have no idea exactly which sites they came from anymore. If you see an image which is yours and you want it either taken down or accredited for it, please e-mail me. All other images, like the ones in sketches, fanart and anything else that obviously came from my hand, are mine and should not be used or distributed without my permission.

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