Russian PUNK ROCK BAND (official site)



Part 1

The Russian punk band "Az" was formed in Moscow in 1994. The title of band takes the origin from the first letter of the Old Slavonic alphabet. The permanent crew is Oleg "Cherepah" (Turtlex), bass guitar, vocal, also he is the autor of songs and music. During 1995-2000 "Az" furrowed space of Russian postperestroika field. The performances in several Russian cities were espectially stored, where the direct contact with the fans began already at entrance to town, and the intoxication proceeded till departure. Epoch-making performances of the All-Russia scale also have come in history within the framework of the festival "Punk Revolution", annualy conducted in the capital. The outcome of the work became the release of the book alternative journalist "Punk Virus in Russia", where "Az" was presented along with the monsters of the Russian Punk Rock. And also important have to be appeared Tv translations and the issue of video and audio production under mark "The Punk Revolution".

Part 2

For what sake all this is done or Ruthless criticism of the modern world. "Az" as is. The these "Wheels of Time".

1. The order and the stability of this world can not be eternal. Dynamitic force of Chaos of last times will sweep away even this apparent small island of health of new and old bourgeoses.

Chaos is necessary to the world!

2. The Revolution of Spirit, but not political prostitution of the ruling class and corporations, and overthrow of natural necessity power, can not be herd for the sake of survival and subordination of one raised authority in this herd.

No power to authorities!

3. Personal "terror" is a revolt of spirit and revolt of personality, but not revolt of completek maniac group.

Kill the slave in yourself!

4. The crazy rhythm of the life in cities, in rubbish cesspool transforms us in zombi.

Resist! Do not give consciousness to fade away!

5. Madam Love is so fucked in this life, that it is the time to select other words. Illegal love - Free Love. Stay free choosing the parthner and the sacrament of relations from all.

Remember, you owe nobody!

6. The religious propagation of different secterianes teaches to obeying, subordination to authority, and puts forward, as a rule, people find to reigh.

Religion is drug for herd!

7. Symbol of Faith: revolt against authority to finite.

Anarchy to blood!

Part 3

In the middle of 1999 a new lead guitarist Kaljan Arhipov was invinted to the band. He bacame the arranger and the composer of new pieces together with Cherepah. The outcome of this activity you can hear on the sound halyard in Internet (Album Bomb REX 2000). The poet Jeff Minaev took part in joint activity. Now "Az" prepares to record a new album. Band also is engaged in concert activity in the Moscow clubs.

To be continued....

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