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Our story began in Commonsville, 2003, where a group of teenagers (and one kid) began to have nothing much to do at one of their weekly gatherings at granny's house. A week later, The Five of Us was born, comprising Ace, Alex, Trix, Dagger and Kira, original characters created by each of us five youths. What started out as a cure for boredom eventually developed into, er, a major 'literary' project.

Each chapter of The Five of Us is originally written out in play-form, with a conversion to prose-form occurring somewhere in the near future. The Five of Us has since hit 20 chapters, with 10 chapters already converted into prose. Littered with inside jokes, tongue-in-cheek references and not-so-witty one-liners, this, well, epic storyline is sure to poke at your ticklebone and warm your heart. Or not. ^_^

As the plot thickens and things get a little more serious, do don a pair of thicker boots and tag along with us for an adventure of a lifetime into Azona.

NAVIGATION is to the right. Enjoy, and we hope that our silliness and odd sense of humour doesn't put you off... ^_^


26 December 2006


To come later.

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