Audrey Kuo, a.k.a. Audrey (Kuo)
ASB Pictures
So this is my attempt to create a website so that I can upload pictures and stick them on my Xanga. How sad of me. If all goes well, perhaps I will become computer-literate and build upon my pagemaker, nero and photoshop-using "skills." Probably not.

12-26-03: So this is my attempt to change my website, as it is lame and has stagnated. I'm going to pretend I'm a second semester senior who has finished her college apps and thus has time to waste. I mean, I am a second semester senior. Who has finished her college apps.

So I've been scanning pictures for senior ads and whatnot, hence they are now uploadable.

TV Without Pity
The Onion
The Brunching Shuttlecocks
Grub Report
Not that I think you're stupid, but just in case you are, links to other sites do not suggest affiliation with said sites. I just like them.

Don't sue, and don't jack their sh*t because that's just not cool. So we're clear? Good.

I don't know why the visited links turn red and not some more attractive color.

Actually, don't:
Resist the urge to send me refinancing offers and promises to increase the size of my genitalia. I'm quite comfortable with my penis being small to the point of non-existence, thank you very much. Junk e-mail address or not, I still need it as a repository (a collecting-place if you were wondering) for the daily onslaught of largely useless lsdvarsity messages.
Me waving, I guess.
This is what I would like like if I got some rather vigorous exercise, then shaved my head and got a nose-removing job.
Deviant Art - Riot 5
Grub Report
You are the
bored/procrastinating/interested internet surfer/stalker/visitor!
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