Site rules....
1. You cannot steal the graphics on this site!

2.graphic stealin b*s*ards WILL be put on our wall of shame!

3. You cannot distribute any graphics on your site

4. You must link back! VERY IMPORTANT!

5. You cannot use these graphics for anything else without our permission! Examples: blinkies, banners, logos, blogs, backgrounds...and so on.... (you cannot pretend that we gave you permission either, and don't play dumb with us!)

6. Please don't e-mail us, we only accept neomails for certain reasons. All e-mails from strangers will be deleted. And yes, neomail is different from e-mail! (more info about this on contact us)

7. you cannot say that you made the graphics on this site! (counted as graphic stealing)

8. you will get a warning if you break the rules once, if you do that again, you get REPORTED to neopets, and have your account frozen!

9. I wouldn't bother to sent hate mails, we get them, you just broke a neopets rule, so we report you....

10. You cannot alter our codes...

11. You cannot alter the dolls!
Agree / Disagree
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