I can`t Live without FarmI can`t Live without FarmI can`t Live without Farm

Azn Romeo 4U


Layout: Old FF Theme

Song Downloading: Ottis Redding "When A Man Loves A Woman"(Tightest Love Song Ever Made)

Date Created: July 21-23 02


I promise, you that too, Miss Farm Saetern...No I don't have to promise, cuz you know that I will never do anything to hurt you and break any promises to you...I never want to hurt or break your heart...The only thing I wanna do is tp be with you, hold you, kiss you, move right beside you through the hindrances of life. That me and You will always be together forever and ever. Our hearts are mended from now on...my heart is yours, your heart is mine, and my soul is yours, and your soul is mine.

You're my angel, my princess, and my everything and nothing is gonna change how I feel for you. You are the most beauitful girl I have ever known, because of your heart and your attitude towards everything...Your personality is something I don't get to see in many girls. You're special and no one can take that away from you...because if they do, you'll still be special and the most important girl to me.

What`s Up, Welcome to my page...this is an old page that I made...I decided to use it again because my girl gots the ff theme thing going also, so you know? I wanted to match her page, kinda...Tyte huh?

This is a nav. type of page...click on thoughts and picture and outro to get to that section aights? Thanks, hope you enjoy...


Your Mom was hella good in bed last nite, bitch. Sorry just had to get you to read that cuz I had to get your attention some how right? My badz aight? You know what sucks? Yeah? Alot of things right? Yeah, but what sucks most to me is when someone thinks they feel sorry for someone else, but then they don't do anything about it...All they do is feel sorry. Okay, that's cool...Yeah I can feel sorry for someone. You can do that too right? Yeah I know you can. But what are you gonna do about it, huh? Nothing right? Yeah...because you can't really do anything about it, except feel sorry for that person, because he/she is disable, homeless, and an outcast...

Why feel sorry for someone when you know you are not gonna do anything about it...except maybe stare at them, and maybe toss them some nickles and pennys. That's good, you help a little, and people need a little help. You may feel good about this, because you help out a guy...but then you see some really ugly person, all cripple up and shit...what do you do now? Easy...your reflexes does it for you...STARE and you feel SORRY for that particular person...

Well guess what...feeling sorry ain't gonna do shit. Because you can't feel sorry for someone, when you know you ain't that person. Don't understand? Yup...because you can't possible understand what you are staring at and feeling sorry for, because you are not him/her. I can say I know how that guy/gal must feel, but nope...I really don't. I can't comprehend all his troubles and problems.

I can't even fantom how that person feels. But I would still feel sorry for him/her...but I know I can't feel sorry, but I don't know how it feels to like him/her. I still feel sorry though, but why? Why do you feel sorry for that person? Because you think that's the right thing to do? Fuck no it ain't...if you feel sorry then you gots to walk up to that disable person and tell him why you are sorry and what you can do to help him or her out. Then you can say you feel sorry, but if you don't do shit about it...then fuck that feeling of being sorry, because there is no point in being sorry for someone you don't know and don't wanna help.


Click on the Pictures to get a larger view of Them...and a Short discription about them Also, aights? Also if the pictures don't won't...right click it, and then click on show picture...aights?

Me N Farm
Us Again
Girl Crew
Moung and Farm
Sue and Koy
Sexy Farm

Aights...this is a picture of me and Farm...we took these pictures in Seattle...I think South Center Mall at "Star Shots". Yup since every one has pictures at star shots, I might as well get some taken there also right? Hahaha, Yups! Hahahah, everyone thinks we are a cute couple you know that? That's tyte...I can't believe how me and Farm got together...really strange.

This be another picture of me and my Girl Farm. Which pose do you think looks better between us...I think the first picture, and so does farm...my sister thinks this one. Hahahah, oh well who cares right?

This is a picture of my little nephew. Brandon...Hella cute isn't he. He just got a lumpy head that's all...it's cool though, cuz that was when he was 1 year old I think. He got alot of hair now. I love the way he expresses his face...it's so hella cute. I swear. Me and him are sooo tyte together. He's a cry baby though. Hahahah, it's all good. I'll make him a man.

Oh oh...what's this? A solo picture of my honey Farm...damn she look hella bomb in this picture...I swear...Man she is so good looking in this picture...What a wonderful smile too. I swear, you don't get a better smile than this. Damn I love this smiles of her. It's so brillant...such a turn on. Hahaha. Love you baby!!!

These are a picture of some fine asian girls in Portland. You probably know some of them, if you live in Oregon...since these girls are pretty popular, you know? Starting from top left...Boupa, Vy, Forget her name, Coo, Farm my angel, and Sweet lil leu. Hahah...all these girls are pretty tyte. Especially Farm...hahah. Well of course...she's my girl you know?

This be a picture of my little nephews...the one on the right is brandon(picture above) and the one on the left is Kyle...Kyle talks to much, non-stop...He comes up with things you haven't even heard off...blah blah...and brandon...I already said this...cries about everything...I swear to god...oh well it's all good...their cuteness makes it up...oh yeah, Damn Kyle was hella cute when he was a youngsta

This is a picture of my my future cousin, and my girl Farm...I think they took this at Mall 205 in Oregon, a while back ago. I I think moung has an AA page somewhere...on my friends list...if you guys want to hit her up go ahead. I here she is single and ready to mingle.

This be Sue and my little Sister Koy...They also took this picture at mall 205...I don't know why I have them in my picture gallery...hahahah. OH well...I just wanna say I love my little sister very much...I here she is going out with someone name Willy, William. P.S. to William...no sex with my sister until she's above sister use a condom everytime. Hahahah, just messing, but seriously though...no sex. Good luck to both of ya.

One last picture of my girl Farm...Damn don't she look hella nice in this picture...OH yeah. What a sexy mama. Check out that smile...geeze it's so bright, it's blinding me, hahah. So straight and perfect huh? Isn't she so beautiful people's. Yup. Hit up her page at babeetearz503. I can't say enough about this girl, because I don't know what to say....I already said so much, but I just wanna say more you know? She's so special to me...I never felt like this for anyone before...This girl is my first true love. It's feel good to be in love and have someone like Farm. I'm soooo lucky. Thank you God! Amen.


Sup, thanks for coming by my page and and checking it out. Ummmmm, sorry you can't leave me a note if you wanted to...have to go to my personal page in asianavenue.com. You can just leave your thoughts or whatever in my g-book if you like...also if you like to know more about my girl, check her page out at Babeetearz503 aights?

One last advice before you leave me page...If you think you found the girl of your dream...then you should go for it and not let anything block your way, aights? Peace out from 1 Azn Brother 2 Another.

AA-Romeo-Cutz4U AA-Romeo-Help4U AA-Xquisite-503 I3ootylicious Mystery_Mien PReTTiGiRL143 PreciousSuga SizzLiNgHot69 azn_gurl_shushi babeetearz503babyboo13 dungeon_dragon gHeTtOThAiChYcK laotian_babe lilsapphir3gyrl mi3n_cuzz714

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