Alien Weapons
The deadliest creature ever created neess the deadliest arsenal ever created. Here it is.
Claws: Rapid slashing claws make the alien a salad shooter on legs. Their claws can shred a human in seconds and can wear down ever healthy predators. Clawing corpses gain you some minor health too.
Tail: An aliens tail is one of its best weapons. Though it no longer tracks, it now carries a venomous dose. On a sucessful hit it stuns an enemy. It can be charged up by holding down the alt-fire button
Pounce: A new attack in AvP2. It is deadly as hell and as close of a long range weapon an alien will get. By pressing the pounce key you launch yourself at your target smashing whatever you hit into a pulp. You can also combine pounce with wall crawling to move swiftly from one surface to another.
Headbite: The  coup de grace on an aliens arsenal. It is completely fatal to any species except alien, which can't be head bitten. It also gives you a health boost as if you were a marine walking over a medkit. You can also headbite corpses to gain health though it will be substantially less than a live one.Now with the alien crosshair and the easier centering the headbite is more deadly than ever. Use it well for it shall become your best friend. The head bite is only deployed when your enemies head is centered in your screen, then is deployed by the claw attack button.
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