The Arizona Gay Ring


The Arizona Gay Ring is a Webring intended to link together personal and community related (non-commercial) home pages of Gay and Lesbian Arizonans. A Webring is a continuous loop of websites with Next and Previous buttons that take you from one site on the ring to the next. The idea behind the Arizona Gay Ring is to have a single resource where people can go to find a plethora of Gay Arizona related Web Pages. The ring will primarily be personal Web Pages of various gay Arizonans (and by 'gay', I mean homosexual men and women), but will also include Web Pages of non-commercial 'community' organizations, and for-profit organizations that provide supportive community services.

Note that this ring specifically DOES NOT INCLUDE sexually oriented sites. These are sites that have explicit nudity on them, or that have the purpose of promoting sex. These sites do have their place, and I have no personal problem with them, but I want this ring to be a place that centers around gay people - not around what they do in bed. I want it to be a place where any open minded person - straight or gay - could drop in and not be offended.

How Do You Join?

You become a member of the ring by first adding your site to a list of potential new members. After your site is reviewed, I will be notified by email that you've asked to be added to the list. I'll check out your site, and if you've met the basic rules of the ring, I'll add you! However, it may take a few days. The basic rules are that your site must be based on a person, community service or club in Arizona, the person or organization must be gay or gay related, the site must not involve explicit nudity or have any significant sexual 'prurient' interest, and the site must include a link to the Arizona Gay Ring on it. HTML code and images for linking to the Arizona Gay Ring from your web page will be supplied to you via email after you apply. You must add this Arizona Gay Ring HTML code to the web page you submit - not to an alternate page on your web site. If you'd like to join the ring, submit your site to the potential members list by clicking here.


Webrings: Summary

A Webring is exactly what it sounds like it is... a ring on the web! Each page on the ring has links to a main index and also to its neighbours on the ring. You can move around the ring in either direction and if you go far enough you come back to where you started.

The Arizona Gay Ring is what YOU make it: Join Now!


The Arizona Gay Ring is maintained by Brook Burson. Any questions, enquiries and so forth can be directed to me at [email protected]

[ Member List | Request to Join | Potential New Members | Goto Random Site ]

The Arizona Gay Ring is made possible by the Webring.


© 1999 Brook

If you would like to join or have any questions about the Arizona Gay Ring, please drop me some email at: [email protected]

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