About Me

I'll start of simply my name is Alex, and I like to spend my free time making programs. This whole website is my biggest project, it took alot of time to make. I try to make topics so people can do something for themselves and learn something new, or simply have some fun. I am learning HTML, CSS and Javascript and Im gonna say I went a farway. Programming is very intersting and fun to learn and do at free time, I used to keep on cpmplaining that Im so bored, no I always know I can make something new, to be exaxt anything I want. I can just program it. And I suggest you do to. This website actually started when I just learned HTML and CSS and it looked pretty bad to be honest, but I was happy with it, and I am still happy that I made it. But, look at the website now, its great. THe design is amazing, and I just simply love it. It's motiviating that if I can do this, I can learn much more lanugages like c# and Python which I will after I learn fully Javascript. Im not a pro with javascript or anything but I'll tell you I can definatly do basic Javascript. Well, that's all about me you can now return to the topic's page or maon page and do whatever you want really. Have a great day, chao.