©10SEP14 i'm a cubicle drone and i feel so alone these minature walls make my second home sitting in this chair getting fat feel trapped just like a rat surrounded by fat moms named deb and I never get time to surf the web a bunch of calls are now in queue nice customers are so far and few spend all my life on the fucking phone want to get the hell out travel and roam diet soda and junk food keeps us filled soon i'll be munching on ssri pills faceless robot at some corporation want to take a permanent vacation i'm a docile bot wish for corporate rot won't raise my voice to stir the pot make enough money not to raise a stir mind full of hate from customer words repetition is hell and I'm the miser won't ever become a supervisor i wouldn't care anyway already get yelled all fucking day expected to bend over like some fucking galley slave maybe my life would find some enjoyment if i were livin it up on unemployment i'm a cubicle drone now leave me alone