District 026 Stars

Campaign 16 #1 in Sales PC Member
Bev Arsenault, a David H McConnell Member, has $11,648 so far this cycle!

Campaign 16 Top Opportunity Representative
Amanda Trenholm with $3,166 in sales so far!

Top Increase Campaign 16
Highest Sales Increase PC Member
MArg Fairman with a $499 increse over last year!

Top Increase Opportunity Representative
Amanda Trenholm with a $675 increse over last year!

Leadership Stars

Campaign 15/09 Top 10 Leaders Click Here

Take a look at our latest All expense retreat in beautiful Cancun!

Getting on that plane next spring is easier than you think!
Contact Kelley or your upline for support and ideas!

Check out our memories!
(Look to the left and choose the album you wish to view)

Fabulous Firsts!

Congratulations to the Following New Representatives with at least 5 Customers and Fabulous First orders!

You are off to a great Beginning with your Avon Business!

Campaign 12 Fabulous Firsts

Cyndy Patterson with 8 customers & $275 in sales!

Campaign 13 Fabulous Firsts

Nancy Milliea with 15 customers & $1004 in sales!

Lisa Deveau with 12 customers & $424 in sales!

Mrs T Devarennes with 5 customers & $298 in sales!

Patricia Ryan with 10 customers & $297 in sales!

Johanne Hache with 9 customers & $209 in sales!

Campaign 14 Fabulous Firsts

Arlene Carroll with 8 customers & $556 in sales!

Cheryl Mullins with 5 customers & $320 in sales!

Jennifer Harris with 8 customers & $269 in sales!

Denise Pursey with 5 customers & $247 in sales!

Campaign 15 Fabulous Firsts

Mrs. G. Arsenault with 11 customers & $382 in sales!

Miss D Audfroid with 8 customers & $313 in sales!

Helen Inman with 7 customers & $311 in sales!

Congratulations to Our PC Achievers & Reachievers for the 2008/09 Cycle!
This Year's PC Cycle goes from C-12/08 to C-11/09

PC Title
Claudine Hachey
President's Club Apprentice
Campaign 13/08
Gisele Gauvin
President's Club Apprentice
Campaign 13/08
Tracey Allain
President's Club Apprentice
Campaign 16/08
Bev Arsenault
David H McConnell
Campaign 17/08
Vicki Hynes
President's Club Apprentice
Campaign 18/08
Marg Fairman
Honour Society
Campaign 19/08
Holly McLean
President's Club Apprentice
Campaign 19/08
Lisa Butland
Honour Society
Campaign 20/08
Emmanuel Lecocq
Honour Society
Campaign 20/08
Joanne King
Honour Society
Campaign 20/08
Aurelda Goguen
Honour Society
Campaign 21/08
Darlene Constantine
Honour Society
Campaign 21/08
Laura Basque
President's Club
Campaign 21/08
Sylvie Guimond
President's Club Apprentice
Campaign 21/08
Annette Leblanc
President's Club
Campaign 22/08
Jeannette Leblanc
President's Club
Campaign 22/08
Gloria Symes
Honour Society
Campaign 22/08
Linda Kay
Honour Society
Campaign 23/08
Rachel Staples
Honour Society
Campaign 23/08
Virginia Hannah
President's Club
Campaign 23/08
Carolyn Babineau
President's Club
Campaign 23/08
Huguette Sawyer
President's Club
Campaign 24/08
Barb MacDonald
President's Club
Campaign 24/08
Kim Hawker
President's Club
Campaign 24/08
Barb Goguen
President's Club
Campaign 24/08
Peggy Fraser
President's Club
Campaign 24/08
Cara Simon
President's Club
Campaign 24/08
Betty Leblanc
President's Club
Campaign 25/08
Kathy Weir
President's Club
Campaign 25/08
Linda Savoie
President's Club Apprentice
Campaign 26/08
Ann Marie Hatty
President's Club
Campaign 1/09
Lorraine Hicks
President's Club
Campaign 1/09
Kay Ward
President's Club
Campaign 2/09
Brenda Kelly
President's Club (First Time!)
Campaign 2/09
Anne J Leblanc
President's Club
Campaign 3/09
Sharon Dupuis
President's Club
Campaign 3/09
Rebecca Kenny
President's Club Apprentice
Campaign 3/09
Janice Freeman
President's Club
Campaign 4/09
Shannon Hayward
President's Club
Campaign 4/09
Shirley Estabrooks
President's Club
Campaign 4/09
Jeannette Leblanc
President's Club
Campaign 4/09
Eva MacEachern
President's Club
Campaign 4/09
Rose Croteau
President's Club
Campaign 5/09
Sylvia Girouard
President's Club
Campaign 5/09
Pam Slaughenwhite
President's Club
Campaign 5/09
Denise Thebeau
President's Club
Campaign 5/09
Mona Aube
President's Club
Campaign 5/09
Trudy Woods
President's Club
Campaign 6/09
Kathy Bourgeois
President's Club
Campaign 6/09
Arlene Burlock
President's Club
Campaign 6/09
Micheline Gould
President's Club (1st time!)
Campaign 6/09
Claudine Hachey
President's Club (1st time!)
Campaign 6/09
Joanna Hahn
President's Club
Campaign 7/09
Johanne Arsenault
President's Club
Campaign 7/09
Denise Saulnier
President's Club
Campaign 7/09
Debbie Copp
President's Club
Campaign 7/09
DeDe Murphy
President's Club
Campaign 7/09
Charline Cormier
President's Club
Campaign 8/09
Cheryl Landry
President's Club
Campaign 8/09
Susan Marney
President's Club
Campaign 9/09
Linda Pettipas
President's Club
Campaign 9/09
Louise Steele
President's Club
Campaign 10/09
Diane Keehn
President's Club
Campaign 10/09
Shirley McGovern
President's Club
Campaign 10/09
Angela Thomas
President's Club (1st Time!)
Campaign 10/09
Rebecca Kenny
President's Club (1st Time!)
Campaign 10/09
Cecile Richard
President's Club
Campaign 11/09
Linda Arsenault
President's Club
Campaign 11/09
Debbie Hicks
President's Club
Campaign 11/09
Rosella Melanson
President's Club (1st Time!)
Campaign 11/09
Natalie Paradis
President's Club
Campaign 11/09
Michelle Poirier
President's Club (1st Time!)
Campaign 11/09
Debra MacLaren
President's Club
Campaign 11/09
Shawnda Day
President's Club (1st Time!)
Campaign 11/09
Elizabeth Hawkes
President's Club (1st Time!)
Campaign 11/09
Louise Gautreau
President's Club (1st Time!)
Campaign 11/09

Stars of 2007/08 Cycle

For more detailed and current PC Ranking information Click Here

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