About Me

Hi, I'm your jolly webmistress! This site was started on Aug. 2, 2001, during a fit of procrastination. Judging by my former sites, I'll keep this one updated for maybe a month, two if it's lucky, followed by sporadic fits of minimal updates every 6 months or so during bouts of extreme guilt.

On the Mists of Avalon globeclub (see the link on the first page), I go as LostLuggage or Pahle. I have also been known as blackhat, little_potempkin, and patrasche. I can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected]. My AOL messenger name is QMadegan, and my real name is Rebecca. I will be 17 this upcoming National Metric Day, shall perhaps get my drivers license in a few weeks (no hurry), and have only two weeks left until summer is *sob* over!

The only TV programs I like are The Drew Carey Show, Whose Line is it Anyway (the old version and the new ABC one) and Mystery Science Theater 3000, which I don't watch anymore because it's only on as reruns on Saturday morning. I do watch, however, Beverly Hils 90210 *hides head in shame*, because I need my daily dose of stupidity. You would think that being around my two younger brothers would give me that, but it doesn't seem to.

Favourite music includes Loreena McKennitt (you'd never have guessed, huh?), hte Barenaked Ladies (coming out with a best hits album in November, I hear. Whoo!), Simon and Garfunkel, and the Goo Goo Dolls.

My favourite book is, of course, Mists of Avalon. As for the other Avalon books, I like Priestess of Avalon and The Forest House about the same, followed by Lady of Avalon. I just heard about Fall of Atlantis the other day, so I haven't read it yet. I read Mists for the first time during my freshman year of high school after having been introduced to Celtic mythology during one of my raids for information on Greek mythology, which I've loved since 5th grade. I'm now doing a 4000 word essay on religious control in Mists of Avalon and the companion books. Or at least I should be doing it. I'm sort of procrastinating. Other favourite authors include Neil Gaiman, Connie Willis, Margaret Atwood, Spider Robinson, Douglas Adams (who died! Waaaaah!). Other favourite books include A Confederacy of Dunces and Les Miserables, which is also the best musical ever.

Am I done? I'm done.


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