Autotheist's Corner

Information Survey

The purpose of this survey is to determine the level of material appropriate to our viewers. The information you provide is kept confidential, and is not released or sold to any other organization. If you do not want to answer a specific question, then don't, nothing is mandatory.

This survey is divided into the following sections:

SECTION A -- Personal Information

  1. If you have a webpage, please give its URL below:

  2. Select the subject areas you are most interested in:

    Computer Science
    Popular Science

  3. Select your level of education:

    Less than High School
    Graduated High School
    Undergraduate Degree
    Graduate Degree
    PhD and Active Research

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SECTION B -- Comments

  1. Please enter any additional comments regarding services:

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Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions in our survey.

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Revised: May 04, 1999.
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