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The Israeli Classical Liberal Web Sites

Editor: Noah Nissani

English - Articles     Hebrew     Spanish     Physics

Monthly Statistics of the Pages Downloaded from our Sites from November 1998
Each unit (#) represents 1000 requests for pages (files HTM or HTML) or more than half this number

# Pag 98-99 Mul # Pag 99-00 Mul # Pages 00-01 Mul # Pages 01-02
Nov513 #3.21634## 4.5 7331 ####### 1.4 10154 ##########
Dic529 #3.31737## 3.8 6666 ####### 1.2 7822 ########
3.31747## 4.2 7666 ######## 1.1 8410 ########
Feb610#4.32629### 4.1 10833 ########### 0.9 9734 ##########
Mar904#3.43109### 4.7 14537 ############### 0.74 10703 ###########
Apr1038#5.35537###### 3 16536 ################# 0.93 15457 ###############
May1603##4.26689####### 2.8 18728 ###################

Jun1031#5.25406##### 2 10608 ###########

Jul910#4.84371#### 1.9 8092 ########

Aug938#5.75384##### 1.9 10324 ##########

Sep940#7.16672####### 1.7 11419 ###########

Oct1059#7.47795######## 1.6 12350 ############

Totals 10,493 5.1 52,710 2.56 135,090


תירבעב שדח

יסאלקה םזילרבילל ןווקמ אובמ

,תיטפשמו תיטילופ היפוסוליפ ,הלכלכ ,תונורקע ,תודלות
תויפרגויבו תורוקמל םירושיק

אובמ - I קרפ
תודלות ,תונורקע ,חונימ

(I קלח) הלכלכ-ורקמ - II קרפ
.םזיליטנקרמה ,םיטרקויסיפה ,תויעדמ-םדקה הלכלכה תורות
.ישפוחה קושה תלכלכ לש םיידוסי םיגשומו תונורקע :"תינידמ הלכלכ"
,(Jean B.Say) ייס .ב ןי'ג ,(Adam Smith) תימס םדא
.(John S. Mill) לימ .ס ןו'ג-ו (David Ricardo) ודרקיר דוד

(םויס II קלח) הלכלכ-ורקמ - III קרפ
לימ טראויטס ןו'ג יפ לע רכשו ריחמ ,(Marginal Cost) תילוש תולע ןיב רשקה
סנייק דראנימ ןו'ג יפ לע ,(Trade Cycles) קושה ירוזחמ ,(John Stuart Mill)
,(Gross National Product) ג"לת ימלוג ימואל רצות .(John Maynard Keynes)
(Milton Friedman) ןמדיירפ ןוטלימ ,(Monetarism) םזירטנומ .היצלפניא ,(Growth) החימצ

(I קלח) תיטילופ היפוסוליפ - IV קרפ
(Aristotle) וטסירא תיסאלקה ןוויה תשרומ .ילרבילה רטשמה לש ילמרופה הנבמה
.(Montesquieu) ייקסטנומ הד ןורב - ינרדומה םזילרבילה ,(Plato) ןוטלפאו

(II קלח) תיטילופ היפוסוליפ - V קרפ
ך"נתהמ םימידקת .תיטפשמו תיטילופ היפוסוליפ .ילרבילה רטשמה לש יתוהמה ןכותה
יפ לע שנועהו קוחה תוהמ .(Bill of Rights) םדאה תויוכז .(Aristotle) וטסיראו
.(Magna Carta) אטרק הנגמ ,םיבייחו תובוחל סחי .(Montesquieu) ייקסטנומ
.תילרבילה היטרקומדה

םישדח םירמאמ

הוונע לומ תואשנתה - ןימי לומ לאמש *** ץלמומ
יפוסוליפ-וכיספה עקרבש םילדבהה תשולש

תוירוטסיה תודבועל תואתכמסא רחבמ *** ץלמומ

רוביצב הצופנ אל ןתעידיש

"תימלועה האושה םוי" וא "ימלועה האושה םוי"שדח יכה

תילסרבינואה האושה ןייניעב תימלוע ללכה הקיתשה תביס

ילילש סמל הביטנרטלא *** שדח היה

ינדור וא יתוכלמ רטשמ לש וקוזיחל רשוי הברהב ךרוצ ןיא"*** שדח

(ייקסטנומ) ."תוניגה אוהש ,ףסונ טנמלא שורד היטרקומדב ךא ...

ילרביל-יטרקומדה הנורתפו תיפארגומדה היעבה*** שדח רתוי


  • Articles

  • Classical Liberalism --Online primer with links to biographies and sources
    by Noah Nissani
    Chapter I -- Introduccion

    Introduccion to Classical Liberalism (Libertarianism), Marxism, Comunism or Scientific Socialism. The new political philosophy: From the Bible and Aristotle to Rousseau, Montesquieu, Hobbes, Locke, Baron of Cherbury, Cooper, Jefferson, Saint Simon, Robert Owen, Francois Fourier, Priestley, Juan B. Alberdi, Bernardino Rivadavia. The birth of the new science: From Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Boyle, Cavendish, Lavoisier to Einstein. The New Macro Economy: From the Physiocrats and Mercantilism to Adam Smith and the Industrial Revolution. The Religious Reformation: Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Spinoza. The Masonry: Washington, San Martin, Bolivar.

    * Introduction
    * The Nomenclature Mess
    * The Political Cartesian Space
    * Basic Principles
    * Historical Antecedents

    The following Chapters II and III are a concise explanation of Macro Economics. From the basic ideas of its founders in the 18th and 19th centuries, to the 20th century controversy between Keynesianism and Monetarism, from Adam Smith and David Ricardo to John M. Keynes and Milton Friedman. All what an educated citizen must know in order to understand the economic news.

    Chapter II -- Liberal Economy -- Part I (97K)
    * Introduction
    * Historical Antecedents
    * Free-Market Economy
    * Supply-Demand Law
    * Marginal Cost
    * Relative Efficiency
    * Surplus Value
    * Saving and Investment
    Chapter III -- Liberal Economy -- Part II (Conclusion)
    * Salary and Prices
    * Money
    * Quantity of Money, Circulation and Gross National Product (GNP)
    * Monetary, Cost, and Demand Inflation
    * Trade Cycles. Keynesianism versus Monetarism.
    * Epilogue
    Chapter IV -- Politics -- Part I (60K)
    1. Introduction
    2. Equality
    3. Liberal Equality
    4. Liberty
    5. Restriction of Government Functions
    6. Separation of Powers
    7. Legislature
    8. Executive Branch
    9. Judiciary
    10. Their Mutual Control
    Chapter V -- Politics -- Part II (60K)
    1. Laws
    2. Punishment
    3. Debts
    4. Democracy
    5. Kinds of Democracy
    6. Elections
    7. Leadership


  • Most New The Liberal-Democratic Solution to the Demographic Problem

  • More New Post Holocaust Adaptation of Jabotinsky Peace Plan

  • New Separate Army and Politics
    The use of the army as the governmental forceful arm in controversial political issues endangers our national existence

  • Was New A Stable Democracy Requires Probity(Montesquieu)
    Could Sharon be risking the Israeli Democracy?

  • The Man - Brief biography of Ze'ev Jabotinsky

  • Psycho-Philosophical Differences Between Left And Right
    An Empiro-logic Classification of the 20th Century Ideologies

  • Jabotinskian-Liberal Approach To The Arab-Jewish Conflict
    by Noah Nissani.
    "[Being a liberal] Jabotinsky had no ideological need to ignore either the presence of the Arabs or their legitimate rights.".. "..guided by his liberal ideology, demanded a final, equitable solution for both peoples." .."The danger lies in the temptation to exploit the situation in our short-term favor, achieving a seemingly favorable yet unstable peace, as the Allies did at the end of World War I." .."The Oslo Agreement, like the Versailles Treaty, is a collection of conditions imposed by the winner on the loser." .."Such a Palestinian state will necessarily be a chronic source of resentment and irredentism... waiting for the first favorable political or military contingencies to liberate the entire motherland. ...these contingencies will come about -- sooner or later.".. "[Jabotinsky] envisioned two autonomous peoples sharing the same land and each governing their own personal, cultural and religious lives."
  • Liberal Democracy for a Heterogeneous Society
    By Noah Nissani

    Zeev Jabotinsky - The Israeli Classical Liberal Website
    Is a Member of the Jewish History Ring Owned by
    the Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    wpe31.jpg (2309 bytes)

    This Jewish History Ring This site is owned by Noah Nissani

    Join Previous Next Next 5 Sites Random Site List Sites

    Advisable Reading:

    • Justice for Jonathan Pollard

    • Libertarians for Life (LFL) Web Site

      Abortion, Choice, and Libertarian Principles by Doris Gordon

      "in biological terms, conception is Day One in our life; we are all former zygotes, embryos, and fetuses; none of us was ever a sperm or an ovum;"..." a line drawn for when personhood and rights begin, other than at conception, is merely arbitrary;"..." When one human being can dictate whether another human being is a person, we should worry about our own prospects. I wouldn't want my personhood to be conditional under the law, subject to the arbitrary opinions of others. Would you? Yet, two tiers of humanity is precisely what abortion choicers support."

    • Free-Market Directory

      The Internet offers a wealth of ideas and information on liberty. But it's hard to find the gems in a mountain of raw ore. Free-Market.Net does the mining for you. Our extensive database of 1115 resources covers the spectrum of libertarian and free-market thought. Each entry has been reviewed by hand, annotated, and organized by category, topic, and geographical region.

      Would You Like:
      * to give your opinion, suggestion or criticism?
      * to collaborate to the diffusion of classical Liberalism?
      * or whatever it be.
    Please, contact me:
    Noah Nissani
    mailto:[email protected]
    Wingate 78 Apt. 23

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    Who Are You Noah Nissani?

    I am a retired physicist of the Ben Gurion University, coauthor of the book Gravitation, World Scientific, (1989) and several scientific papers including the monograph "SL(2,C) Gauge Theory of Gravitation", Physics Reports, 109/2 (1984). I was chairman of the Argentina Branch of the Union Revisionist Zionists (1944), and head of the anti-Nazi underground cell of the Faculty of Engineering, Buenos Aires University, during the government of the pro-Nazi military junta headed by Gen. Farrel.
    Return to the head of the page or if you are interested in more details:

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