Building Plot in Saalfelden Austria


Looking towards the valley

Austrian mountains look sensational blanketed in snow - but they are not covered throughout the entire year. Equally appealing are the tree-lined slopes, the cattle-grazed alms (high pastures) and the patchwork of fields in the valley floor.

Stunning mountain views

Surrounded by breathtaking mountains, with stunning panoramic views. Local ski runs are within walking distance. The plot is 3km from the centre of Saalfelden. The Saalbach Hinterglemm Leogang Ski-Circus is one of the largest ski networks in the Alps. The Asitz lift gives direct access to the Ski-Circus and 60 other ski lifts.

Forest and fields - Nature Reserve

The plot is on the boundary of the site. The forest and fields that you look over are part of a Nature Reserve. In addition to it's role as an oasis for wildlife, this also acts as a protective barrier against encroaching development.

Building in Austria

When it comes to creating a house in Austria, designers are given a degree of freedom one could only dream about in the UK. Houses supplied in kit form are becoming very popular – either self-built or more usually erected by the supplier – they provide fantastic scope for tailoring to the customer’s precise specification.
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