Crisis Periods

Every survivor goes through crisis periods. This is when you/the survivor may feel suicidal, desperate, with no hope, have no direction, am extremely stressed and have major physical and psychological problems, etc. This situation is either from the initial stages of recovery where everything seems new, the direct influence of programming with its lying despicable messages, harrassment, an event from general life such as a major disappointment that will indirectly trigger programming and/or a memory of the abuse.

Signs of stress are: a disorganized life- eg housework not done for days, sleeping a lot, not going out, overly using addictions, not going to work for days, homelessnes, etc; lacking hope and seeing no future; and having major (not the usual minor) relationship hassles with other survivors, partners, counsellors, friends and people generally; being overly suspicious of institutions, counsellors, friends and people generally.

Crisis periods are generally short term. If they go for over a very long time, there is a definite need to see a counsellor more. The general ways in deprogramming and working through memories are instead put aside for this short term coping.

Alleviating and Stopping the Crisis

These are suggestions from Beyond Survival magazine that have been used to take the edge off the pain. They are not the only ones. As someone who has survived such monstrous torture you/the survivor may have worked out many other ways of calming yourself/the survivor down.

Breathe. Breathe deeply and wriggle your toes. Rub your arms and legs. Blink hard. Keep eye contact with something such as your pet.

Make a list of your reasons NOT to kill yourself. Read it. Give a copy to your friends to read out to you when needed.

Be safe and warm. Put a blanket around you and cuddle a teddy bear. Hold onto your pet.

Make a list of things you can do to make you feel better: go out for dinner, have a bath, read a book, suck on a dummy, go for a walk. Whatever works or feels right for you.

Write in a journal.

Ring a friend.

Tell yourself that you are worth being loved. You are good.

Be proud of having survived. The fact that you are still alive after all the torture shows what an amazingly strong and lucky person you are.

Ring a crisis number and talk to them.

Stages of Recovery When You/The Survivor Feel Lost

The first crisis you/the survivor comes across is the initial stages when things are new and not understandable. Throughout the recovery process there are many periods of not knowing what is happening. They are crises because you feel that you cant cope. With acceptance and understanding of what is happening and guidance from friends, survivors, counsellors and information, you/the survivor can stop the crisis.

The initial stages of recovery when you/the survivor start to get memory and disclose the abuse are the hardest in many ways. Your/the survivor's whole life can change. Instead of holding things in and being abused, you/the survivor can now release memories and stop being abused. The crisis happens because you do not know this new type of living. There is a period of adjustment and becoming accustomed to memory work, understanding programming, deprogrammming, getting validation, stopping harassment, understanding the terminology, working with a counsellor, meeting other survivors, etc.

Generally, after about six months, you/the survivor do become used to the survivorship and recovery process. There is so much work and intensity involved that you/the survivor pick up the understanding quickly and get validation from other survivors and your counsellor. After a year it seems to become a natural thing. You/the survivor organize life around survivorship and it becomes easier. With two years and more, it becomes a part of life such as going for a run or going to the shop. Gradually with recovery you/the survivor tend not to have to rely on the survivorship lifestyle. You/the survivor tend to do more 'normal' things such as work, study, more parenting etc. By the time you/the survivor have achieved a functional and independent life, you/the survivor have outgrown the survivorship schedule.

Stress Directly From Programming

The programming with its despicable lies causes crisis periods as you/the survivor have to contend with both the violence of the programming methods and the trickery and the lies the cult tries to put in with the violence. The programming will come on when: you are remembering the abuse; when telling the abuse to another person including your counsellor; when being called back for a cult activity or at a specific age to assume a cult role; when having contact with innocent family who are not aware of being cult controlled and criminal family members who are cult active; when escaping or for other reasons that challenge and stop cult control.

Call Back Periods

Call Back periods occur when the cult/organization is calling you back to either attend its violent, criminal ceremonies or to assume cult roles within your/the survivor's age. You/the survivor feel the urge to ring or travel or make contact somehow and to change the usual work or recreation routines. These are for no apparent reason. What is happening is that inner personality parts are responding to a date cue eg October thirty first (halloween) that says "you/the survivor must return". There maybe specific ages in your life which the cult/organization has told you that "you must return" to adopt a role of control or organizing or work or something that only typically benefits the cult/organisation. The ages may differ between the differing manipulations of the cults/organizations and are determined by what it thinks it can get from you/the survivor in that particular age. Eg a young person and prostitution, a middle aged person with cult knowledge. The ages sometimes are perversions of pagan numerolgy such as forty two and thirty six (multiples of six) etc.

Cult/Organization Calendars The major call back periods for ceremonial abuse are within cult/organisation calendars of sadistic events. Within their anti societal ideologies, most dates are perversions of either ancient eg pagan (who were and are not today criminal) or modern eg Christian religions. The dates also are given specific torture related notions eg rape of a boy, etc. The cults/organizations have also been challenged well and many of them are now aware that the public know of the traditional dates. They have now moved many dates to public holidays as an attempted camouflage eg an "Australia Day party" acting as a murder ceremony. They may also utilise a close public holiday as the supposed date eg Labour Day weekend in NSW (first weekend in October) as Halloween. This a general version of cult/organisation calendars and follows patterns of anti-societal ideologies

The calendar therefore may follows as:

Australia Day January 26th

Candlemas 2 February


Autumn Equinox 21st March


ANZAC Day 25th April

Beltane Ist May

Labour Day Ist May (Q)

Queens Birthday early June

Winter Solstice 21st June

Lammas 2nd August

Spring Equinox 21st September

Labour Day first weekend in October (specific states)

Halloween (Samhain) 31st October

Summer Solstice 21st December

Christmas 25th December

There is a fair amount of variation among the groups. Each group emphasises particular dates according to its own sordidness. Some dates maybe mixed such as Summer Solstice and Christmas. Some dates are not used. Easter, May Ist and Halloween are generally the most stressful in Australia for satanic survivors. Some dates particularly halloween and beltane may go for a number of days. There could also be a variation with a leader's birthday, an anniversary of particular sordidness, a particular year with numerical significance, religions such as Jewish holidays, use of full moons, birthdays, Mothers Day, etc. Some groups and leaders may have become obsessed by satanic, nazi, etc ideology and read about other dates that they have emphasised. Generally, incorporation depends upon the leaders' sordidness.

Two Thousand Call Back period. This year, Two Thousand, the cults/organizations have emphasised a major call back period. The expectation for this year has been around for decades and there were major plans for the New Year and the following months. Survivors have specific call back programming for this year.

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