
This page has both survivor and people art generally and reviews of art (eg films) that relate to ritual abuse and its many specific aspect eg sexual abuse and mind control. Please feel free to send art or a review to [email protected] Ill check it in case there are triggers or have a cult/organization affiliation.

Survivor Artwork

Gary's Artwork

Gary is an Australian survivor who expresses himself with both drawings and writing. Check it out!!

Film Reviews

Wag The Dog

This is another great American film which shows how the government can reproduce a mythical war and get rid of any evidence in its making. The president of the U.S. has been found to be adulterous and his public relations "company" manufactures a war with Albania to try and stop any effects. It abuses supposed news stories, and then kills off their director. Shows how the government can try and influence public opinion. Felt so close to the reality of Clinton and Lewinsky, and Iran. With ritual abuse mind control developed by the military, the government has tried to invisibilize its development. Also, as with the atrocious whitewashing in the NSW Wood Royal Commission of ritual abuse, the government attempts to have a public relations gloss that society is "fine" and the rich "do no harm". David Free

Cutters Way

This is a great American film that shows how the despicable rich can try and get away with murder which is what ritual abuse organizations are about to me. In the film an evil faceless tycoon has killed a girl "for kicks" and dumped her body. Bone (Jeff Bridges) sees the body being dumped and tells his friends Cutter and Mo that he possibly recognizes the tycoon as the killer. Cutter, from his rich background can easily accept this treatment of people (labour) as any kind of fodder. The film is about coming to the conclusion that in fact the tycoon is the killer and Bridges obtains justice. Excellent. Helped me get through the night many times. David Free

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