International Ritual Abuse Survivor Resources

This page has website addresses for International Ritual Abuse Survivor Resources. It includes both general ritual abuse survivor webpages and specific ones eg Masonry and geographical areas. It also has webpages of similar abuse eg government/military mind control survivors, organized child and adult pornography, covert criminal organizations, etc.

The ones listed are from the yahoo search engine and then recommended by survivors that I know personally or from email.

Email lists, general information, book reviews, etc are some of the resources available. I was actually able to escape the cult I was abused in by using the net. I met a survivor who was on an email list and she helped me escape by supporting me in the 1000 km move. In Brisbane where I live I have no cult abuse as either accessing or being forced into activities.

The survivor can also find their own resources using yahoo, altavista, infoseek, etc search engines. Yahoo for example is at There are many websites that survivors have had problems with from either being reabused for cult activities or have been too dogmatic in their beliefs. Caution is needed. Survivors have got a lot out of using international internet resources and people should follow their intuition and looking at whether they have benefited. Talking to a therapist and reliable friends for feedback is also important in seeing whether the resource is valuable.

General Ritual Abuse Webpages

The Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime and Healing Webpage. gives a very good introduction and broad information on ritual abuse.

Specific Ritual Abuse Webpages By Form

SMART Stopping Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Today provides information about ritual abuse generally and Masonic Ritual Abuse

Webpages of Similar and Joint Abuse

Mind Control/Brainwashing/Programming

Ritual abuse survivors were abused by horrific torture in the brainwashing process. Governments, the military/defence forces, espionage and "security" agencies, etc also employed these same methods to experiment with and reproduce programmed civilians and personnel. Many ritual abuse survivors were also tortured within these organizations for these purposes. These are well written and reserached webpages concerned with mind control by other organizations.

Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors and Mind Control

Email and Newsgroup Lists

A selection of publically advertized email lists is at Just type in ritual abuse in the subject search. Caution is needed. Even though list facilitators and contributors generally are very safty minded, emailing other survivors (both facilitators and contributors) can go outside safety measures. There can be very little information with knowing who they are and not having other people for feedback. This could lead to being revictimized. There are actual cases of revictimisation through email and the internet. Most survivors however have got a lot out of this support. I personally have not come across any revictimisation. Use feelings and intuition, and whether you have benefited from the discussions.

Selected Bibliographies

Biographies can be found on the The Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime and Healing Webpage.

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