Australian Similar Resources

This page has website addresses for similar survivorship in Australia. Ritual abuse survivors sometimes like information about similar concerns and to talk to similar survivors of say sexual assault, etc.

General Survivor Pages

Survivors on the Net-Australia This page gives a very good outline of survivorship concerns and activism, as well as a full list of resources.

Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse ASCA This survivor initiated community based agency provides support for survivors of all child abuse including ritual abuse.

Sexual Assault

Gay and Bisexual Male Adult Survivors of Sexual Assault This page gives support to gay and bisexual male adult survivors as well as a general understanding of sexual assault.

S.H.O.U.T. Women Survivors of Sexual Assault This page gives support to women survivors as well as a general understanding of sexual assault.

Self Injury/Crisis Information

SIN Self Injury Network Australia This page gives education and support for self injury survivors.

Kids Helpline This page has email counselling and telephone counselling information for children and young people.

Child Protection/Organized Pedophilia

National Child Protection Clearinghouse This Australian government agency is concerned about child neglect and abuse.

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