







Care of

Your Neo

Our Photo




Our Dogs

At the moment we have two pet Neapolitan Mastiffs; we get a great deal of joy from them both. They both are loads of fun and have excellent temperaments and love children. Here is a little bit of information about them.


Drosdelnochs Wild Daydream From Dragonpaw

(Pet name – Rainbow)

Rainbow is a fairly new addition to our family and she has fitted in immediately. However there was a time during house training when we had some ‘fun’ with her. She is a very loving and caring blue neo and the cleverest one I’ve met to date. She cannot just only open doors and cupboards etc. she can open the fridge, take out a carton of milk pour it in her bowl and put it back again!! That caused a few family arguments before we saw her leisurely doing it one Sunday afternoon. She watches the television for hours on end and has recently learnt how to change channels over, not to things she wants to watch, just to anything other than the ones I want to watch, but we love her just the same…. She is very talented and has a promising showing career in front of her. Watch this space!

Rainbow snoozing in the Volvo – ‘bootiful’.

For more pictures please look in our photo album.


Kamatse Echo’s Of Titanius From Dragonpaw

(Pet name – Titan)

Titan is a HUGE black/blonde brindle dog. He is an ideal house dog as he is incredibly lazy! He never worries about his walks; as long as he’s fed he’s more than happy. Although he does love his walks because he can play “Hunt the crisp packet”, which is his favourite game at the moment, so if you sound like a packet of Walkers finest when you come to visit – beware! Other favourite games at the moment include; “Slobber in the shoe”, “Eat the remote control”, “Sleep on the bed” and in joint first place with the crisp packet game is the old favourite – “spread the contents of the bin over the house”. He’s such a treasure!


He sounds a handful, but he has grown out of most of these habits now and when he looks you in the eye you can never get cross with him. He is the most handsome and genuinely loving dog I’ve ever met. He would do anything to please or protect you. We are really blessed with two fantastic additions to our family.


Titan & Echo (our Patterdale-Cross bitch) queuing to get downstairs.

For more pictures please look in our photo album.




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