The Brak Show - Episode 10


Zorak: You're stupid, and because of that, I'm leaving.

Brak (song):
Brak he wanna get himself a lady.
Brak he wanna lady now.
Need a want a gotta have a lady.
Someone's gotta show him how.
Got to get a la-hey-hey-hey-dy, now!

Brak's Mom: We need you to be brave, dear.
Brak's Dad: When did that start?

Brak: Hey, Dad, what do women want?
Brak's Dad: You're lookin' at it, little man. Next question.
Brak: Okay. How do I get a girl to go out with me?
Brak's Dad: Well, let's see, hmm...oh, oh try this. Rent a baby. Take it to the park, and when a beautiful woman approaches to admire the baby, tell her your wife has just melted and start crying. You'll be married that afternoon.
Brak's Mom: You mean...that wasn't your baby? What kind of man would take a baby to the park and try--
Brak's Dad: Excuse me, darling. Brak, why are you so interested in women all of a sudden?
Brak: Because I'm full of LOVE, Dad! And I want to UNLEASH it on some unsuspecting honey, like a piano falling all the way from heaven.

Brak's Dad: Ah, that Poppy. He could work the ladies like Siegfried and Roy.

Brak: I'm gonna go find me some superfoxy ladies to call me 'Big Papa,' cuz I love it when they call me that.

Brak's Dad: And you're sure it was Huckleberry Hound who picked up the nose?
Brak: Well he had on his hat and bowtie.
Brak's Mom: Was he blue?
Brak: Of course he was blue. It was Huckleberry Hound, Mother.




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