America's Cup Village

The evening that Team New Zealand retained the Cup


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The evening start out with a gentle Bampton, which very soon attracted quite a wide audience.

Many of whom wanted to join in, and did.


The Squire with one of the many revelers - not sure what dance she thought she was doing, but it certainly wasn't what we were doing !


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Nobody appeared bothered about time or style, other than waving the hankies about.

You mean - you actually dance in time with the music !

But as long as they were enjoying themselves... who cares.


When it came to bringing the sticks out....

Everybody wanted to have a go.

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Fortunately nobody got hit too hard with a stick - I very much doubt if anybody would have felt anything at the time anyway.


While other's were just quite happy to sit and watch the evening's proceedings with total disinterest.


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