WATER, the First of 'THE FOUR FORCES' is 'the symbol' of TRUTH.


Truth is present in the Beginning of the Creation of All things, microcosmicaly, or macrocosmicly; whether of this universe, the earth, humankind, this Solar System, Galaxies, Nebulae, or the atom. It is the present Design and Conrol Pattern of Being NOW that ultimately undergirds the very foundation of Reality, which allows us to experience Life in this very moment. Within the Cosmic Force we call Truth, reside the Laws and Principles of Manifestation, and all of the principles of creation insofar as we are aware of them.
"The Truth is true , and all is well, unconquerable Life prevails!"
~Martin Exeter~


TRUTH is neither a mental concept, nor a theory, belief, or a symbol of anything, but is rather the cohesive Design and Control Pattern that allows anything to manifest through the radiantly Creative Power of Love. This is why the phrase, "GOD is Love"- contains everything we are able to know and rejoice in as human beings. The infinite differentiations in the beauty of the Design which we observe throughout the wondrous and awesome panorama of Creation, are but the evidences of the Reality of Truth. Many many individuals have accepted the statement "what the world needs now is love sweet love", without too much thought. Nevertheless, though this sounds most reasonable at first blush, I would suggest that before any one of us can comprehend the vast nuances of what Love is, we must first re-discover, appreciate, and come into 'attunement with' the all important predecessor of everything - Truth. And it matters not at what level or frequency of Being that is made manifest here or anywhere, it is Truth that provides the implicate design of that level. Thus, our understanding of, and 'attunement with' this first Creative Force, symbolized so wonderfully by water, is vitally important. It has nothing to do with mental 'concepts about', or no matter how lofty, but rather, this reality provides the very framework of the eternally unfolding pattern of Reality.

Furthermore, 'Truth' never violates it's own Laws, or Nature, and wherever it flows, it nourishes all, carrying the gift of Life selflessly. Nothing in fact is able to exist outside of the Pattern of Truth, with It's inherent Design and Control Factors. The apparent misapplications of use to which human beings put the design and control patterns which are still within the range of their control are unreal, and therefore unlasting. They too shall pass. Truth will remain. We have no need to judge as to what is good, or evil, for what is, IS. If it violates the basic laws and principles of Truth it will disintegrate sooner rather than later. Those things which are of the nature and quality of Truth, are always beautiful, lovely, and awesome in the intricacy of their design. One might say that Truth is the Pattern which BEING uses when about to create anything:-)


IT is the very 'Thing ItSelf'.

It is the actual means by which Reality is clothed, or given a particularized form, and thus has nothing to do with the realm of human concept or belief. It cannot be changed or influenced by any human means whatsoever. It cannot even be found...but only 'approached' - for it already always IS!

It is at the core of our Being in every single moment and makes possible Life.

It simply IS !

Upon it rests all of the other Forces in the Creative Cycle.

Our text in approaching a basic understanding of the essence and movement of  'The Four Forces', will be 'The Great Book of Magic', particularly it's first two chapters. Other material could certainly be used, but let us use that which is both culturally and subconsciously familiar in 'the West'.

Amazingly, when read without prejudice, the entire Sequence of the Creative Working of the Four Forces, and indeed the very 'Secrets of Creation' are outlined clearly with great brevity. However, one must approach this material in a scientific manner, without preconception if there be any hope of new realization. For beyond the outer appearance of the story, and the infantile concepts which it has tended to generate in many, lies a veritable 'Treatise on Creation'.

The Book of Genesis, in it's first few chapters provides a complete outline in the most sublime and poetic language of the true sequence, and working of 'The Four Forces'.
Let us consider, the WATER Force as it is first introduced "in the beginning...," on the first Day of Creation, which lasted some 2,154 years.

Gen 1:1-2

1. ' In the beginning God (SOURCE) created the heavens and the earth.

2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep (of unformed space).

And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.'

HERE WE SEE THAT THE ENTIRE 'FIRST CREATIVE DAY' WORKED OUT IN RELATION TO THE FORCE SYMBOLIZED AS 'WATER(S)'. And not only that, but Water, or Truth was the dominant force through the subsequent three cycles of sequential outworking.
But more on that later.

Water's qualities and nature are representative of this First Creative Force. Lao Tse made excellent use of this image, as did Confucius, and Jesus. It is always moving... creating... and giving life to all in it's path... without concern for results. It is possessed of tremendous Force and Power, yet it is soft ,yielding and malleable, illustrating the Way in which all substance loves to respond and be lifted up by the Pattern of Truth.

In the various differentiations of Truth, the Invisible Pattern, or Design of Being, is set, before there is a manifestation of any kind.
Love, can only work creatively through The Design and Control Patterns inherent in Truth. One could say that the substance of the unformed, or 'the deep', is caused to conform too and flow through the Pattern of Truth in the Creation of any particular form. Yet all Creation is set in motion by that which is Invisible and contains within ItSelf everything. One in ALL and ALL in One, is not only the realization of the Mystics, but also of the latest generation of Quantum Physicists.

Here begins the unfoldment of 'the how' of  matter's conforming to Invisible Design Factors. This process could be likened to the demonstration of how iron filings naturally come into Pattern along the invisible lines of Force created by a magnet, and reveal a visible design.

This same principle works throughout the Universe, from the micro to the macro. And finally, 'Truth' absolutely transcends.




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